Ye Chi took a deep breath and glanced at the car.

Referring to the shock of others knowing her mental power value in the past, she would definitely be shocked, right?

In Liu Shiyi's curious eyes, Ye Chi curled his lips and said, "Teacher, don't worry, you will know when the time comes!"

Liu Shiyi's pretty face paused, and her beautiful eyes were full of protest: "What do you mean don't worry? What's wrong with telling the teacher now? You don't believe the teacher, do you?"

"It's not that I don't believe the teacher, but the teacher may not believe me." Ye Chi said so.

Yes, if Ye Chi said that his mental point is 99 now.

Not to mention Liu Shiyi, even a two-year-old child would not believe it.

As for why Xiao Qining believed it before, it was because she had truly seen Ye Chi's strength!

"It's up to you!"

Liu Shiyi sighed, she put away her handbag, and finally asked with concern: "Do you really not need to stabilize your mental strength?"

"No, don't worry!"

Hearing Ye Chi so sure, and his face did not look strong.

Liu Shiyi raised her eyebrows and had to look forward to it.

Will this student who came back from the border give me a big surprise!

The school bus moved forward steadily, with No. 1 Middle School in the lead, followed by several other No. 2 and No. 3 Middle Schools.

The escort car in front led the way, and Ye Chi opened his file.

This is a cowhide bag, closed with a twist line, which contains his records from elementary school to high school.

The pace of knowledge in schools in this world is much faster than that on Earth.

Although there are other continents, there is no need to learn foreign languages.

Elementary and junior high school are mathematics, Chinese, politics, history, biology, etc.

In high school, the main subjects taught in colleges and universities are:

Devil fruit knowledge in all aspects, meditation, six-style knowledge, six-style training, physical training, etc.

Devil fruit knowledge is about the development of some typical abilities.

Among the three major devil fruit abilities, the natural system has the lowest development ceiling.

Even if their lower limit is very high, it is really difficult to develop and break through!

In the history of the Federation, a large number of natural system strongmen reached the fourth-level mental power, but their fruit abilities could not be awakened.

On the contrary, there are many examples of superhuman devil fruit ability users who are relatively easy to develop after reaching the fourth level.

The animal system is simpler than the first two. Most of them only need to break through 10,000 physical fitness and enter the fourth level, and they are likely to awaken safely.

So the three major devil fruit abilities actually have advantages and disadvantages in the early and late stages.

But having said that, the extreme advantages of the natural system ability are still greater than these minor disadvantages.

In this world, not everyone has the strength to rush to the fourth level and develop the fruit to awakening.

Some natural ability users are at the third or even second level throughout their lives.

If there is no armed color domineering or seastone to restrain them, they are almost invincible.

Without much development, they have strong attack capabilities.

The elemental invincibility of the natural ability users completely makes them superior to the other two types.

Among the superhuman devil fruit abilities, they are further divided into five categories.

Psychic type - Tremor-Tremor Fruit, Surgery Fruit!

Superhuman type - Rubber Fruit, Spring Fruit!

Creation type - Candle Fruit, String Fruit!

Local ability type - Meat Ball Fruit, Staring Fruit!

Domination type - Gold-Gold Fruit, Stone-Stone Fruit!

Among these five types, the easiest to awaken are the Domination type and the Creation type. The upper limits of the other three types are not low, so it is not so easy to awaken.

As for the animal fruit, there are ordinary species, ancient species, and fantasy beast species.

In terms of awakening difficulty, the ordinary species is definitely the easiest, and the ancient species is not difficult either.

The difficulty of awakening the mythical beasts may be higher than that of some natural beasts, because they have some attribute abilities.

What is the principle of awakening? This is still a mystery in the Federation.

Devil fruit research experts have worked hard day and night to figure out this principle, so that the overall strength of the Federation can be further increased.

As for meditation, it is a way for humans to help strengthen when their mental strength is low.

It is a homework that only first-level "ordinary people" will repeat every day.

You can meditate on a picture or on what happened yesterday.

In short, it can exercise mental strength.

The deeper and more carefully you think, the better the effect of the exercise will be.

At the second level, when human mental strength is strong, it is easy to conceive a picture or remember what happened yesterday.

Therefore, meditation is good for

Humans above the second level are useless.

The other six styles, exercises, etc. are all prepared for the federal martial arts exam.

This world is very cruel and realistic. Colleges with strong teachers are like Ye Chi's previous life. The students they train can all master some simple six styles.

And in a small border school like Jiangcheng, no matter how powerful the students are, it is difficult to master some dazzling combat skills.

Therefore, in the federal martial arts exam, the five top colleges are never considered by Jiangcheng students.

Imperial Capital Natural Department Xingbei College!

Magic City Superman Department Haokong College!

Haidu Animal Department Lingyun College!

Qingdu Medical School Zhengyitang College!

Hangdu Gun Art Lanfeng College!

They are only for students from top cities.

These people have excellent mental strength. Once they get the natural devil fruit, they will be the students on the list of Imperial Capital Natural Department Xingbei College.

Students from ordinary places can only be selected by ordinary second-rate colleges according to their martial arts exam scores.

At that time, Liu Shiyi did not obtain the ability of the devil fruit, but she relied on her strong understanding of the six styles and her excellent practical ability to enter the top 100 of the martial arts exam!

She was also favored by a good school.


Ye Chi looked at everything in the file. In addition to his own things, there were also handprints of Ye's father and teacher.

The federal examination for obtaining the ability of the devil fruit is very strict, and there are many proof materials, and one cannot be less.

Some people who are missing due to special circumstances have to get a lot of proof.

Ye Chi put his ID card in it by the way, rolled up the twisted wire and breathed a sigh of relief.

After a month of life and death struggle, he returned all the way.

Today, is the devil fruit power finally added?

With Ye Chi's qualifications, he can get the opportunity to choose all fruits.

If possible, in the superhuman department, he wants to get the Tremor Tremor Fruit.

In the natural department, it is best to get the Magma Fruit and the Flash Fruit, and the Dark Dark Fruit is also under consideration.

As for the animal type, some super fantasy beasts are also feasible, but they must not be like Song Jinyang, an ugly King Kong!

While Ye Chi was secretly struggling in his heart, his shoulder was suddenly leaned heavily.

He turned his head and found that it was Liu Shiyi who had fallen asleep, leaning over with an unbalanced face.

Ye Chi stared at her for a while, lowered his shoulder for her to lean on, and the road was still long, so he closed his eyes.

The car drove steadily towards Hangzhou City.

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