The big man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"What is that!?"

"Is that the true face of the Thunder Fruit?"

"Is it that big?"

"It's almost as big as his Ark Proverbs!"

"Isn't he a natural devil fruit?"

"How can he become so huge like a superhuman devil fruit!?"

Looking at the bullet screen on the sky, some natural devil fruit users naturally know why this is happening!

That's because Enel has mastered the Thunder Fruit.

He can already visualize the energy form of lightning!

Navy headquarters building.

Garp looked at the image of Thunder God Enelu on the sky and teased Sengoku:

"Sengoku, look, that's what you look like when you become giant, isn't it ugly!"

Sengoku stared at Garp fiercely.

If there weren't so many people around now, he would definitely stretch his muscles with this old friend!

【As Thunder God Enel punched out】

【Powerful lightning rushed towards Luffy】

【But Luffy, as a rubber man, was not hurt at all】

【And Luffy took advantage of the Thunder God Enel's long arms, followed the shape, and kicked Thunder God Enel's head crooked】

"!! Eh!?"

"This Thunder God Enel is good-looking but useless!"

"Is he so weak?"


【When Luffy was careless, Enel used the circuit to sneak attack Luffy from behind with a heated golden trident】


"You say you are a god, but can a god also do sneak attacks?"


Blackbeard Pirates.


"This guy named Enel is really dishonest!"

"But I like him!"

Blackbeard looked at Enel with admiration.

"If that guy is willing to join us, it might be a good choice!"

【After Luffy got rid of Enel's trident】

【The right hand trapped by the golden ball has formed a spiral shape】

【"Don't underestimate me, big earlobe"! 】

【As Luffy took off again, the giant golden ball bounced up again with the inertia of gravity, and Luffy used his rubber ability】

【"Rocket, rubber rubber, golden rifle"! ]

[The huge golden ball has been stretched to the extreme by the elastic force of the rubber fruit]

[And the stretched arm also twisted and spun]

[As the arm rotated and rebounded]

[The golden ball with huge rebound force rushed towards Thunder God Enel]

[Even Thunder God Enel could not react to the huge golden ball that rebounded back at high speed]

[Thor Enel could not bear the weight of the golden ball and the golden ball that rebounded and spun back]

[Thor Enel flew backwards with the golden ball and rushed towards the golden bell in the sky]


[Accompanied by a huge bell sound]

[The huge golden ball and Enel crashed into the golden bell together]

[The golden ball shattered instantly]

[And Enel also fainted due to the impact of the powerful golden hammer]

Mont Blanc Kulikate looked at the picture on the sky, heard the pleasant bell sound again, and burst into tears.


"Thank you, Straw Hat Boy!"

"If you hadn't rung the Golden Bell with all your might, I might have given up on finding the Golden Country!"


The Beasts Pirates.

Kaido looked at the scene on the sky screen and felt a sense of déjà vu.


"I seem to have some impression of that place!"

"But I feel like I've never been there!"

"Have I been there or not?"

"Or have I seen it somewhere?"

"If there is such a big Golden Bell, there is no reason for me not to have it!"

"Huh! Hiccup~"

The Queen of Anthem.

Big Mom looked at the huge Golden Bell with a greedy look in her eyes.


"Is there really a Golden Country?"

"As long as we find the Straw Hat Boy, we can get the route to Sky Island from him!"


"It is said that there are historical documents on Sky Island!"

"So, the Straw Hat Pirates have already obtained the historical documents on Sky Island!?"

"God is really helping me!"

"I wonder how the desserts on Sky Island will compare to those in the New World!?"

"I am really looking forward to it~!"


Blackbeard Pirates


Blackbeard looked at the huge golden bell on the sky and sighed with regret.

"What a pity!"

"If our ship was stronger, maybe we could have followed the Straw Hat Pirates to the Sky Island!"

"It turns out that the Golden Country is on the Sky Island!"


"It seems that we still have to look for that Straw Hat Boy again!"

"Monkey D. Luffy!"

"Without Ace to help you this time, I'll see how you can escape from my palm!"


Sabaody Archipelago.

Kidd and Hawkins looked at the golden bell on the sky and showed greed.

"Mr. Huo, are you interested in going to Qinghai?"

"It just so happens that my base camp is also somewhere in Qinghai!"

"How about we go together to find that Golden Country!?"

Hawkins drew a card!

After taking a look at the card, he nodded silently.

Apu on the side jumped up in dissatisfaction.

"Hey! Kidd!"

"We are an alliance of three pirate groups. Why do you call the head of the group but not me!?"

Kid laughed sarcastically.

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether you are in the alliance or not!"

"With your level, you are not of much use to our alliance!"

Apu was furious when he heard it!


He wanted to fight with Kidd immediately.

Fortunately, Hawkins stopped the two of them.

"Kidd, the crusade against the Four Emperors is not a joke!"

"More power means more protection!"

Hearing this, Kidd put down his already magnetized armed hands.

Apu was also nervous and sweating.

As an intelligence officer, he was also clear about Kidd's strength.

If the two really fight.

He may not be able to beat Kidd.

However, if he escapes, it will be no problem.

However, the power accumulated over the years may have to be abandoned.



"I'll let you be arrogant for a while!"

Navy headquarters building.

After watching Enelu being defeated by Luffy, Sengoku began to ponder.

What does this sky curtain mean?

From the beginning, almost all the devil fruit ability users who came one after another were related to him.

Is this sky curtain hinting at something?


Ace who was about to be executed was also related to him....

Although, Sengoku felt that he was overthinking.

But thinking about it carefully, he immediately broke into a sweat!

This sky curtain, couldn't it be set up for him?

Just when Sengoku was still thinking.

The sound of the sky curtain sounded.


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