"Follow me," Chen Batian said to Xiao Qi.

He took Xiao Qi through the back door of the small courtyard to a martial arts arena, and Chen Batian was standing in the center of the martial arts arena at this time.

"Test your domineering first, you try to attack me with your strongest armed color domineering," Chen Batian said.

Xiao Qi did not leave his hand, "shaving" armed color flowing cherry, inky black fist slammed into Chu Batian, the opposite Chu Batian did not move, saw Xiao Qi's flowing cherry blossom just slowly raised his right hand across his chest, palm outward easily blocked.


came a sound of metal colliding, Xiao Qi instantly flew upside down, unloaded most of the power after two flips in the air and fell to the ground, at this time his entire right arm was numb, and he felt like he hit a hard steel wall. Looking at Chu Batian again, he saw that he didn't move, slowly lowered his right hand, and his clothes fluttered, like a god of war.

"Your armed color has reached the intermediate level, and it is much stronger than the ordinary intermediate level, and you are very familiar with it, and the armed color winding of that blow is also very beautiful" Chu Batian was full of appreciation.

"The next thing is to see and smell the domineering, now I will attack, you do your best to dodge" After saying that, the figure disappeared instantly, Xiao Qi quickly saw and heard the color, but he did not perceive Chu Batian, as if he suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared.


" Xiao Qi was blasted out, and Chu Batian's figure appeared next to him, and then said, "Seeing and hearing is also intermediate, although I can sense a little breath, but the reaction speed is too slow."

Xiao Qi, who was lying on the ground, felt very weak, facing Chu Batian, he felt that Chu Batian was like a mountain that was difficult to climb, and the gap between him and the eighth-order king powerhouse was so large that he couldn't even take a move.

Seeing Xiao Qi's low will, Chen Chu Batian spoke: "You are different from us old men, the current stage belongs to you young people, as long as you are given time, you will definitely surpass us."

"You used to be too smooth, although you are considered a strong person among the freshmen, but you are far from the real top powerhouse, the next overlord color domineering."

Immediately with Chu Batian as the center spread white qi waves to the surroundings towards Xiao Qi, he was not to be outdone, released the overlord color to greet it, the two breaths collided, surrounded by flashing red and black thunder, he could feel the unfathomable color of Chu Batian's overlord color, if his overlord color is a spring of water, then Chu Batian is an ocean, and then he was shot out without accident."

"Sure enough, do you have it too," Chu Batian muttered.

"The overlord color is also intermediate, but it is much worse than your armed color, and you can focus on cultivating the overlord color in the future."

After a few hours, Xiao Qi collapsed on the martial arts training field, and the high-intensity practice made him almost exhausted.

"Come here today, in a few days I will take you to the No. 3 secret realm outside the imperial capital city for actual combat training, and this is today's worship ceremony."

"Oh, by the way, tomorrow you will report to the first class of special training" Chu Batian threw a seventh-order ferocious beast crystal nucleus to Xiao Qi and left the martial arts arena, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly when he turned around.

Today's training Xiao Qi has made great progress, and the armed color has made a great breakthrough, from the very beginning of being ejected and the body fell uncontrollably to the ground, to the later being ejected and flying out can barely stand, this is a qualitative leap, indicating that he can control his body under the armed color domineering of Chu Batian.

Seeing and hearing also from the very beginning of the "blind", to the end can also feel a trace of Chu Batian's breath, although he was still killed by a punch, but the progress was not small, lying on the ground for a while, then left the martial arts training ground.

Came to the small courtyard, did not see Chu Batian, he left, came to his villa, because Xiao Qi is the national champion, the imperial capital academy separately assigned him an independent villa, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, which is fully equipped, all kinds of ingredients, and even a special material made of puppet training room, although he can't wait to try it, but his body does not allow.

In the kitchen, I cooked a bowl of tomato chicken noodles casually, ate it fragrantly, and dialed Xiao Qingxue's phone while eating noodles, and quickly connected, and a sweet voice came from the phone.

"Hey, brother, you called me," Xiao Qingxue looked very happy on the other side of the phone.

"Well, did you eat properly at home? When my brother is settled, I will go back to see you when I have time and bring you gifts."

"Yay, yes! My brother is so good, I have a good meal, Qingxue is good at home."

Then Xiao Qingxue told him interesting things about school, this bowl of noodles Xiao Qi ate for half an hour, and then hung up the phone in Xiao Qingxue's reluctance, he cleaned up casually, took a hot bath and went back to the bedroom to rest.

Lying on the bed

, "the system opens my panel",

and then a blue light curtain appeared in front of Xiao Qi.

"Name: Xiao Qi

" "Physique: Sixth

Order" "Level: Fifth Order Peak

" "Six Style: 1260/10000 (Advanced)", "Armed Color Domineering: 1080/10000 (Advanced)", "Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering: 1080/10000 (Advanced)" "Overlord Color Domineering: 530/1000 (Intermediate Level)"

"Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit (Awakening 100%, eliminating double damage side effects, eliminating elementalization side effects), Shining Fruit (Awakening 50%)".

Sure enough, his armed color and seeing color have broken through the high-level, and the overlord color has also improved a lot.

"Has the Shining Fruit awakened 50%?"

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qi muttered, which meant that his Dark Fruit and Shining Fruit were more and more perfectly combined.

After a few moments, it fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, he came to the first class of special training, there are not many people in the first class of special training, only about more than thirty people, compared to other classes, relatively few, walking into the classroom, he scanned for a week with his sights, more than thirty people are mostly third-order small minions, only a few people can reach the fourth order, he found a back empty seat and sat down.

"He is the national champion, so handsome

" "Looking at his eyes just now, I seem to be targeted by something terrifying

" "It's not good, it looks like a little white face"

The students saw Xiao Qi come in and kept talking.

After yesterday's battle with Yanhai, Xiao Qi has become a celebrity of the imperial capital academy, and on the first day he came to the academy, he beat the people of the Yan family of the imperial capital's century-old family, and in the end, he didn't even give the face of the Lei family, one of the four major families of the imperial capital, and let the young lord of the Lei family Lei Ting not come to the stage, and one person was the two major families of the imperial capital, and they were all ashamed of themselves.

Some students exchanged ears and ears of enthusiastic discussion, twitter, after a while, walked in a Mediterranean teacher, looking at the age of about sixty or seventy, after a simple self-introduction began to lecture, talking about some very shallow things, Xiao Qi did not listen to the muddy class and passed.

"Okay, the next class is a practical class, follow me below" After saying that, Huang Hong walked out of the classroom, and everyone followed Huang Hong to the martial arts training ground, which was much smaller than the martial arts arena of his teacher Chen Batian's small courtyard, which was a miniature version of the martial arts arena.

"Next, I will ask two students to come up and give a demonstration to the students," Huang Hong said with a smile.

"Yan Feng", Huang Hong glanced around the crowd, looked at one of the few fourth-order psionics, and finally swept his gaze towards Xiao Qi, but there was a wistful hostility in his eyes.

Xiao Qi didn't know where to offend him, the only person he knew surnamed Huang was the sixth-order spiritual energy Huang Bohong who had saved him on the way to the imperial capital, it stands to reason that he had saved his life, he had no reason to be hostile to himself, then there was only the sea of flame and thunder that he had beaten yesterday.

"Xiao Qi, just come up and set an example for the students, and let the students see the strength of the national champion."

Xiao Qi and Yan Feng stood up at the same time and walked towards the center of the martial arts training ground, and when they arrived at the center, they stopped at the same time and stood opposite each other.

"Since it is domineering teaching today, you can only use domineering, like the six styles, the Devil Fruit ability will not be used, so that the teacher can also detect your domineering level" Huang Hong's voice came from the side.

Xiao Qi understood in his heart, this was intentional, yesterday he used the advanced six styles in the battle against the Yanhai, so Huang Hong would prohibit the use of the six styles, as for the Devil Fruit ability, he just said casually, who doesn't know that the national champion is the big fool Boyi who chose one of the ten waste fruits as a result of the awakening phantom beast species.

As for why Yan Feng was chosen, in addition to being one of the only few fourth-order abilities in the class, he was also Yan Feng's cousin, and yesterday Yan Feng was humiliated by Xiao Qi, and he refused to know.

Xiao Qi also wanted to try what level of domineering he was now after Chen Batian's guidance yesterday.



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