The more you practice, the easier it is to break a human skull.

Feeling the soft beauty behind him, he secretly took a breath of cool air!

Dragon Claw Fist, five fingers together, the posture is like a dragon claw.

It is a special and powerful physical skill that surpasses the six styles!

With strong finger strength and grip strength, it can easily crush swords, helmets and other steel.

When practiced to perfection, crushing a human skull is as easy as crushing an egg!

The reason why Dragon Claw Fist is called Claw Fist is because this skill does not use the power of simple fingers, but the squeezing force of the "claw"!

Its force application method, like fists, does not rely solely on the wrist, but has a very special force application method.

The finger tendons that form the dragon claw are connected from the wrist to the muscles of the entire arm.

The power of the claw requires the strength of the whole arm, and the arm strength can move the whole body.

All the strength of the legs, waist, chest, and shoulders must be brought together to finally gather on the claws, and explode with a terrible power that can even crush the air!

Like the six styles, the Dragon Claw Fist is a physical skill brought out by humans from the crack world.

According to experts in physical skill research, this skill should also be created with reference to the real "dragon claw".

Its posture, movement, and force generation method are not very different from those of some clawed creatures.

Therefore, if people want to comprehend the Dragon Claw Fist, the fastest way is not to bury their heads in hard practice, but to "comprehend" the forms of other beasts.

Just like the ability of the third-level strong man, comprehending the body structure of the beast and imitating their advantages can bring out the real power of the Dragon Claw Fist!

Although Liu Shiyi does not have a devil fruit, she has spent four years just comprehending the Deinonychus related to the Dragon Claw Fist!

To practice a super physical skill to the pinnacle, it can be said that it is completely crushing the existence of the same level!


The night was not long, and Ye Chi's accidental intention also allowed him to learn the general idea of ​​Dragon Claw Fist from Liu Shiyi.

Looking at Ye Chi's casual practice and sweating profusely, Liu Shiyi wiped his sweat with satisfaction and said:

"You have practiced the form of Dragon Claw Fist very correctly, and you are not lacking in strength, but I can't explain the real beast claw force technique to you clearly."

Looking at the time, Liu Shiyi suggested: "If there is time tomorrow, I will take you to the Federation's Grand Chamber of Commerce to observe the real beast claw."


Ye Chi responded with bright eyes. Now, in addition to the six styles, he finally learned a regular super physical skill!

More skills are better!

He was lying when he said he was unhappy!

I saw Sabo performing Dragon Claw Fist in the original book. He was so handsome. Anyone who saw it would want to have it for themselves!

Moreover, Ye Chi has come to this world. If he can master the Dragon Claw Fist... one claw can crush a person - how cool that would be!


Ye Chi made claw gestures with his fingers, and occasionally grabbed some items in the room.

He could feel that with just a little force, anything could burst under his claws!

Seeing that he was still restless, Liu Shiyi smiled and said, "Okay, go to bed early. Don't damage the hotel, or you will have to pay compensation~"

"I know."

"Go to bed early."

After giving instructions, Liu Shiyi walked away lightly. When the door closed, she looked at Ye Chi who was full of energy and shook her head helplessly.

Let him practice, but it's good to use the Dragon Claw Fist to divert his attention, not to mention that he has practiced so well.

Liu Shiyi flicked her hair, and the sound of high heels disappeared in the corridor.

As time passed, the whole noisy hotel finally fell into the silence of the night.

Midnight is when the night owls in the bustling city are at their peak, but after two hours of high spirits, the night owls took a nap and the rats came out.


A man with a cane and trembling wounds moved the manhole cover.



The sound of steel hitting the ground woke up the cats in the area, and the rats in the stinking ditch also rustled and crawled quickly.

Seeing that there was no movement after the loud noise, all the creatures huddled in the darkness, with their eyes wide open and alert.

After a while of heavy breathing, the man in the dark finally took a step and jumped into the sewer tremblingly.


The sewage splashed everywhere, and the sewer rats were completely shocked!

Plop plop plop! !

It seemed as if a heavy rain had fallen in the darkness, and his black leather shoes were soaked and trampled by countless furry mice.

Although he usually hated such filth, he didn't care about his image now.

He lifted his unsteady legs, touched the dusty walls, and walked in the sewer, sometimes deep and sometimes shallow.

Pah, pah.

As the pace moved forward, the water flow became more turbulent, and the stench became stronger!

Until a yellow light was seen, it was finally there.

The light shone through the iron cover above, and the man walked quickly with joy, came under the iron cover, and knocked.

There seemed to be someone guarding it above, and he stretched his head to look, and then he moved the cover for him, and the disabled man rushed up from below and asked for help.

The gatekeeper stretched out his hand in annoyance and pulled him up.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Finally leaving the smelly sewer, the man stood on the ground under the dim light.

Although he was wearing a well-dressed suit, it was already tattered at this time.

The exposed skin was full of blood clots, ragged clothes, disabled limbs, and the embarrassed appearance made the people in the alley look at him with contempt.

But it was just this limping and ragged appearance that made the strong man have no desire to attack him.

Passing by a bustling pub, a shop with old words that could not be seen clearly, and a road with many signs, the man finally found the place he was looking for.

[Yellow Spring Stall]

An old stage with few customers, under the dim light, there was a bell on the stage.


The Yellow Spring bell rang, and it was time to receive customers.

The faces of several people with purple flames tattooed on their shoulders changed, and a person of lower status was looked at by several people.

He snorted and had to put on his coat and walked out.

"Yellow Spring Road, no wronged ghosts are accepted."

The man on the stand covered the faint mark with his coat, sat astride the high platform, glanced at the person who came, and smoked a cigarette in disgust.

His face was covered by the shadow of the man, and the disabled man looked up and saw the cold eyes that could not be covered by the shadow, and his heart trembled!

The hands touching each other under the stage were unconsciously entangled.

The man in the stands sneered, "No way, you don't even know the codeword?"

Seeing the disabled man evading, the man in the stands explained in annoyance, "Tell me your name, job, status, and salary. If you lie, I don't mind sending you away first."

After the cold voice fell, the disabled man hesitated for a few seconds and finally stammered, "My name is Zhang... Zhang He. I used to be a teacher at Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School. My status was very low and my monthly income was... one or two thousand..."

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