The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.

Seeing the other party put on the strongest human-beast form, Ye Chi's heart was also alarmed!

Although the other party was not a fourth-level strongman, but a rare animal-type ancient dinosaur... It was not so easy to deal with.

Following Ye Chi's will, the dark purple-red flowing cherry blossoms began to evaporate like steam.

The veins under Ye Chi's skin were rioting, as if facing a great enemy!

A top-notch old-fashioned third-level fighting a second-level who was just 18 years old, and the evil dragon was in the strongest state. Who would believe this kind of battle in the outside world?

But now the reality is that the evil dragon took the lead in attacking, and the atmosphere of confrontation completely disappeared in a torrent of power!

Step and bang——

The Allosaurus stomped his foot!

The concrete floor was like a plate of tofu. After a short cracking sound, a large spider-web-like crack suddenly appeared under his feet!

At the moment when the fragmentation spread to the limit, the heavy body leaped out like a missile!

The terrible speed left a circle of ripples in the air, and the fist missed Ye Chi's face. At the moment when Ye Chi repeated the paper drawing——

The evil dragon grinned, and the murderous intent surged in his heart!

"You don't think I will fall for this?"

In Ye Chi's gleaming eyes, the evil dragon's punching posture was paused, and his body turned violently!

The right leg was swung up, and the body was half-spinning in the air. The right foot brought a violent gust of wind, directly tearing the air, and fiercely kicked Ye Chi!

The huge dinosaur foot was crushing, like a mountain pressing down on Ye Chi!

The moment he saw this attack, Ye Chi knew he couldn't dodge it!

This guy's foot alone is bigger than his body!

Since we can't avoid it, let's fight!!

Ye Chi's heart was filled with fear, and all the abilities of the Hell Yellow Spring Fruit were activated!

Endless soul power surged wildly in an instant, gathering into a sharp-toothed Tyrannosaurus above Ye Chi's head!

"Soul Tyrannosaurus·Guillotine!"

The green Tyrannosaurus, which was only in its infancy, bit down on the head of the evil dragon!

At the same time, the opponent's attack also fell!


The overwhelming offensive collided with Ye Chi's condensed flowing cherry blossoms in front of him!

After a heavy explosion, the exploding wind swept out like a typhoon!

Swish swish swish!!

First, the dust on the ground flew, and in an instant, the ground around Ye Chi exploded and collapsed!


Ye Chi's legs sank, and his face sank!

Seeing this, the evil dragon showed a happy expression, but before he could smile, his head was bitten off by a dark green dinosaur!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex condensed from Ye Chi's soul nebula body bent his neck and bit down fiercely with the terrifying sharp teeth that were nearly half a meter long!


At this moment, in a dark place that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

A dark green humanoid soul was almost bitten to pieces by Ye Chi's soul Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The soul in his body was attacked terribly, and the blood in the evil dragon's brain suddenly began to flow back wildly!

His face was red and his veins were bursting, his eyes were spitting, and a needle-like pain came from deep in his head!

"Uh ah!!"

The evil dragon screamed in his tooth socket, covering his head with both hands, and his brain membrane was uncontrollably overflowing with power!

The vast mental power rushed to Ye Chi's Tyrannosaurus Rex and made it shaky.

At this moment, taking advantage of the moment when the other party was in pain, all the flowing cherry blossoms on Ye Chi's body rushed to his right hand!

Swish, swish, swish! !

The dark purple-red color was condensed to the extreme, and the veins on Ye Chi's arm were surging, and the bursting muscle lines were revealed!

Gathering all his strength, Ye Chi shouted angrily!

"Liu Ying!!"

Liu Ying's domineering power wrapped around Ye Chi's right hand, and the more it condensed, the more violently it swayed, just like a strong wind in the wind!

Ye Chi showed his offensive posture, and on his raised arm, his five fingers were spread out, and his index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger were bent together, forming the shape of a dragon claw!

As soon as the dragon claw appeared, the flowing cherry covered the dark purple-red color and emitted an extremely dazzling light!

Ye Chi roared!

"Burning Dragon Claw Fist!"


On the bent and charged arm, the wildly swinging flowing cherry rubbed violently with the air, bursting out a low-temperature flame!

The moment the flame appeared, Ye Chi brought out a stream of light and attacked the heart of the evil dragon!

Whoosh whoosh——

The violent punch with terrifying power blurred the air!

When the dragon's mind was blank, he suddenly burst into horror!


Armament Haki was wrapped around!

The dragon punched out reflexively, and the huge mechanical arm collided with Ye Chi's fist!


The two fists collided, and first there was a sonic boom of air bursting!

Between the two, something happened.

A huge arc of air groove appeared.

At the moment when the sonic boom sounded, the evil dragon's face changed instantly, and the endless power in his body instantly increased and surged out!

At the same time, a terrifying force that was condensed to the extreme burst out like a mountain torrent!

The flowing cherry flames wrapped around Ye Chi's dragon claw fist rotated like an electric fan!

The indestructible mechanical implant arm, under the power of Ye Chi, directly exploded with tiny cracks like a spider web!

Crack! !

At this time, the evil dragon who finally dispersed Ye Chi's soul Tyrannosaurus saw this scene, and his pupils shrank heavily!


His mechanical implant arm, but added seastone in front!

Now it has no inhibitory effect on Ye Chi, and it has been smashed!

Seastone is as hard as diamond, and even the peerless swordsman can't cut it, so why can he?

Ideals are perfect, but reality is so skinny.

The seemingly invincible mechanical arm, under the domineering internal and external attacks of Ye Chi Liuying, the cracks spread to the whole body in an instant, and finally exploded completely!

Boom! !

The alloy steel exploded, and the explosives that the evil dragon had no time to use also exploded at this time!

The high-powered bomb burst into bright flames, a circle of shock waves swept, and the earthquake stirred up pieces of dust!

In the black fog of the explosion, the body of the evil dragon was like a sandbag that was hit hard.

It flew backwards straight to the back, scraping the ground along the way, plowing a long trace!

After flying backwards for more than ten meters, it finally hit a big tree hard, and the whole forest shook three times.

The whole battlefield was filled with smoke, and the students who were hiding in the distance and watching were stunned and horrified!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Chi, who was standing upright.

No one had ever thought that a person who was obviously the same age as them could have such terrible power!

He defeated a top-level third-level warrior with such a young attitude!

How did he do this?

"Brother Ye is so handsome and amazing..."

"Oh my God, if I hadn't seen this battle with my own eyes today, who would have believed that... someone who had just obtained the power of a devil fruit could be so strong!"

"I am really impressed! Brother Ye from our Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School is finally going to be successful!"


Under the admiring eyes of the students, the smoke of the battlefield gradually dissipated. Someone stared at the tree and said with a little uneasiness:

"Is that person not dead?"

"I don't know... I heard that the stronger the animal-type ability, the faster their body recovers..."

Indeed, the animal-type warriors themselves have thick skin and flesh, but Ye Chi's super soul ability happened to hit the evil dragon's weakness.

Before the students' cautious talk fell, their faces changed in shock!


There was a loud bang, and a human figure that shot out like a cannonball appeared again!

The evil dragon is not dead after all!

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