The coffee shop was full of people, mostly young people. There were well-dressed single men and women, as well as young couples...

At a table in the corner, a waitress with a good figure twisted her waist and brought the coffee ordered by Bai Ye to the table.

"Sir, you ordered cappuccino!"

"Thank you!"

"Are you alone, sir?"

The waitress didn't mean to leave immediately, and she chatted with him in a soft voice. Bai Ye wore a mask and turned his back to the hall, but he still couldn't hide his damn charm...

The girl had a pretty face, and this initiative to chat made the other men who were staring at her look envious, wishing they could become Bai Ye on the spot and pull the waitress to sit down and talk about life.

However, Bai Ye glanced at her and looked calm.

"No, I'm waiting for someone."

"Oh, please enjoy your meal..."

The waitress pouted and left with a hint of resentment in her eyes.

As soon as the waitress left, a young man in sportswear and a simple look walked in and looked around.

Bai Ye, who had his back to him, raised his hand, and the young man immediately trotted over excitedly.

"Brother Ye!"

The man was Zhang Yu. His injuries had completely recovered, and there were no scars on his face and exposed arms, as if he had never been injured.

"Sit down, order whatever you want to drink."

There was a QR code on the table, and you could place an order by scanning it.


"Brother Ye! Long time no see. Hehe..."

Zhang Yu smiled innocently, with excitement on his face. During this period, he gradually understood from the news he received from Liang Yin and his superiors that Bai Ye was his and Liang Yin's lifesaver.

And their physical fitness, after being changed by Bai Ye's magical 'glucose', has surpassed that of ordinary people. Now, they are no longer ordinary police officers, but have been transferred to the special security department of the Magic City and become special police.

After Zhang Yu placed the order, Bai Ye asked, "Isn't Liang Yin with you?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and replied, "Sister Liang is now the captain of the team, and she is probably still on duty. I am the deputy captain of another team, so I am relatively free, so I came quickly."

Bai Ye nodded, and was not very surprised by the changes in their physical and official positions. The top management must know that their changes are related to themselves, and their own combat effectiveness has increased dramatically, so promotion is inevitable.

"Congratulations! You are promoted after you recover!"

"Hehe..." Zhang Yu scratched his head and laughed, then excitedly said gratefully: "This... is also thanks to you, Brother Ye. Thank you... But Brother Ye, if you need my help in the future, just tell me!"

"Of course..." Zhang Yu laughed again, "You can't betray the country..."


Bai Ye was directly amused by him, took off his mask, and drank a sip of coffee. Seeing this, Zhang Yu smiled and scratched his head again.

"Brother Ye, why did you stop broadcasting? I feel uncomfortable if I don't watch your live broadcast for a day..."

"Take a two-day break. I'm going to go abroad."

"Ah? Where are you going?"

"Country R..."

"Fuck! Shocking news! Hehe... Now I can be said to be your number one fan, Brother Ye!"


The two chatted in a low voice for a while, and a heroic figure came to the door. The delicate face and the hot body immediately attracted the attention of many customers.

But seeing the woman wearing the black combat uniform of the special police, with a cold and majestic look sweeping around, the boys immediately avoided her expression, dared not look at her, and even secretly reflected on whether they had violated the law...

"Sister Liang is here."

Zhang Yu saw it and quickly stood up and waved his hand.

"Sister Liang, here!"

Liang Yin turned her head and immediately locked her eyes on Bai Ye's back. Her cold and majestic eyes were slightly moved, and then she walked to Bai Ye's side.

The men in the coffee shop were shocked on the spot.

Who is that guy? How could he seduce such a domineering uniform goddess?

Bai Ye looked at her for a few times and saw that her injuries had completely recovered, without scars, and her skin was even more delicate and smooth than before. Then he said with a hint of a sly smile:

"Sit down, Officer Liang."

After saying that, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the surging waves on her chest. There was no other meaning, it was indeed a little dazzling and eye-catching...

Liang Yin glared at him and sat down, with a hint of red on her cheeks.

"Hey~ If you don't mind, call me Sister Liang from now on! You were born in 0A, I am a few years older than you!"

"This..." Bai Ye frowned slightly. Good guy, he has become a younger brother in the blink of an eye?

Liang Yin showed a faint smile.

"Isn't that right?"

Zhang Yu's eyes lit up: "Brother Ye, born in 200A? That means he is several years younger than me?"

You want to call me brother too?

Bai Ye glanced at him sideways, and Zhang Yu immediately scratched his head and laughed.

"Hehe... Although Brother Ye is younger than me, it doesn't stop me from calling you Brother Ye!!!"


Bai Ye changed the subject and said, "What have you been busy with recently?"

Zhang Yu and Liang Yin looked at each other and nodded. Liang Yin whispered, "Clear the remaining rats underground..."

Due to the rat infestation in the Magic City, Bai Ye killed most of the red-eyed rats. Later, Old Song organized the soldiers to carry out the "cleaning" work, but some red-eyed giant rats still survived.

Therefore, the Magic City Special Forces will continue to carry out the cleanup work underground. Up to now, it is difficult to see the red-eyed giant rats underground.

Liang Yin told the story. Zhang Yu couldn't help but interrupt and said, "Sister Liang is really powerful now. One night, she killed dozens of them by herself. I guess even ten gangsters together are no match for Sister Liang!"

"Oh? So powerful!"

Bai Ye pretended to be surprised. But he smiled in his heart. It was too good to kill ten gangsters after drinking my glucose.

Liang Yin couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Brother Ye!"

Zhang Yu suddenly became interested and rolled up his sleeves and said, "Last time I saw you carry a big wild boar directly. You are very strong! I think I am also very strong recently. How about we try arm wrestling?"

Liang Yin glanced at Zhang Yu. You can't even beat me, and you dare to fight him? She didn't stop him, but watched with interest.


Bai Ye smiled and put his hands on the table.

"Here it comes!"

Zhang Yu excitedly put his hand over, Liang Yin smiled and shouted: "Three, two, one! Start!"

Knowing that Bai Ye was not simple, Zhang Yu used all his strength from the beginning, his arm muscles contracted into strips, with clear contours and bulging blood vessels.

However, Bai Ye on the opposite side had a calm face, his arm did not move at all, and even took a sip of coffee with his left hand.

(o゜▽゜)oZhang Yu was shocked. Brother Ye, do you want to hit me like this?

"Okay, I give up!"

After holding on for a while, Zhang Yu gave up.

"Not bad!"

Bai Ye nodded and said: "Your strength is estimated to be two or three thousand kilograms."

Zhang Yu was shocked again, looked around, and said: "I just tested it last night, it was 2619 kilograms!"

Liang Yin on the side laughed secretly, looked at Bai Ye, and was secretly curious. How strong is this guy?

"Hello! The coffee you ordered is here."

The three were chatting, and the waitress who had just delivered coffee to Bai Ye brought coffee again. Seeing Bai Ye take off his mask, she leaned forward as much as possible while drinking coffee, and looked back slightly, wanting to see Bai Ye's true face.

This look immediately shocked her beautiful eyes.

"Ah!!! Ye..."


Bai Ye chuckled, and put his slender index finger to his mouth to make a silent gesture to her.

Dong Dong Dong~

The waitress's heartbeat accelerated sharply, staring at Bai Ye for a long time, confirming that the national husband was in front of her, and then nodded.

Looking around, several customers looked over curiously, and she smiled apologetically.

Then she whispered excitedly: "Brother Ye, can you give me an autograph?"

Bai Ye nodded. The waitress immediately ran back to the front desk and brought a pen.

"Sign on the apron, okay?"

Bai Ye gave her an autograph on the spot.

"Can I have a good coffee?"

Looking at the elegant cursive signature on the apron, the girl nodded excitedly and trotted back.

"Did you succeed?"

"Did you get the WeChat of that handsome guy?"


When the other waitresses asked her, she excitedly held her apron. She wanted to say something but was afraid that Bai Ye would mind. She was holding back a big secret, happy and uncomfortable.

"It's really not easy to have a quiet coffee and chat with you."

Liang Yin drank coffee and teased.

Bai Ye smiled faintly. "No way..."

The three chatted until dark before getting up and leaving.

"When you come to the Magic City, look for us more often."

Liang Yin got in the car, glanced at Bai Ye, waved and left in a hurry.

"Goodbye, Brother Ye!"

Bai Ye also got in the car, and Zhang Yu was the last to leave.

Seeing Bai Ye leave, the girl who got the autograph revealed the secret.

"Sisters, do you know who that handsome guy is?"

"Oh? Isn't that your lover?"

"Show off! Isn't it just a handsome guy? It's written all over your face that you're crazy about him, so what?"


Seeing the sisters' teasing, the girl opened her folded apron and said excitedly and proudly:

"He is Brother Ye, the magician Brother Ye, our national husband! This is his signature!!!"


What? "

"Fuck! Damn girl, you just told us now!"

"No wonder she was daydreaming and giggling all day! Damn it! !"

"Ah! Brother Ye actually came to our place!"


Instantly, the whole cafe was about to explode. Upon hearing the news, the cafe owner rushed over. The big hotel that Ye had appeared before, as well as the game city, have become popular check-in places for Internet celebrities, and their business is booming.

Now that the wind has turned to him, how can he not be excited? When he went to the store, he directly offered 500,000 yuan, wanting Bai Ye's autograph for the girl...

At night, Bai Ye returned to the Lone Star Villa.

Doudan and the others came back from the ranch, and I don't know what they played, and they were all dirty.

Fill the swimming pool with water, let them take a bath, clean the swimming pool, and start a happy campfire dinner.

The next day, Bai Ye contacted Song Lao and applied for a passport to Country R. Others need 7 at the fastest. Bai Ye got the passport for the day on the same day.

At the same time, Bai Ye asked Mr. Song how to open the live broadcast permission of Country R.

When he heard that Bai Ye was going to Country R, ​​Mr. Song was very happy, and the senior officials of Daxia were also secretly happy.

Mr. Song replied: When you go there, do whatever you want, and don’t be so restrained like at home, they will naturally open the permission for you!


Bai Ye suddenly realized.

After getting the passport that day, Bai Ye took Goudan, Xiaofantuan, and a group of guys to the beach, and called Lydia out to continue the campfire dinner.

Lydia was very happy and caught a few big whales, and everyone had a big meal.

"I will go to Country R tomorrow, you must protect your home and ranch. ”

Bai Ye plans to go alone this time, and will not bring Goudan and Xiaofantuan. It is not convenient to bring them along, and they cannot help catch sea-swallowing beasts, and the food in R country is not good.

“Roar, roar, roar, ing——(╰། ❛ ڡ ❛ །╯Master, rest assured~ Lydia promises to complete the task!)”

“Woof, woof, woof——(Got it, boss, bring back more delicious food!)”

“Bing, bang, bang! ! !(Boss, be safe!!!)”

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