The old fox-like Duan Ziya waved his white robe, and three bottles of medicine with black bottles appeared between the two.

"Let's take this Nine Nether Spring Water as a bet. You and I each have three bottles, and the winner takes all six bottles. How about that?"

The headmaster of Shendu, with a livid face, hesitated and took out the same three bottles from his arms. The preciousness of these three bottles of Nine Nether Spring Water could no longer be measured by money, but thinking of Jiang Buming's strength, he still accepted the bet.

If you insist on talking about the specific price, three years ago, Xihuang Province auctioned a drop of Nine Nether Spring Water for 800 million yuan, and it was snatched up by people!

The old drunkard who was interested in gambling couldn't help it when he heard about gambling, but he had no choice but to give up after searching all over his body and didn't find any valuables. He cleared his throat and reminded the Sword Emperor:

"Outrageous! Two emperors are gambling in the finals of the national competition. As the deputy director of the Supervision Department, don't you care about it?"

I believe you? Seeing you looking for gambling money over and over again, you must be itching to do it. The Sword Emperor closed his eyes and pretended that he didn't see anything.

Hiss... This kid is not strong! If it was the crazy dog ​​Li Qing'an, the director of the Supervision Department, he would probably send these two principals to the police station.

The old drunkard who returned home disappointed could only look at the two little guys in the audience. He hadn't seen the fight between the five-level ability users with great potential for many years.

On the rostrum, Jiang Buming walked to Mu Bai's side and whispered quietly.

Mu Bai, who looked a little disgusted, pulled away and snapped his fingers, saying, "We are both men. I am not interested in you. If you have something to say, just say it."

After being slightly stunned, Jiang Buming said earnestly:

"Mu Bai, do you know what I am talking about? I will completely defeat you. It would be a waste if you leave the things that can reach the top to me. If you give it to me, I can create a legendary era. Do you want to watch it with me?"

"Give it to me and admit defeat automatically. I will let you leave this arena with dignity." Jiang Buming, who seemed to be open-hearted, had a kind smile on his face.

Mu Bai had seen this kind of smile many times, the smile of a tiger driving away wolves and enjoying their prey. Smiling tiger, why are you pretending to be with me!

"I agree."

To Jiang Buming's surprise, Mu Bai agreed at once.

"He who knows the times is a hero. I promise that you can quit Wuda and join Shendu University unconditionally. When I set up any organization, you will be my second in command!" Jiang Buming, who was smiling, patted Mu Bai's shoulder and said seriously.

But in his heart, he had already issued a death notice to Mu Bai. People who know too many secrets often don't live long.

Just when Jiang Buming was thinking about how to perfectly deal with Mu Bai, Mu Bai spoke again.

"I agree that you give me the qualification system." Mu Bai, with his hands in his pockets, dodged the other party's shoulder pat without leaving a trace. When he said the four words "qualification system", he simply lip-synced.

Jiang Buming, who understood the other party's meaning, turned cold, and his originally kind smile disappeared. This speed of changing his face is amazing. Can such a person expect him to let go of his former opponent when he is in power?

Isn't that wishful thinking? The more advanced life is, the more selfish it is. This is a law cast in steel.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Why do you use a doubtful tone." Seeing the other party angry, Mu Bai was in a very good mood and even laughed out loud.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Jiang Buming snorted coldly and walked down the rostrum to the ring in the imperial city venue.

When Mu Bai walked down the rostrum, Teacher Lei walked up to him and warned him, "Be careful of Jiang Buming. It's been a long time since he broke through the fifth level. You have to be careful to deal with the strength of the middle stage of the fifth level. If you really can't admit defeat, it's no big deal. Of course, it all depends on your choice."



"In this game, even if the gods wear helmets and come to the battlefield in person, I will definitely win."

The short sentence made Lei Wuxiang stunned for a long time. Mu Bai had never had such a positive answer when he participated in the competition before, but today seemed a little different.

Looking at Mu Bai who was going away, Lei Wuxiang suddenly became 100% sure that Mu Bai would win, defeat his opponent and become the champion of the national league to break the curse of Wuda over the years.

"It seems that he is serious."

Passing through the audience, the crazy audience waved flags and shouted, some supported Mu Bai and some supported Jiang Buming. No matter who can win the final victory today, it will be a perfect end to this year's national league.

There were also countless people silently following Mu Bai behind the live camera, Feng Jiuge who guarded the Western Wasteland, the principal and teacher of the high school, who had been with him day and night.

Friends and classmates.

Those who have witnessed Mu Bai's journey to create legends believe that Mu Bai can win.

Because his existence is a legend!

Si Tong came to the ring and took out the rusty key floating in his hand, and said to the two people on the ring seriously: "This is the first time I have seen a national league level 5 match. There is no doubt that you have created history."

"The key in my hand is an extremely precious treasure. Open it and you will have the opportunity to get unimaginable rewards. I declare the national league championship competition officially open!" After that, Si Tong left the ring and left the stage to the two energetic young people.

The dense media in the distance rushed to take pictures. One was the invincible Jiang Jia Ai Tianjiao from the top family in Shendu, and the other was Mu Bai who was born in a commoner but relied on his own talent to make it to the top.

Such identity differences and unequal life experiences will undoubtedly be hotly discussed in Xiaguo!

"Come on, Mu Bai! Beat the Jiang guy in the capital!"

"Fuck the guy above, he's just shooting a map cannon. My surname is Jiang too, but I support Mu Bai. After all, we're both from commoner families."

"How can a peasant like Mu Bai be a match for the genius of the Jiang family in the imperial capital? He's not even worthy of shoe polishing!"

"Ouch! If you have the guts, reveal your address! I'm a Level 4 ability user and want to have a friendly sparring match with you!"

"You idiots, I'll support whoever wins. The only thing that won't change in this world is believing in the winner!"

"The winner enjoys the honor, and the loser can go wherever he wants. This is the kind of world that's exciting!"

"Mu Bai is so handsome! I choose Mu Bai!"


The bullet screen on the live broadcast platform exploded directly, with thousands of messages flooding the screen every second. This means that the people in this world have good physical fitness, otherwise it's estimated that the bullet screen wouldn't be clear.

The roar of the mountains and the sea was extremely spectacular as millions of people rose and fell.

Jiang Buming, who was looking at the scene with a look of regret on the stage, said helplessly: "Mu Bai, are some people destined to become the stepping stones for others? Only when they step on their bodies to reach the top of the supreme honor will they know the word regret."

"So much nonsense, Thor is coming!"

Mu Bai, who was disgusted with the other party's procrastination, turned into thunder directly, and crackling lightning covered every corner of the venue. The ultra-high current of nearly 300 million volts gathered into the phantom of Thor, looking down at the tiny Jiang Buming.

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