The old man was so angry that he said something wrong.

"Why are you leaving? Are you still calling the police for help when you are alone in trouble? You people are..."

The girl's mouth was like a machine gun, spitting out words one after another. Fortunately, the captain beside her interrupted her seriously in time.

"Xiaoyan, say less!"

"What did I say wrong?"

Seeing that she was blamed by the captain, Yunyan glared at Ye Chi.

Her pretty nose moved, her flat chest rose and fell, she snorted, and vented her anger through the sniper rifle in her hand!

Seeing the girl's unruly look, the middle-aged police officer sighed secretly. He looked at Ye Chi and said, "Come over and tell us about the situation first. We will take notes."

On the way to the special police, they had already learned from the group of students that the boy surrounded by the beasts was not a person from the glimmer, but their classmate.

Ye Chi pondered for a moment and walked towards them, but Ye Chi's approach made the female police officer even more angry.

Her hair fluttered in front of her snow-white forehead, Yunyan stood upright, showing a pretty momentum, half leaning on the special sniper rifle.

Her hands moved smoothly, and her tender fingers pressed the trigger continuously!

Bang bang bang bang!

In one second, several bullets were fired in succession, and the shells fell with a ping ping ping. If you didn't know, you would think they were firing a machine gun.

The baboons were shot away by two excellent snipers like scarecrows.

Seeing Ye Chi approaching, the captain installed a silencer on his gun while changing bullets, and scolded Yunyan next to him again.

The continuous gunfire finally stopped. When the girl reluctantly installed the silencer, the middle-aged captain had already started aiming and shooting again.

"Little classmate, tell me the situation here truthfully."

These days, the superb snipers can completely cover their teammates while asking about the situation.

With the sound of the shell falling, Ye Chi pondered for a while.

There were many witnesses to this incident, and there was no need to cover up anything. He directly stated the situation on the battlefield.

Killed seven glimmering men, the leader fled into the crack world, and finally died in the hands of the baboon king, and his body was thrown out.

Although Ye Chi's tone of explanation was very relaxed, after listening to it, the middle-aged special police captain who had seen a lot of the world paused.

Policewoman Yunyan didn't notice anything at first, but as the middle-aged man's gunshots paused, she suddenly realized what Ye Chi was talking about!

Killing seven members of the Weiguang and forcing the evil dragon to flee into the crack world to find a way to survive?

"What are you talking about? There is a limit to bragging, okay!"

Yunyan glanced at Ye Chi with disdain. This guy looked tattered and handsome, but he still had to have face!

Killing the Weiguang members and beating the evil dragon to a dead end.

If this is said out, some people may believe the first half.

Because the Weiguang members are all "degenerate" people, their own strength is not that high.

But who is the evil dragon?

The third in command of the notorious Hangzhou City underground gang Weiguang, with the ability of the ancient animal species Allosaurus fruit!

A real top-level third-level animal-type strongman!

Yunyan had heard her mentor say that the vitality of the ancient species of the third-level animal system has reached an excessive level!

Not to mention bullets, bombs, and missiles, they can still live for ten days or half a month even if their bodies are cut in half!

"Do you know that he is an evil dragon!"

Do you know what the word "evil dragon" means?

Weiguang has been dominating Hangzhou City for too long, and their members may be replaced frequently.

But this evil dragon is really pointing to an extremely evil maniac in every extreme case!

Hangzhou City is in panic, and he, the evil dragon, has at least half of the credit.

The Security Bureau has tried to encircle and suppress this villain countless times, but each time it was either in vain or seriously damaged!

Over the years, many directors of the Hangzhou City Security Bureau who took office have lost all their hair because of Weiguang!

Such a scourge has accumulated a bounty of 50 million over the years!

Do you think he will fail at the hands of a teenager?

What a joke!

This guy should be more realistic when he brags!

Yunyan snorted coquettishly, and the middle-aged captain stopped what he was doing, looked at Ye Chi with a serious face and said: "Classmate, are you serious?"

After hearing the middle-aged man ask this question, Ye Chi hadn't answered yet, and Yunyan sneered: "Captain, you really believe it, he probably got the devil fruit yesterday, and he doesn't know the height of the world!"

Ye Chi was a little confused, just a small thing, why did this woman sneer like this.

Probably there are a few days every month, Ye Chi was too lazy to pay attention to her, and turned away indifferently.

Seeing that Ye Chi didn't dare to answer, Yunyan

Yan thought he was right and was very proud of himself.

At this moment, Ye Chi looked into the distance, and he only spoke with facts.

"Look, his body is there."

The middle-aged captain who had been staring at Ye Chi looked at the sniper scope with half-belief and half-doubt.

After seeing the appearance of the man lying on the ground, who was completely lifeless, the middle-aged captain seemed to have seen something terrible!

His breathing stagnated and he took a deep breath!

Yun Yan was slightly surprised by the middle-aged man's reaction, and she quickly aimed the sniper rifle.

In the magnified cross vision, the hateful face of the evil dragon appeared incomparably real!

"It's... it's true!"

The girl's pupils shrank into needle points in an instant, and her long legs retreated half a step in horror!

After repeated unbelievable scrutiny, she finally confirmed that it was really the infamous evil dragon!

Even though the opponent's most obvious sign, the mechanical implant arm, had been removed, the broken right arm and the human-beast form that had not yet faded all showed that what this guy said was true!

My God!

Yunyan's face was stunned at the moment. As her chest rose and fell heavily, she murmured with a pale face, and then shook her head.

Due to her preconceived impression of Ye Chi in her heart, she didn't want to believe that this boy who was so much younger than her would have such strength.

"Impossible! The evil dragon is a top-level third-level. Even if he died, it couldn't be you who killed him!"


At this moment, Ye Chi completely treated this unruly girl as air, and pretended not to hear anything she said.

Seeing the other party's indifferent expression and sarcastic mouth without answering, Yunyan stamped her feet and said angrily: "I'll go over and take a look!"


The stubborn girl left as soon as she said she would. The middle-aged captain couldn't stop her. He could only sigh and look at Ye Chi and said:

"Classmate, she has been spoiled since she was a child... I hope you don't mind. If this is true, you will be a great contributor to Hangzhou City!"

Ye Chi nodded in understanding, and the middle-aged captain immediately chased after his niece with concern.

Because of the girl's rudeness, the two snipers in the police team all gave up at this time. If it was at a critical moment, the team members would not have enough lives to lose.

Fortunately, at this time, the baboons were beaten by the special police and were about to be beaten back to the crack door.

The team members looked at the direction the captain was running and shouted in confusion: "Captain, there are so many baboons, why don't you come?"

The special police team faced a rare sudden crack disaster, and they could all be awarded merits according to their performance. At this moment, the captain didn't take any advantage?

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