The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Irrelevant matter? You said the attack on the police was insignificant? Ignoring the invitation of the high-level officials of R country?

The tourists on the scene looked strange and surprised. In the live broadcast room, tens of millions of netizens in China were excited.

"Good guy, direct good guy! Brother Ye is awesome!"

"Hahaha... I like Brother Ye's calm personality!"

"Brother Ye, let's start quickly!"

"No need to stop, Brother Ye, let go and play!!!"


In the Prime Minister's residence of R country, the Prime Minister's tail, led many cabinet ministers to hold an emergency meeting, and they were also watching Bai Ye's live broadcast at this time.

At the moment when Bai Ye attacked the special police, some cabinet ministers had already shouted that they wanted to take tougher measures against Bai Ye.

And now seeing Bai Ye dare to openly ignore their invitation in front of so many people, and seeing the loud applause of tens of millions of people in Daxia, they were so angry that their faces were almost as red as pig livers.

There are so many countries in the world, and everyone can laugh at R country, but Daxia and Han country are the only ones that they can't stand!


"Prime Minister, look, this bastard doesn't take us seriously at all! Why are you being polite to him?"

"Yes! It's not like we don't have the means to deal with him!"

A group of ministers cursed angrily.

In the video conference, an old man with glasses in the middle position, the second-in-command of R country, the chief cabinet secretary.

"He means to convey to us that he must perform this dangerous magic in our R country!"

"If he is allowed to continue like this, our empire's revival plan may be exposed..."

As soon as the chief cabinet secretary spoke, the cabinet meeting became much quieter. When the "Empire Revitalization Plan" was mentioned, almost all the cabinet ministers looked solemn and serious.

"We must not let him ruin our Great R Empire Revitalization Plan!"

"We must stop him!"

"We cannot give in, make our attitude clear!"

"He wants to do a live broadcast and show off, let him do it somewhere else!"

"Go back to Daxia!"

The cabinet ministers expressed their opinions one after another.

Prime Minister Gong Yiwei's eyes flickered and he nodded slowly.

In Odaiba, the R country special forces team members, who looked angry and frustrated, did not know how to respond, when the communication equipment beside their ears received the order from their superiors.



At this moment, the R country's special police captain no longer hesitated, raised his hand and waved it down, solemnly and loudly ordered: "Fire!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of "bang bang bang" of gunfire rang out fiercely.



The whole Odaiba immediately became chaotic, and the tourists who had retreated to a distance hurriedly fled.


The three girls in front, including Miyano Mikawa, had never seen such a scene before. They were so scared that they fell to the ground and screamed in fear.

The senior officials, leaders, and Song Lao of Daxia were also surprised, and their eyes gradually turned cold. R country is so brave!

Shooting! Shooting!

In the live broadcast room, tens of millions of people were stunned, and almost no one could react.

Brother Ye, be careful!!!

Brother Ye, you won't die just like that, right?


The live broadcast room was blank, and countless people were worried about him.

Bai Ye's eyes also flashed with a cold light. Bullets can't kill him at all, and R country should know it! But they still do this, there is only one thought, warning him, to show R country's tough attitude!

Or is this the final ultimatum?

What means do they have to be so confident?

And he, at the moment the gunshot rang out, slowly raised his right hand.

At the moment the bullets hit, a piece of ice condensed in front of him, snow-white and transparent like glass.

When the bullets hit the ‘glass’, it was like hitting an iron plate, making a clanging sound, but the thin and transparent ‘glass’ in front of Bai Ye was intact.

What… is this?

The SWAT captain’s eyes were bloodshot, and he loudly ordered the soldiers to continue firing. Bullet shells were flying everywhere, and the sound of gunfire resounded throughout the Odaiba, mixed with the tourists’ screams of terror, making the entire Odaiba terrifying.

“Fuck! Brother Ye is fine! That’s great!”

“Damn little R Japan, so cruel! Shoot directly?”

“What kind of free nation is this developed country? Shoot at every turn!”

“Look, what’s in front of Brother Ye?”

“It can’t be penetrated by bullets? This… Brother Ye’s ice magic?”

“Magic? Bullet! It’s confirmed, this is magic! Brother Ye is not a human!”

Good fellow! A magician pretending to be a magician to fool people? "

The live broadcast room exploded on the spot.

Bai Ye, standing on the Statue of Liberty, saw that everyone had "confirmed" and showed a faint smile on his face.

He said calmly: "Everyone thinks too much. This is just a new type of bulletproof glass."

As he said, he knocked on the condensed ice with his other hand, making a clattering sound.

He said again: "I am a magician, which is a high-risk profession. I have a little money. I am in a foreign country. It's not too much to buy some advanced bulletproof weapons, right?"

Bai Ye talked to himself, regardless of whether the netizens believed it or not. A light bulb flashed in his mind, and he said: "Okay. Thank you for your concern. In fact, you don't have to worry..."

"This... is actually a performance segment specially arranged by me and Country R to make the magic show more real and exciting. So, the special police below are all actors..."

"Okay, this segment can be skipped. Next, I will show you the "disappearance of many people". ”

Live broadcast room audience:???

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