The fire meteors hit the ground and exploded.

Boom, the ground exploded with flames. Ye Chi pulled Ouyang Xueyuan behind him and looked at the lava man vigilantly.

"Tell me your name!"

Li Tianheng snorted, his lower body was still magma, and his lower body formed a human shape. Ouyang Xueyuan recognized him!

"Uncle Li Tianheng!"

"Xueyuan, this world of fire is of great importance. If you want to get out safely, please give me your storage ring."

Although Li Tianheng was talking to Ouyang Xueyuan, his stern eyes were aimed at Ye Chi.

Ye Chi pulled out his black knife and pointed it at the ground, spitting out three words: "Why?"

"In this world, the strong are respected!" Li Tianheng was cold and arrogant with contempt!

"Are you a strong man? My knife doesn't think so!"

Ye Chi also has a temper. People with domineering domineering will never bow to others!

With one foot on the ground, the purple flying slash hit Li Tianheng, and he was split in two. The next second, he recovered easily!

"Observation Haki, kid!"

It's rude not to return the favor. Li Tianheng pushed out his scarlet magma giant fist, and Ye Chi pushed Ouyang Xueyuan away, his figure kept flashing with sonic booms!

"Who doesn't have it!"

The two had scarlet eyes, and they fought back and forth during the use of Observation Haki. Only close-range attacks were difficult to dodge, so they closed the distance, Ye Chi swung his knife, Li Tianheng punched, and they smashed each other heavily!


Bang bang bang! !

In the blink of an eye, they collided and fought hard, and then they fought again. The battle was shaken one after another. Ye Chi was smashed to the ground several times. The earth rumbled and dust rose and cracked into a spider web!

Then there was another sound explosion. Ye Chi raised his sword and rushed into the sky, slashing non-stop!

Fall again, rise again, and slash again!

Bang bang bang, his body was covered with scars. The hearty fight made him seem to have realized something in a trance!

What is supreme? Is leaving an indestructible slash in the sky like a sword master?

No, it's missing the point!

The real supreme does not refer to what kind of slash you can make, but your own strength!

"Only by adding endless power can you achieve an indestructible sword energy!"

"Is this... supreme?"

Ye Chi fell into confusion again. His understanding was a paradox. How can you have endless power? How can humans do this?

That's right, the fourth level! Awakening!

After awakening, the fruit ability can radiate the surroundings, and after turning the surroundings into abilities, add spiritual power to control them!

This is a simple way for awakened strongmen to fight!

Stronger ones can reverse this step, borrow the infinite inner power of the surrounding homogeneous objects, feed it back along the spiritual channel, and turn it into thousands of tons of power through the exchange station of the flesh!

It is similar to the return of life that Ye Chi comprehended!

"The ability of the Hell Yellow Spring Fruit allows me to control all the flames in the world. Now, can I transform this sea of ​​fire into my combat power?"

Ye Chi's mind has been storming for several rounds. In reality, he was beaten by Li Tianheng. If he hadn't controlled the three-color domineering and forcibly raised the level, he would have been killed instantly when they met!

Knocked down to the ground again, Ye Chi stabbed the black knife into the ground fiercely, and Li Tianheng sneered:

"Finally discouraged?"

"You wait!"

Ye Chi gritted his teeth, his face was broken and bleeding, how embarrassed, he gave birth to purple charm flames in his hands!

"From the fire of hell, let the flames of the world submit to me!"

Hoohoo, the extremely high temperature charm flames turned out in circles like mosquito coils, and Ye Chi forcibly broke through the spiritual power and advanced to the third level!

After humans reach the third level, the spiritual power can be vaguely released, and some items can be materialized by borrowing the power of the fruit.

For example, Zhou Changxiong in the southern border once used sand to condense beasts. This is the ability standard of a third-level strongman!

Ye Chi kept returning life, converting physical strength into spiritual power, and then releasing the spiritual power along the fruit power. In one breath, he turned into a dried man in the blink of an eye. He quickly took out the food and feasted on it, which barely alleviated the side effects of life return.

The domineering purple flames conquered the sea of ​​fire within a kilometer range. Those flames burned fiercely, and the first to eat rose step by step, just like the soldiers holding weapons and revolting!

"There is a trick!" Li Tianheng will never forget this scene.

Ye Chi raised one hand, and countless orange-red flames, led by the purple fire, gathered into a fireball like the sun!

"Remember, this move is called, Emperor Yan·Great Yan Ring!"

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