The sword is a sword, and the sword is a sword.

One sword, three tyrants!

In this era, there is no doubt that Tang Tianzong has cultivated every kind of tyrant to the extreme!

Among them, the armed color entanglement is the simplest, and Ye Chi has also mastered it firmly!

The difficult ones are the king's color and the sight color!

The king's color entanglement has been fully demonstrated in the previous life of One Piece. Once it is sacrificed, the black lightning in the sky is commonly known as drawing.

The extreme sight color can foresee the future for a short time, and the stronger one can achieve the "sight killing" like a dimensionality reduction strike!

"Do I have the king's color tyrant?"

This question flashed through his mind for a moment, and was confirmed by Ye Chi. He held the black knife night, stood on the top of the villa, pointed obliquely at the ground, and his eyes were sharp!

"As strong as I am, how can I not have the Domineering Haki?"


Ye Chi swung his sword, and the piercing sound of the sword cut through the air. The sword was held up to the sky, and the black knife reflected the sunlight, which was extremely dazzling!

The students around the villa were stunned.

"What is Ye Chi doing standing on the roof with a knife?"

"Is he going to attack "Heavenly Scar" again? The previous knife should have been chopped by him! It's like skipping stones!"

"Even if he is an extraordinary genius, he is still too far away from the Sword Saint. It is impossible to shake him!"

"Yes, yes! Maybe after this slash, he will hit the south wall and turn back!"

Before the discussion ended, the space trembled suddenly, and the ears of the unprepared students were buzzing. Before they realized what was happening, a scarlet swept over, and all their eyes turned white, and they all fell down!

On the distant mountain top, the Sword Saint felt that Ye Chi had awakened the domineering aura of the Domineering Haki, and laughed helplessly!

"You, Tang Tianzong, are so cunning!"

At this moment, Tang Tianzong also had a smile on his face. Zhou Haitang, who was beside him, felt something and asked strangely:

"Teacher, do you know whose domineering aura this is?"

Tang Tianzong crossed his arms and said, "Haitang, I just gave some instructions to Ye Chi. As soon as I left, he spontaneously burst out the domineering aura of the king. He is really a rare genius in a thousand years!"

Zhou Haitang muttered uncomfortably: "What do you want to instruct him on? This guy is already very strong."


Tang Tianzong laughed heartily and said, "Anyway, we will make money! I'm going back."

"Goodbye, teacher!"

Zhou Haitang stood on tiptoe and waved her hand, watching the teacher leave. She thought about it, immediately went back to the villa to pick up the sword, and walked directly to the boys' dormitory area.

The closer to Ye Chi's villa, the more students fainted around!

They were lying in all directions, which was a bit shocking!

"With such a large range, is it really the first time for him to awaken the Conqueror's Haki?"

Zhou Haitang clenched her slender hands. She had seen her father use Conqueror's Haki before. Ye Chi really didn't look like he had just awakened, but the power of an old-timer!

Walking to his villa and knocking on the door, Ye Chi had already gone downstairs and was studying how to use Conqueror's Haki to entangle!

Hearing the sound and opening the door, Ye Chi was surprised: "What are you doing here?"

Zhou Haitang is Zhou Changxiong's daughter, it would be a lie for Ye Chi to have no grudges in her heart.

"Ye Chi, you just accepted my teacher's instructions, and now you don't call me senior sister, but you let me stand outside in the sun?" Zhou Haitang crossed her chest, and she really had the noble temperament of a senior sister.

"If you have something to say, just say it, I'm busy." Ye Chi said indifferently.

Zhou Haitang's snow-white neck stiffened, took a deep breath and said: "I also want to awaken the Haki!"

"What?" Ye Chi was stunned.

Zhou Haitang repeated awkwardly: "I also want to awaken the Domineering Haki!"

"Tang Lao is your teacher, didn't he teach you?"

Zhou Haitang was a little disappointed: "Teacher said that Domineering Haki is innate, I may not have it. Besides, in the entire history of the Federation, no woman has ever awakened Domineering Haki."

Ye Chi was about to close the door and said: "Since you understand it, it's useless to find me."


Zhou Haitang was stuck out of the door, pleading: "Tell me your awakening method, I want to try!"

"Okay! When I was on the rooftop, I thought I should be the king, and the Domineering Haki in my body appeared automatically." Ye Chi was willing to teach.

Zhou Haitang was skeptical, and tried it many times outside the door, and then went to the roof of his house, frantically drawing the sword, but he couldn't awaken the Domineering Haki, and he was about to cry.

"Why? Why can't women have Conqueror Haki? Why are women born to be inferior to men? I don't accept it... woooo!"

Zhou Haitang curled up like a baby and cried.

Ye Chi practiced the vacant Observation Haki in the building, capturing her every move in his mind.

After a long time, the rooftop was completely quiet, and Zhou Haitang went back


Ye Chi put down the skill "Listening to the Wind" that he bought at the auction, and his figure disappeared in the room and appeared on the roof!

The sudden strong masculine breath disturbed the fragrance left by Zhou Haitang before. Ye Chi closed his eyes and felt the wind around him - listening to the sound of nature!

Time passed, the full moon was hanging high, and in the quiet night, Ye Chi rarely made a phone call.

In the magnificent house, the sexy Xiao Qining was holding a cat and answering the phone.

The two chatted for a long time. Ye Chi could hear the cat's cry from time to time on the phone. He could imagine how elegant and lazy Xiao Qining was at this time, and his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

He listened to her experience of the domineering color of observation in pleasure.

"You are still practicing so late, take care of your body!"

"Well! Wait until I become stronger."


The two hung up the phone tacitly, and Ye Chi began to integrate the experience of observation and hearing!

"In general, it is to capture the breath of all things! As long as you can train your perception to this level, everything around you will be exposed!"

Five days passed during the training, and it was the day of the Haokong test!

Today the academy is very lively, and the students are looking forward to it, waiting for the school bus of Lingyun Academy to come in.

When the real angel-like beauty arrived, the atmosphere of the whole Haokong rushed directly to the sky!

"Wow! Ouyang Xueyuan is really beautiful!"

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