After explaining the matter, Bai Ye took Lydia to the eastern sea.

Goudan, Xiaofantuan, Xiaobai and others did not dare to ride on Lydia, and they were in awe, so they just ran wildly on the ground to follow.

They found a relatively wide beach. The night was dark, and there was only the sound of the waves around, and the excited shouts of Goudan, Xiaofantuan and others playing in the sand.

Bai Ye asked Lydia to move trees from the forest, and he set off to fly to the sea and found the place where the fish were electrocuted before. Using the basic space power, he picked up all the seafood that were electrocuted and not eaten by the sea beast.

Because the sea was frozen by him, even though the sun was hotter in the afternoon, the seafood that was electrocuted was still very fresh.

After flying around, Bai Ye quickly collected nearly ten tons of seafood. He easily brought a large group of seafood back to the beach.

It was easier and simpler than those anchors on the Internet who brought their own seafood to the sea.

"Woof woof woof!!!"

"Bing bing!"

Goudan, the little rice ball, saw Bai Ye bring back a large number of fish, shrimps and crabs, his eyes lit up and his mouth drooled. Especially Goudan, he had eaten the big fish grilled by Bai Ye, and the taste is still unforgettable to him.

Lydia came back with a towering tree wrapped around her tail.

"Ho-ho-ing—— (Master, how about this tree?)"

Knowing that Bai Ye was going to prepare a seafood feast, everyone looked excited.


Lydia threw the big tree on the beach, Bai Ye looked at it, and his eyes twitched slightly.

What Lydia threw on the ground was a precious redwood, with a root diameter of three meters. It was still covered with roots and a lot of mud, obviously it had just been pulled up.

If this tree is sold, it will be conservatively estimated to be worth about one million!

"Very good!"

Bai Ye nodded, and said, "Next time, don't pull up this kind of tree again..."

"Hohoing~ (Ah, got it!)" Lydia looked puzzled, but still nodded obediently. Then she rolled her huge body to one side and watched Bai Ye deal with it quietly and expectantly.

Bai Ye casually condensed a meter-long ice knife and chopped the redwood worth millions into firewood. At the same time, hundreds of small knives condensed behind him, processing and pushing the seafood into a mountain...

The speed is faster than the death assembly line!

Goudan, Xiaofantuan and others watched while playing, and they have become accustomed to it.

Lydia looked horrified. She thought that if these ice knives were replaced by those scary big sticks... She was frightened and could not help but quietly fold her wings to protect her head which was growing scales again...

Soon, Bai Ye had dealt with everything. He threw out a ball of green flame and ignited the match pile, and the dark night around him immediately became brighter.

"Woof woof woof!!!"

"Bing ying!!"

The fire ignited, and Goudan, Xiaofantuan and a bunch of other guys became more excited. They were used to the night with lights.

Lydia still had some fear in her eyes when she saw Bai Ye's flames. However, as Bai Ye put the seafood on the shelf and the smell of meat came out, she could not help but move forward.

A bright moon rose quietly, and the barking of dogs became louder as the smell of fish became stronger and stronger on the beach.

"Woof woof woof!! (Delicious, delicious, so delicious!)"

"Woof woof woof! (I don't want to eat raw meat anymore...)"

"Roaring! (Master~Master~I want more!!!)"

"Roaring~ (I didn't expect the food cooked with fire to be so delicious, Master is so awesome...)"

Nearly ten tons of seafood disappeared at an incredibly fast speed. Everyone was eating with their mouths full of oil. The most excited one among them was Lydia.

"Roaring!!! (Ah~No more! Master, is there any more?)"

"No more!"

Lydia looked unsatisfied, then looked into the sea and flapped her wings to fly.

"Roaring——(Master, wait for me to come back!!)"

"Woof? (What is it doing?)"

Goudan and others looked at Lydia curiously as she disappeared into the night on the sea. Bai Ye chuckled and shook his head. There would be another guy who was jealous of his cooking skills in the future, and it was a big guy with a huge appetite!

Soon, Lydia flew back with a big fish in her mouth. It was a super big fish.

Goudan and the other shepherd dogs looked at it and were stunned!

"("゜ロ゜)" Woof woof woof! ! (What a big fish! !)"

"Bang! ! ! "

Lydia put the big fish in the white

In front of Ye, he looked happy and excited, and drooled.

"Hohohoing!!! (Master, how about this fish?)"

Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and then his eyes narrowed slightly. Good guy, Lydia brought back a big whale. Although it was only more than 20 meters long, its fat body was several times larger than its own.

The important thing is that Bai Ye has never eaten a whale!


Bai Ye nodded affirmatively and waved his hand to let Lydia be moved to the sea by the whale. This whale is conservatively estimated to be 100 tons, which exceeds the upper limit of his basic spatial force control. As for his own strength, how would he plan to try? Magician is an elegant profession, there is no need to be so embarrassed...

Clean the internal organs, cut the meat into pieces, and roast it on the fire. Amidst the barking of dogs and the groaning of snakes, the aroma of meat once again filled the entire beach...

The seafood feast ended late at night.

Looking at Bai Ye's back as he left with Goudan, Xiaofantuan and others, Lydia's eyes showed a look of desolation again.

Suddenly, it raised its head and roared at Bai Ye.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roaring——(Master~ When I get promoted to S-level, I can transform into a human form. Can I live with you then?)"

[Tonight there is still...

Thanks to the boss 'Little Princess of Baihai City' for sending me 2 great god certifications. I wish you good business, love and good health! ! ! ]

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