The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Liu Ying!!"

Boom! !

A purple light that cut through the castle was like a crescent moon, plowing far away!

Ye Chi looked at the old baboon lying in a pool of blood, and took a few deep breaths with his knife on his back!

The battle stopped, and Ouyang Xueyuan outside the door ran in quickly, clasping his hands together to release a warm white light, eliminating Ye Chi's exhaustion and fatigue.

"Are you okay?"

Ye Chi nodded, and all the crises were over, and he could finally take a breath.

The cool breeze blew in from the hole in the castle, and Ye Chi's bangs fluttered.

He realized that his mask had fallen off at some point.

Looking at the pile of god-enhancing fruits over there, Ye Chi flashed over, grabbed them and ate them in big mouthfuls!

Ouyang Xueyuan looked at them in surprise and said, "You can't eat like this!"

She couldn't stop Ye Chi's actions. After stuffing his mouth with them, Ye Chi chewed the sweetness of the fruit.

After swallowing, his internal organs also enjoyed the energy replenishment.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

After such an experience, Ye Chi's body was overdrawn too much!

He was now like a 600-pound person. If he missed a meal, he would be tortured crazy by hunger!

"I have some bread here, do you want it..."

Ouyang Xueyuan was still very worried that Ye Chi would eat so many god-enhancing fruits. Eating too much of this thing would destroy him!

Ye Chi pushed her away, stuffed a few fruits in his mouth, and then he came to a baboon.

In Ouyang Xueyuan's astonishment, he dismembered the baboon with a knife!

All the thighs were cut off by Ye Chi. He regretted that he had no burning ability now, so he could only slowly roast the meat.

Dragging a few thighs, Ye Chi turned around and said, "Go outside to pick up some firewood, remember not to go too far."


Ouyang Xueyuan looked like a layperson, but she didn't mind this at all.

After starting a fire and scrambling the thigh meat, Ye Chi continued to eat the god-enhancing fruit.

The bonfire shone on Ouyang Xueyuan's face, and she worriedly said, "Is it really okay for you to do this?"

"Don't worry about me."

Ye Chi didn't have time to pay attention to her. The mental power that surged like a tide in his brain membrane finally made him let go of the big stone in his heart.

That night, Ye Chi kept fighting with the god-enhancing fruit and the roasted baboon meat.

It was the first time that Ouyang Xueyuan saw someone who could eat so much!

If she hadn't seen Ye Chi eating the mountain of god-enhancing fruits with her own eyes, she would have thought someone had stolen them in the middle of the night!

Ye Chi felt a gaze falling on him, and he stretched his body, crackling like firecrackers!

After feeling the abundant power in his body again and becoming several times stronger, Ye Chi felt that this trip was not in vain!

As for the god-enhancing fruits he ate yesterday, I don't know if there are 2 billion, anyway, it is definitely a super high price if thrown outside!

"These baboons really helped me a lot!"

Ye Chi patted his body and scanned the remaining "food reserves" in the castle. He said to Ouyang Xueyuan: "You have a space ring, can you take them back?"

There are still more than a dozen baboons that have not been eaten, and they are worth more than a billion dollars if they are left outside!

It is impossible for Ye Chi to discard such a high price.

Ouyang Xueyuan nodded. Although she didn't like these things, she still put them away for Ye Chi.

"Are we going back?"

Ye Chi heard this and shook his head and said, "Didn't you say someone would come to pick you up? Just wait for them to come."

Ye Chi didn't plan to go out in a swagger. If he wanted to fight back, he had to kill the person with the ability of the fruit in the sky first!

Ouyang Xueyuan nodded.

"Then you now..."

"Let's go to the back and take a look later."

After Ye Chi finished speaking, he finally walked towards Hei Dao Ye.

This kind of spiritual blade has already recognized its master. Ye Chi was too weak yesterday and couldn't pick up Hei Dao Ye.

"Today, I'm different!"

Ye Chi's whole body was full of momentum, and the domineering aura of flowing cherry blossoms flowed on his palm!

He grabbed Hei Dao Ye, and the texture of the pattern in his hand was very strong!

It was not comparable to Yan Mo at all!

"Get up!"

It was obviously just a knife, but Ye Chi felt that it seemed as heavy as a mountain!

And it was a mountain that would resist you!

In order to subdue the knife, Ye Chi used all his Armament Haki, and the flowing cherry blossoms surged and pressed on the knife, and the whole space began to shake faintly!

But the knife was still resisting!

Ye Chi shouted: "Even a baboon can use you, what are you proud of!"

"Purgatory Cold!"

Flowing cherry blossoms squeezed

, covered with ice, Black Blade Night was like a small boat in the sea, supporting itself alone.

Ye Chi did not believe in evil, and finally burst out a terrible soul pressure!

Roar! !

This indiscriminate terrible suppression made Ouyang Xueyuan, who was shrinking in the distance, buzz his head!

Ye Chi's soul power was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The unruly Black Blade Night finally gave up resistance at this moment.

The weight of ten thousand pounds receded like a tide, and Ye Chi's palm lightened, and he successfully lifted this peerless blade.

The arrogance on his face was unstoppable!

"Hahahahaha!!! With it, Ye Wuji, you will definitely die!"

Ye Chi was angry when he thought of the guy's face, and waved the knife in his hand.

The sharp Black Blade Night flashed a terrible clear sound!

Ye Chi looked straight ahead and chopped the sword from bottom to top!

Boom! ! !

A crescent-shaped sword energy as high as a hundred meters flew out!

Ouyang Xueyuan covered her mouth in disbelief!

Oh my God! !

I don’t know if the sword is too strong or the person has become stronger, Ye Chi feels that at this moment, even the fourth level has the strength to fight!

"Why are you still distracted, let’s go!"

Ye Chi inserted the sword into his back and walked towards the crack of the broken castle.

Behind the castle is a valley. Some places can be seen as areas where baboons are often active.

And there are sword marks on the stone wall. Ye Chi can feel in his heart that Hawkeye once practiced sword here when he looked at those sword marks!

"Sword stone!"

At this time, Ouyang Xueyuan screamed.

Ye Chi raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this thing valuable?"

Ouyang Xueyuan nodded and said, "If the sword intent on it is very strong, it will be very valuable!"

Since it is very valuable, Ye Chi has no reason to let them go.

"Can the ring fit?"

Ouyang Xueyuan's heart skipped a beat when she heard this!

"It can fit, you want to take them away too?"

These are sword marks on the cliff, how can I take them away?

Ye Chi said nothing, he turned his sword horizontally, his eyes flashed with sharpness!

Three invisible cuts!

The sword stone on the cliff fell down slowly in an instant!

Ye Chi jumped up and held it with his hand!

Ouyang Xueyuan hurried over to fit it, she said in shock: "It's too big, I'm afraid I can't fit a few pieces."

Ye Chi didn't mind and said: "Then fit as many as you can!"

The sword energy was like mowing grass. After harvesting a few sword stones, he could also feel that the remaining stones were not simple!

"I want to comprehend these sword energies here, you can do whatever you want."

After speaking, Ye Chi stood like a scarecrow, his eyes empty, as if he had traveled through time and space, just like the Hawkeye who raised the knife at that time!

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