The enemy was so powerful that the navy was not strong enough to face such a powerful opponent!

"They should call for help!"

"Otherwise, with those icebergs, even the warships were taken away, how could they escape!"

The barrage on the sky did not finish the words.


[Trafalgar Law uses his own surgery fruit to endow the knife with the power]

[The blade emits a dazzling white light]

[As the white light sweeps over the navy, Law's left hand gently clenched and threw it away]

[In the blink of an eye, a bunch of Den Den Mushi appeared on the ground]


"That guy just took things from the air?"

"This is something that even a thief can't do!"

"He took all the Den Den Mushi from his body?"

"What should we do with them?"

"There's no way to call for support!"

"It's over, it seems Trafalgar Law wants to kill them all!"

[Faced with Trafalgar Law's arrogance, Dashigi couldn't help but want to step forward to deal with him]

[But after just one encounter, Dashigi's body and the sword were split into two parts at the moment Law drew his sword]

"Too cruel!"

"He can even do it to women!"

"Pirates are pirates!"

In Marinford Square

Seeing that she was so unwilling to watch, Dashiki was already gnashing her teeth and enduring.

As a female swordsman!

She was killed, but she was still alive!

How could she tolerate such humiliation!

And it was broadcasted on the sky screen, and everyone in the world knew it.

[“Since you have already killed me, just kill me! Trafalgar Law!”]

In the picture on the sky screen, Dashiki also felt humiliated.

["Remember this, female navy"]

["The weak cannot choose how they die"]

"Too much!"

"This Trafalgar Law is too arrogant! He even bullies women!"

[When Trafalgar Law attacked Tashigi again]

[Smoker made a move]

[The weapon made of seastone blocked Law's long sword]

[While blocking Cairo's long sword, the long sword's blade flashed in the hemisphere]


[A blade flashed in the hemisphere]

[Directly split the navy's warship in two]


"Too scary!"

"In that hemisphere, the attack range of Trafalgar Law's sword is a bit large!"

"It can even split a warship in two like cutting a leaf!"

"It feels like Smoker is not necessarily his opponent!"

[With the help of the navy soldiers, Tashigi successfully recovered after leaving the range of Trafalgar Law's hemisphere space]

[With the fierce battle between Smoker and Trafalgar Law]

[In the hemisphere space, the entire snow field was reduced to ruins]

[At the moment of the fierce battle between the two]

[Law used the cover of the protruding rocks]


[With a stab, a square hole appeared in Smoker's chest]

[Smoker's heart was taken out by Trafalgar Law through the power of the surgery fruit]


"I guessed it!"

"Will this guy's devil fruit ability also be able to steal human organs!"

"The heart has been taken out! This navy should be dead!"

In Marinford Square.

Smoker saw that his heart was taken out by Trafalgar Law, and his face suddenly became solemn.

"Look, the heart in his hand is wrapped and still beating!"

"It's amazing!"

[After the hemisphere disappeared, Tashigi went forward to check on Smoker's condition]

[Seeing the extra hole in Smoker's chest, Tashigi thought Smoker had died in the battle]

[Dashgi, blinded by anger, rushed towards Trafalgar Law with his saber in hand]



[At the moment when Tashigi rushed over, Law also unfolded the spatial power of the Operation Fruit]

[Under the power of the slaughterhouse, the minds of Smoker and Tashigi were intertwined]

[After a while, Smoker and Tashigi both woke up in an ice cave]

[And Tashigi in front of him was bare-breasted with a cigar in her mouth]

[The previously fierce Smoker became gentle and shy]


"No matter how I look at it, I think these two

This person is so weird!"

"Hmm? Did that female marine exchange minds with the male marine?"

"The surgery fruit actually has this ability?"

"Aren't they no longer in the range of the hemisphere space?"

"Will they also be affected by the devil fruit?"


"In other words, Trafalgar Law's move will have a permanent effect?"

"But, speaking of which...!"

"That female marine has a really good figure!"


In the square of Marinford.

Tashigi looked at the picture on the sky, blushing, and quickly began to stop the people around her.

"Don't look at it, don't look at it!"

Above the Navy Headquarters Building.

Zengoku looked at the picture on the sky and asked with a serious face:

"Kizaru, do you remember that place?"

Kizaru's face became serious and nodded.

"Yes, that's right, that's Punk Hazard. "

Kizaru would not mistake that gate and the surrounding environment!

Although it has been covered with heavy snow, judging from the surrounding environment, it is Punk Hazard!

It used to be Vegapunk's experimental facility, where weapons and drug development experiments were constantly conducted.

But after the failure of Vegapunk's chemical weapons experiment two years ago, the entire island has been regarded as a waste island.

The entire island has been blocked.

Although the navy occasionally goes up to clean up the results of the experimental institute, no one should be willing to stay there for a long time!

Why is Trafalgar Law there?

Doflamingo frowned when he saw the picture on the sky.

The Den Den Mushi in his arms also rang.

"Bulu Bulu!"

"Bulu Bulu!"

When Doflamingo picked up the Den Den Mushi with a gloomy face, Caesar's anxious voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Mingge! !"

"Did you see the picture on the sky?"

"You can't go there! "

"We need to temporarily stop our plan!"

"It has been exposed and will be discovered by the navy!"

"And Trafalgar Law will appear there in the future. We can't let others find out about our experiment!"

"If we are found out, we will be in trouble!"

"You have also seen how powerful Trafalgar Law is!"

"I may not be able to beat him!"

"I am just a scientist!"

Caesar was panicking after listening to the chatter.

Doflamingo was silent for a moment before he spoke to comfort him:

"Calm down, Caesar!"

"Law, he is my subordinate!"

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