The new life is a dream, but the new life is a dream.

[Owner: Enelu]

[Ability description: The body changes into lightning, becoming a lightning man. Physical attacks, most energy attacks, and non-domineering attacks can be ineffective against itself. ]

[You can also use the fruit ability to teleport, and the process of teleportation has terrifying destructive power. At the same time, it has the ability of electrotherapy, and can generate lightning power through the body. The lightning emitted can produce large-scale explosions. ]

[It can move at lightning speed in electrical conductors and air in the form and speed of lightning; it can directly discharge electricity to attack, and the maximum voltage discharged can reach 200 million volts. It can also generate electricity to drive machines, or generate high temperatures through electric heat, and can also stimulate the electrodes of thunderclouds to thunder to a designated area through discharge. At the same time, it can also achieve the effect of eavesdropping through "electric waves". 】


"Fuck, isn't this devil fruit's ability the same as Thor's?"

"This devil fruit is a bit too strong!"

"Too exaggerated!"

"From this point of view, it seems that this Thunder Fruit is stronger!"


"Who wouldn't be afraid!"

"If you get struck by lightning, you'll probably go to heaven!"

"Who is this Enel?"

"There is such a powerful devil fruit, but I've never heard of him?"

"Isn't this Sky Curtain bragging? There is no such devil fruit!"

On the Perfume Serpent.

Luffy was shocked again when he saw the introduction of the Thunder Fruit on the Sky Curtain!


"That guy was knocked away by me a long time ago?"

"Is that guy's devil fruit also on the list?"

Everyone on the ship, including Hancock, was stunned when they saw the Sky Curtain introducing the Thunder Fruit.

This natural devil fruit naturally has strong attributes!

What's more, this one is lightning, which is even stronger!

They were still wondering why they had never heard of such a strong man in this sea.

They actually heard that this guy was beaten by Luffy! !

! ! !

Everyone looked at Luffy with astonishment!

Both Sandersonia and Marigold looked at Luffy in disbelief:

"Luffy, that's thunder and lightning!"

"Thunder and lightning!"

Luffy turned his head blankly and looked at the two of them in disbelief.

He pulled his lips and said:

"Ah! I'm a rubber man! Thunder and lightning have no effect on me!"




Everyone was in an uproar!

"How could I forget that Luffy is a rubber man with the rubber fruit!?" Hancock murmured in self-blame.

"Sure enough, Luffy is the chosen one!"

"Ah~! He's looking over here!" Hancock was nervous and didn't know how to face Luffy's staring eyes.

"Oh, right, Hancock!"

"This Enelu also has the same skill of foreseeing the enemy as you!"

"Is that also Haki?"

When Luffy saw Hancock and her sisters, he suddenly remembered the scene when he fought with Enelu on Sky Island!

Sondarsonia explained: "That is Observation Haki. Through the practice of Observation Haki, you can predict or even predict the opponent's next step in advance."

"When Observation Haki is practiced to the extreme, it is possible to foresee the future?"

Luffy's neck stretched out!

"!! Foresee the future?"

Seeing Luffy's eagerness to try, Sondarsonia smiled:

"Don't think that Observation Haki is so powerful. Training also requires qualifications. Not everyone has this talent to practice."

"You should practice the entry-level Haki first!"

Navy headquarters building.

Now Kizaru is the most embarrassed one!

Qingzhi looked at Kizaru: "What do you think of this Thunder Fruit?"

Kizaru adjusted his sunglasses.

Feeling the awkward atmosphere around him.

"Hey~ To be honest, the Pikachu Fruit and the Thunder Fruit have their own merits!"

"My Pikachu Fruit focuses on speed!"

"The Thunder Fruit, although the speed is also good, is slower than light!"

Kizaru tried to save some ground for himself.

"When you see lightning, you see the flash first and then hear the thunder!"

"In terms of speed, I am faster!"


"But his destructive power is stronger!"

At this time, Akainu said coldly.

Akainu's cold words immediately made the atmosphere that had just eased awkward again.

At this time, Sengoku asked: "Who is this Enelu? Is he a pirate?"

After asking this question.

Everyone's attention shifted from Kizaru to Enel!


"Who is this guy?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru asked: "Does each department have any news about this Enel?"

The navy behind them shook their heads one after another, all with confused expressions!

Seeing that as the most powerful organization in this sea, it was actually unable to grasp such a powerful devil fruit news.

Sengoku's face turned black.

The people of the Kingdom of God were also looking at the sky.



"Is he not dead yet?"

Everyone began to panic!

They all remembered the doomsday situation of Sky Island.

Even those who were under Enel's command before did not feel happy.

At that time, Enel's determination to abandon them was still vivid!

Gan Fowler looked at the subtitles on the sky with a sad face.

"Wappa, what do you think?"

Wappa held a cigarette in his mouth, exhaled, and said domineeringly:

"Ah! If we can defeat him once, we can naturally defeat him a second time."

Sabaody Archipelago.

Urouge was also shocked to see Enel's name appear on the sky screen!

"Humph, I said, how could that guy's devil fruit ability not be on the list?"

"But if it weren't for his appearance, I wouldn't have achieved today's results!"

"Gather some more strength and go back to meet him!"

Except for Brook, the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also showed shocked expressions when they saw the name on the sky screen.

If the sky screen hadn't mentioned it, they would have almost forgotten that there was a person named Enel!

Nami is now on the small sky island, Visalia.

While learning meteorological knowledge from the grandfathers on the weather island, she suddenly asked:

"Hareda, do you know Sky Island?"

Hareda was calm when he heard it.

"Hmm~ I seem to have passed by there before!"

"But there's nothing to study about that place, after all, their island is in the sky."

"Interestingly, those guys with wings can't fly!"

"That's too weird!"

"But when we landed on the island, I don't know if it was because they saw that we didn't have wings, the locals didn't seem to welcome us very much!"

"So, after doing some research, we were driven away!"

Nami looked at the things on Visalia Island that were similar to Sky Island and asked:

"So, these are also what you studied after seeing Sky Island?"

Hareda nodded with a smile and said proudly:


But what Nami found amazing was that if these old men were really like when their pirate group entered Sky Island.

Then why weren't they sensed by Enelu and expelled! ?

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