The car was in a mess, but the driver was still standing.


Facing the pass, one military car after another passed the final inspection.

Saying goodbye to familiar friends.

The kind-looking Wang Youkai grinned, opened the car door and stepped in.

There was a thin but tough-looking boy in the passenger seat.

He sat down on the leather seat, took off the cigarette from his ear and said, "Would you like a cigarette?"

Ye Chi took the cigarette.

Wang Youkai knew who the other party was, and helped him light the cigarette. The smell of cigarettes floated in the car.

Ye Chi put the cigarette in his mouth, pursed his thin lips, and took a deep breath with his chest heaving.

"Cough cough!"

The thick smoke choked his throat.

The seemingly experienced boy covered up his cough with his mouth closed, trying to suppress his physical discomfort.

This shocked Wang Youkai!

"God of Killing, you don't know how to smoke!"

Ye Chi glanced at him sideways, then took another puff.

There was a cigarette in his mouth, but it tasted nothing when he spit it out.

He threw the half-smoked cigarette out of the window with disdain.

"No feeling, no fun."

Wang Youkai laughed.

"Hahaha! God of Killing, you are still an eighteen-year-old child after all. What's the point of worrying if you don't have that cigarette to smoke."

"Unlike me, I'm already over thirty, I don't have a good talent, I run around all day for a living, and I don't see my wife and children very often."

The car in front started, and Wang Youkai started to catch up skillfully.

The military truck dragged heavy materials, and it could make a rumbling sound when it bumped.

Ye Chi looked at the retreating yellow sand and supported himself on the window with one hand.

"I can't tell, you have a child?"

Wan Youkai looked straight ahead, smiling, "Yes, she's already six years old and in kindergarten!"

"Look! Her name is Xinxin, Xin in warm, nice, isn't it!"

He took out a photo from his inner pocket.

The little girl in the photo raised her hands and smiled sweetly.

This was taken when Xinxin called dad for the first time.

Looking at it, Wang Youkai could feel his daughter's call even though he was thousands of miles away.

Ye Chi looked at the photo and said, "Wen Xin is her mother's name?"

"God! How did you know?"


On the long yellow sand, the long string of military trucks looked as small as tadpoles.

The journey was boring and lonely, and the two people who met for the first time kept chatting.

One was silent and taciturn, and the other was warm and friendly.

The scorching sand wind blew Ye Chi's bangs upside down.

Ahead, there was endless yellow sand.

The future is a mark engraved in the depths of memory that is difficult to erase.

Wang Youkai's admiring voice came to his ears.

"God of Killing, you can pay back 10 million a month, how did you do it?"

Ye Chi's rough fingers touched the scabbard.

Such a low price, 10 million a month, 330,000 a day.

How did you do it?

In fact, sometimes, Ye Chi himself was also in a trance.

In a month of swords and shadows, he had been powerless, vomited, crazy, and hovered on the edge of death.

Simply, no matter how big the difficulties were, they were overcome.

Now, he said bluntly.

The peak of the first level, 99 physical and mental strength, is a naked joke in this place!

No, don't say the first level.

Even the second level with 1,000 points of physical and mental strength is a cannon fodder here!

You know, in a full-scale attack on the city, the number of ordinary evil spirits can reach 100,000!

These things kept coming one after another, fearless and brave, and they could not be killed in ten days and ten nights!

A second-level human could barely deal with an ordinary evil spirit.

And a pass had at most five thousand guards.

Facing the attack of 100,000 evil spirits, the second-level could only survive by cooperating with the third-level strongmen to defend.

But Ye Chi was obviously not yet 18 years old, and he couldn't even do 100 mental physiques.

How did he survive and even kill the evil spirits?

This was not only something Wang Youkai was curious about.

Half a month ago, when Ye Chi killed a reinforced body alone, Nanguan was even more subversive!

Some people even suspected that Ye Chi was not a human at all, he was an evil spirit!

Because at the age of eighteen, he killed a reinforced body that was at least third-level strong enough to fight against!

It's not something a human can do!

Indeed, even with a 100-fold amplification system, it was impossible for Ye Chi to go from a waste with 10 points of physical and mental strength to a third-level strongman with 10,000 points overnight.

So how did he do it?

He had clearly reached the peak of the first level at 99, so why did his mental and physical strength become 88 when facing Xia Zhengyang's question?

Was it a perfunctory lie?

No, in fact, these are all true.

All this happened, all

Originated from a page of incomplete notes.

On this page of notes, a construction called "life return" is recorded.

What is life return?

The notes record: it has three elements: size, energy, and life.

In the scribbled notes, the owner filled the three elements with question marks.

This shows that even the owner of the notes could not figure out the true meaning!

Ye Chi found this page of notes in a suitcase.

And this short suitcase was left by his original father.

At the beginning, Ye Chi's first-level peak strength was stretched to the limit at the border, and he couldn't even protect himself.

There is no point in pursuing the owner of the notes.

But the life return recorded in it suddenly touched a flash of inspiration in his heart.

This world is not like the earth, only Ye Chi has One Piece as a reference in his mind.

The most impressive thing is that Straw Hat Luffy always eats and drinks a lot and makes himself a big fat man.

Activate "Life Return", even if he is covered with wounds, he can lose weight in the blink of an eye and restore his combat power (life)!

This is an application of Life Return.

Corresponding to the three elements, the correct order should be: energy → body shape → life!

What is energy?

Everything that can bring power to the body is energy! For humans, it is food.

The explanation of body shape is even simpler.

The infusion of energy will cause the human body to become fat, that is, the change of body shape.

No, to be precise, it is the change of organs and cells!

Corresponding to this world, it is the change of physique!

After layers of analysis, Ye Chi felt in his heart that he had touched something extraordinary!

The last life should correspond to the spirit of this world!

Energy, physique, spirit!

Ye Chi didn't know what the relationship between these three was, but he knew.

In the previous life, the Pirate King had a standard definition of life return.

"You can freely control your body, hair, and internal organs!"

"As long as you put your consciousness in, you can freely control any place!"

At that time, Ye Chi's physical and mental strength had already touched the ceiling, and he suddenly thought.

What would happen if life returned to his physical/mental strength?

Convert the 99 points of physical strength that has reached the peak into mental strength.

Then convert the full mental strength into physical strength!

What would happen in it?

Will the physical strength and mental strength remain unchanged, or will an unprecedented chemical reaction occur?

Even Ye Chi, who came up with this idea, didn't know.

After repeated deliberation, he suddenly remembered.

Even when Straw Hat Luffy used life return, it was when he was covered in wounds.

At this time, life was reduced to the extreme, and a large amount of energy from the outside world was needed to supplement life.

But who knows, when both physical strength and mental strength are not lacking, or even full, using life return will produce what results. . .

Will he die?

At that time, death was no longer scary for him.

Ye Chi was crazy. He didn't choose to eat any energy, and used his own physical strength to return to spirit!

Fortunately, he didn't die.

Undergoing thousands of pains, the full spirit... was compressed.

He also changed from a 1.9-meter-tall strong boy to a skinny skinny boy in the blink of an eye.

After a life return.

99 points of physical strength became 10.

Spirit is still 99.

But the density of the compressed spirit is much higher than before!

The crazy boy tasted the sweetness of the treasure he found.

He then began to return the full spirit to physical strength....

In this way, the physical strength and spirit of double 99 became double 20 after a return!

But this double 20, the strength is not much weaker than the original.

Because there is no energy leakage in the conversion between the two!

After successfully completing the life return, Ye Chi, who was almost dying of pain, raised a fierce look at the corner of his mouth!

When God closes a door for you, he will open another window.

Miracles often burst out in the gaps!

If Ye Chi announced this miraculous discovery of life return to the world, it is unimaginable what kind of drastic changes will occur in this world!

Because this world does not even have the concept of life return.

If everyone knew that the physical and mental can be compressed like this, the peak of mankind will be raised to a higher level!

Too crazy, too abnormal!

In that month, Ye Chi trained his physical and mental to 99, and then used life return compression countless times!

This is how he is so strong now!

Not relying on any golden fingers, it's fate!

It's fighting hard with life!

Fortunately, he succeeded!

With the ultimate physique, Ye Chi also trained the armed color domineering!

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