The first time, the first time, the second time.

"Everyone! Please look at the big screen!"

This time it's not a simple projection, but the best pixel copy!

A clear corner of the sword stone appeared on the screen, and the sword masters present looked at the mirror-smooth cut surface and gasped!

"No! Why is there only this? How can we know if this sword is powerful if there are more?"

"Yes! Project more! Such a profound sword meaning, I don't believe anyone can understand it by looking at this corner!"

In response to everyone's expectations, the projection really has a toothache!

Xie Yueer smiled and said, "Everyone, this is also for the sake of value preservation. Although I want to show you more, the seller will not let me off!"

The degree is well controlled, and the real climax of the auction is coming!

Many people can't suppress their excitement and want to win this sword stone that symbolizes supremacy!

"Mr. Tang, what do you think?" A young man asked with a smile.

Tang Tianzong drank tea and said calmly, "This girl has good skills."

Technology refers to auction technology.

People who are really valuable are not confused by this small knife.

Because it is really just a knife, it is not that there is nothing in it, but the person who performs the swordsmanship is too deep and profound!

Just like the college entrance examination, you may be able to solve the difficult problems if you do them more, but now the problem is in front of you, this quick sword stone is equivalent to a corner of the difficult problem!

The problem is difficult in the first place, and you only have a little hint, how can you understand it completely?

Therefore, Tang Tianzong's evaluation of a sword stone is: chicken ribs.

At this time, Xie Yue'er also quoted a low price: "Starting at 50 million!"

Some people frowned when they heard this. Why did such a powerful sword only start at 50 million?

Some people were amazed! It actually started at 50 million!

"60 million!"

"70 million!"

"100 million!"

The bidding couldn't stop at all, and many people even borrowed money to buy it, with great momentum!

Until the dividing line of 1 billion, ordinary rich people also stopped.

Then it was the turn of the consortiums that really liked the treasure.

"1.2 billion!" The Song family was the first to bid.

As soon as the Song family opened their mouths, the entire auction hall suddenly became silent.

Tang Tianzong smiled and raised his sign, saying, "1.5 billion!"

The Song family glanced and said, "Mr. Tang, the family has reminded us that although this sword stone only has one sword, it cannot fall into your hands. Sorry, 1.7 billion!"

Tang Tianzong snorted, "Over the years, I haven't made much progress, but my money has increased a lot, 2 billion!"

"2.3 billion!" The Song family gritted their teeth and said fiercely!

"2.5 billion!"

Tang Tianzong's bid increase again made everyone in the auction hall gasp!

Ye Chi listened to the two big families fighting, and it would be a lie if he didn't get excited!

"This is a good thing, sometimes one piece... can be sold for several pieces!"

Things are rare and valuable, and Ye Chi understood it.

"My Song family, 3 billion!" The Song family snorted!

Tang Tianzong smiled, stood up and turned around and said, "Okay! I'll give it to you!"

Mr. Tang's position was straightforward. Just when everyone thought that the sword stone would go to the Song family, another female voice sounded:

"I'll pay 4 billion!"

The female voice was very special, ethereal and full of charm, just like a lark in spring.

Hearing the voice, Tang Tianzong paused and did not choose to turn back.

When the Song family heard that the woman had raised the price to 4 billion, they didn't want to sell this broken stone that was of no use to the Song family.

But after Xie Yue'er made the decision, the woman announced in public:

"Don't give me this stone. I'm here to give it to Mr. Tang!"

Wow! !

Something worth 4 billion was given away as soon as it was said. All the people present widened their eyes, wanting to see who the woman with such courage was, but they could not see anything.

Ye Chi was also shocked by this. The price of 3 billion was raised by another 10 billion!

These rich people, their money is really blown by the wind!

Not long after the auction ended, Xie Yue'er knocked on the door under the attention of countless people.

"Guest, your total payment has arrived!"

Listening to the woman's teasing voice, Ye Chi walked out and said: "Just give me the card, no need to deliver it in person?"

Xie Yue'er drank a glass of water and said: "To treat VIPs, you must be sincere, this is the truth that our Xie family has always advocated!"

Ye Chi nodded and said: "It's really good, you have a small market here, right?"

"Of course! Please come this way!"

Led by the eldest lady of the Xie family, Ye Chi came to a very large room similar to a library.

Same sales booth.

The prices of goods are displayed here, and all the items for sale are over one million!

"Some things cannot be auctioned, so they are all sold here. Please feel free to ask for anything you need!"

After speaking, Xie Yue'er leaned lazily on the sofa with her long legs folded.

Ye Chi browsed through the goods, and found a batch of particularly expensive fine meat in the deep of the goods!

[Sea King Octopus - 50 million/catties! ]

"Ordinary fine meat is only tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands per jin, why does this cost 50 million?" Ye Chi was surprised.

The accompanying girl explained: "Guest, you are talking about the fine meat of sea beasts and sea monsters. The fine meat of sea kings in the federal market is only the dead meat that has been frozen for a long time, and the price will drop to less than 10 million."

Ye Chi raised his eyebrows and said: "Is this living meat?"

"Yes! The sea kings in the crack world are very magical. They can easily be reborn. What is put here for sale is also a tentacle of octopus sea kings, which the seller desperately brought back!"

Such a big tentacle, 50 million per pound... How much money can this make!

Ye Chi was secretly shocked that the top leaders in this world spent money faster than water!

"Are there any other sea king meats?"

Seeing Ye Chi stop from afar, Xie Yue'er approached and asked with a slightly raised eyebrow: "Why are you buying these? Are you not suitable?"

Ye Chi said indifferently: "I just bought some to satisfy my hunger. After all, I have never eaten it before."

Xie Yue'er's eyes flashed and said: "Then I will give you half a catty, you can take it back and fry it?"

Ye Chi was speechless... This woman is really smart.

"If you have the ability, give me 50 catties."

Ye Chi glanced at her and said: "If there is nothing else, I want this."

He really bought it!

Xie Yue'er looked up and down at Ye Chi, worthy of being a man who dared to kill Ye Wuji! Eating meat across levels, you have the ability!

"Give it to him! 50 catties!"


50 catties is 2.5 billion!

Ye Chi still felt pain in his heart! However, these things can improve his strength. His Hell Yellow Spring Fruit now has not only soul power, but also Purgatory Chill. There are still many unknown things that need to be developed in the future. Not enough capital is completely useless!

"Give me some more sea fruits! They are specially made for the fourth level to improve spiritual power!"

While Xie Yue'er was stunned, Ye Chi swept a total of 13 billion!

Before leaving, he also bought a bankrupt company!

"Is this the nouveau riche...?"

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