The Blackbeard Pirates.

Blackbeard looked at the screen on the sky with a fierce look on his face.

"Thief hahaha!"

"Trafalgar Law's surgery fruit is really a treasure!"

"Whether it is sold or used by yourself, it is a good thing!"

"If only I could meet it! Trafalgar Law!"

But at this moment, the picture came to Wano Country, Onigashima again.

Both Kaido and Big Mom's pirate groups were stunned.

Especially Big Mom, she didn't expect that she would also appear in the sky.

But she did not appear as the protagonist of the Devil Fruit ability user, but appeared on the sky in the duel with Law's surgery fruit ability.

[On Onigashima, Luffy is under siege by Kaido and Big Mom]


[The appearance of Trafalgar Law saves Luffy from the brink of danger]



“Hasn’t this scene been seen before when the Fish-Fish Fruit was introduced?”

“So, Trafalgar Law was also on the battlefield of that war?”

“That’s right, after all, that’s the Four Emperors Kaido!”

“Even if you are a supernova, you can’t challenge the emperor who has dominated the New World for so long!”

“It’s not embarrassing to form an alliance to challenge, it’s normal!”

“But didn’t you see that there is also Big "MOM," Even if you are all ally, you won't be so impulsive to challenge the two four emperors? "" Isn't it a latron? " [After saving Luffy, Luo grabbed Luffy and scolded] [Listen, I have formed an alliance with you, the alliance is equal "] [I want Jin Weimen to send them below at first." The hat pirate group and the heart pirates are united alliance! "Law, you dare to form an alliance with outsiders to attack me."

"You can't wash yourself clean even if you jump into the sea!"

Doflamingo just issued a bounty in the name of his underground "Joker".

On the black market, a bounty was issued for Trafalgar Law's killing.

The Beast Pirates.

Kaido and Jin looked at the picture on the sky, and their faces became gloomy.

"These two little guys really don't know how high the sky is."

"Are young people nowadays so reckless?"

Jin responded from the side:

"Mr. Kai, when you were young, you were no less than that!"

Big Mom Pirates.

Big Mom looked at the sky with disdain on her face.

"These two young boys actually dared to pay attention to me and Kaido?"

"I don't know what they are thinking!"

"But why did I go to Kaido's territory?"

"That guy won't let me get close easily!"


[At this time, another voice sounded]

["Great! Straw Hat Boy"]

["Trafalgar, I thought you finally became the Straw Hat Boy's little brother!"]

[Kid pointed at Trafalgar Law with a teasing look]


"Kid is here too!"

"So the three of them have formed an alliance?"

"The three supernova pirate alliance?"

"No wonder Kaido is afraid of capsizing, he is afraid to call Big Mom is here to take charge, right? "

"After all, I heard that they both had been on the same ship."

["Low-level pirates hanging out with low-level pirates, I don't care anyway"]

"!! Low-level pirates?"

"Hahaha, I laughed my ass off!"

"Kid actually teased them as low-level pirates!"

Kaido was also shocked when he saw Kidd appear on the sky!

"Is he the first among the supernovas?"

"It seems that he is unwilling to join us and wants to rebel against the Straw Hat Boys!"


"This kind of young and energetic guy is...

He needs to be disciplined!"

"When he knows how powerful I am in the future, he won't have any other unrealistic ideas!"

Sabaody Archipelago.

Kid was also shocked when he saw his image appear on the screen.

He was obviously planning to form an alliance with the pirate group of Hawkins and App.

But why did he appear with Straw Hat Boy and Trafalgar Law?

Could it be?

Later, he had a falling out with Hawkins and App?


But what embarrassed him was that he had just discussed the alliance with the two pirate groups of Hawkins and App.

On the screen, he said that the pirates he was going to form an alliance with were low-level pirates...

Isn't this hitting himself? his face?

Kidd suddenly felt very embarrassed and was too embarrassed to look Hawkins and App in the eye.

Although App's expression was normal, he was panicking.

How could this Kidd be in a group with Trafalgar Law and the Straw Hat Boys?

Has his plan been exposed?

If so, should he still form an alliance with them now?

Wouldn't Kidd kill me after finding out that it was me who did it?

Otherwise, how could he stand in front of Lord Kaido! ?

[While the three were arguing about who was the low-level pirate, Prometheus in Big Mom's hand launched a fireball attack at them]

[Looking at the fireball getting closer and closer]

[Luffy suddenly shouted:]

["Whoever avoids that guy's moves first will be a low-level pirate! ”]

[Although Trafalgar Law and Kidd verbally resisted Luffy's proposal]

[But their bodies consciously stood still]

[The three looked at each other]

[Following the principle of not moving unless the enemy moves]

[Looking at the three huge fireballs coming towards them]


[The three of them took on Big Mom's fireball attack head-on]


"Are those three idiots?"

"Why do I feel like they've been led astray?"

"Leaded astray by whom?"

"What do you think? ”


On the Sabaody Archipelago, Kidd looked at the picture on the sky and closed his eyes!


That's not me!

I won't do such a boring thing!

Too stupid!

It can't be me!

On the Polar Submarine.

Trafalgar Law also turned around after looking at the picture on the sky.


I won't listen to that stupid boy and do such a boring thing!

But Babel asked in Law's ear:

"Captain, are we still going to Marinford?"

"It seems that the captain still likes the Straw Hat Boy!"

"I felt it since the Sabaody Archipelago. We fur tribes are very sensitive!"

The embarrassed Trafalgar Law pressed Babel's head hard and said:

"You will be responsible for the sanitation of the ship today, Babel! "

Baby looked at the two people behind him who were instigating him with grievance.

"Don't even think about having an easy time, you two~~!"

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