The two of them walked on the deserted street. Hearing Bai Ye's words, Rukawa Motoko's eyes showed surprise. "Are you an orphan too?" Bai Ye did not deny it, but quickened his pace and urged, "Hurry up." "Hey, what are you in such a hurry? I can't go tonight!" Seeing that Bai Ye actually took the initiative to talk about some of his own situation, Rukawa Motoko excitedly chased after him. Bai Ye in front slowed down and frowned, and Rukawa Motoko smiled and said, "Look, what time is it now? Early morning! Our hometown has been blocked. Usually no one comes out after dark. We will definitely be suspected by them if we go there!"

"R Country is not like Daxia Country, where you can go out at night."

As she said that, Rukawa Motoko's beautiful eyes turned, and she said in a delicate tone: "You have performed all day today, you should be tired, right? Otherwise, let's find a place to rest for a night?"

"It's quite far from my hometown!"

Bai Ye glanced at Rukawa Motoko beside him. She was plump, and her eyes were full of autumn waves, like a ripe peach, making people want to bite hard...

Seeing that she wanted to stick to him, Bai Ye pulled away a little. Usually, he was quite active in teasing a few words, satisfying his mouth or eyes. But if he really pushed a girl like this who he had not met a few times and didn't know much about, he still couldn't do it.

Waving her hands, she said, "Not tired. They are just some small magic tricks, which don't take much energy."

Seeing Bai Ye pretending to be nervous again, Rukawa Motoko chuckled, then said slowly, "But, in my hometown, the security is much stricter at night than during the day! It may be difficult for us to sneak in..."

"Why do you want to sneak in?" Bai Ye said calmly, "Just go in directly."


So righteous!

Rukawa Motoko was startled and asked, "What if the guards find us and report to the government? Moreover, if there is something in the Misty Valley, it may alarm them..."

"Let's go there tomorrow morning. Even if we are discovered, we can say that we are tourists!"

Bai Ye glanced at her, "Tell me the address. If you don't go, I will go and see it myself."

Rukawa Motoko rolled her eyes with resentment.

"South, Gutian Town!" As she said that, she raised her hand to Bai Ye, blinked her eyes, and signaled Bai Ye to take her with him.

Bai Ye glanced at her delicate hand, wondering if what she said was true. If it was, he would go there alone. It's just a town. No matter how big it is, it's at most like his own ranch. He can still find it if he looks for it.

However, from the smiling face of this woman and the eyes that kept seducing him, Bai Ye couldn't tell whether it was true or not.

Why do I always feel that this woman is a little hard to see through? Or are women's minds so hard to guess?

Open the map on the phone to determine the direction.

"Let's go!"

Bai Ye didn't hold her hand. With a thought, the figures of the two appeared a few kilometers away, and then disappeared!

"Ah! It's amazing! It's like a science fiction movie, my God!"

Along the way, Rukawa Motoko exclaimed again and again.

Gutian Town is about 50 kilometers away from Chiba City. Only ten minutes later, Bai Ye brought Rukawa Motoko to the town. They took a break on the way, ten minutes, and most of the time was spent on rest.

On the street of the town, Bai Ye took out a bottle of magic potion, drank it all in one gulp, replenished magic power, and then asked. He was not afraid of her seeing it.

Rukawa Motoko quietly looked at the potion in Bai Ye's hand, very curious, blinked at Bai Ye and asked: "Bai Yejun~ What... are you drinking?"

Bai Ye said calmly: "Glucose."

"Wow!" Rukawa Motoko praised, and then smiled and said: "Bai Yejun~ Can you give me a bottle? I'm so thirsty, you see there are no shops open around..."

As she said that, she stretched out her lubricated tongue and licked her sexy and plump lips. She was seducing Bai Ye again.

"No more." Bai Ye answered neatly.

"There should be water in your hometown, right? Which way?"

"Southwest, Yagura Village."

Ryukawa Motoko looked at him with resentment, and then she moved closer to Bai Ye with her big weapon and acted like a spoiled child.

"Bai Ye-kun~ Then sell it to me, okay? I can't stand it~"


Bai Ye was immune to her seductive voice and charming look. With a thought, he teleported with her and disappeared into the town

He still couldn't tell whether the address she said was true or not...

Yakura Village is more than 20 kilometers away from Idao Town. Bai Ye finally arrived at an abandoned village after a few minutes.

Just as Rukawa Motoko said, there are more than 30 households, most of which are wooden houses. After more than ten years of wind and rain, the houses have long been dilapidated, and some are even overgrown with weeds, with no signs of human activity.

Of course, this is the result of Bai Ye's exploration using spatial perception. At this time, the abandoned mountain village was pitch black, and with the moonlight, only the outlines of some mountains could be seen.

Rukawa Motoko clung to Bai Ye, seeming a little scared.

Then he looked around for a long time and pointed to the mountains in the east.

"I remember that if you go in along the foot of this mountain, you will reach the 'Misty Valley' in a few kilometers."

As she said that, she hugged Bai Ye's arm and stuck to Bai Ye tightly.

"It's so dark~ Bai Yejun~ You won't leave me here alone, right?"

Bai Ye was considering whether her words were true, but suddenly felt his arm seemed to be buried in a sponge, soft and delicate. He wanted to pull it out, but she held it tightly.

"Bai Yejun~ I'm scared~"

Bai Ye coughed lightly and laughed: "Haha... Don't worry, how could I leave you. Don't worry, let go of my hand..."

"Bai Yejun is so nice!" Rukawa Motoko smiled sweetly, but she didn't mean to let go.

Bai Ye had to take her and continue to teleport forward along the mountain she was talking about. There were shadows everywhere, and from time to time there were one or two strange birds calling, which was a bit creepy. It is estimated that ordinary people would have been scared and fled madly.

But for Bai Ye, it was not a big deal at all. Compared with his own ranch, it was much worse.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Although Rukawa Motoko hugged him tightly, he could sense her expression with his spatial perception turned on. She was not afraid, and even looked around curiously.

"With Bai Yejun here, of course I'm not afraid!" As she said that, she hugged him tighter, and Bai Ye felt that his arm was almost buried in her chest...

After driving for a few kilometers, the light finally appeared in front.

A military camp guarded a narrow and deep mountain pass, and inside the camp was a small valley surrounded by mountains. With the moonlight, you can see that the valley is foggy and you can't see anything clearly.

Outside the base, on a huge rock on the mountainside, the two looked at the military camp.

"It's here! Sure enough, it's not a mining company at all, it's more like a military base." Rukawa Motoko exclaimed, then raised her head and looked at Bai Ye.

"Bai Yejun~ What should we do now? Sneak in quietly?"

"Go straight over."

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