After a while, Mu Bai was teleported to the real world outside.

Mr. Kong came forward to support Mu Bai.

He asked with concern:

"How is it, Mu Bai, did you get the devil fruit?"

"I got it, it's a superhuman devil fruit."

Teacher Kong patted Mu Bai's shoulder and said happily: "Well done, you've trained so hard, no matter what the fruit ability is, as long as you get it, it's a victory."

After a while, all the students were teleported out. Unexpectedly, all the students in Class 2 and Class 3 of Ji'an No. 1 Middle School came out safely.

Li Piao was the last one to be teleported out. He walked up to Bai Mu and said mysteriously:

"Mr. Bai, guess what devil fruit I got!"

Seeing his smug look, Mu Bai smiled and said, "You look so happy, it must be a superhuman fruit."

"Fuck, if you say that again, I'll break up with you. Let me tell you, I got a superhuman devil fruit, the Split Fruit!"

This surprised Mu Bai. It turned out to be the fruit ability of the great god Buggy in the anime. His body can be split into pieces, and he is known as the swordsman's nemesis.

"I will definitely not tell you about my powerful fruit ability when I go home, I will just say that I got nothing. According to my father's temper, he will definitely beat me up."

Mu Bai asked curiously; "Why, do you like being whipped?"

"Ahem! What do you mean by like being whipped? Of course, I want to show my terrifying fruit ability after he beats me up, so that he will regret hurting the dignity of me, the genius of the Li family."

"I finally know why your father always beats you."

A burst of applause broke out not far away.

"Brother Xia is awesome! The animal-type devil fruit is easy to get."

"Damn, what are you talking about, brother Xia's devil fruit is not an ordinary species, but an ancient species!"

"That's right, it's the ancient species of the Dragon Dragon Fruit, in the form of a swollen head dragon!"

Hearing the younger brother's flattery, Xia Qi smiled and corrected what they said.

"Brother Xia is always a god! It's amazing!"

"Brother Xia, give me an autograph first, I'll keep it as a souvenir in the future."

The other students in Class 2 looked at Xia Qi with envy and complimented him in front of him.

Under the flattery of several lackeys, Xia Qi looked like he would be promoted to the throne tomorrow.

Seeing this, Li Piao curled his lips and said, "The villain is successful. A person like him can actually get the ancient seed."

A group of people came over from the opposite side, led by Xia Qi from Class 2.

Like an old friend, Xia Qi smiled and asked:

"I just got an ancient seed fruit. Mu Bai, what devil fruit did you get?"

"Superman system, beast taming fruit, specializing in ancient seeds." Mu Bai said casually.

Without waiting for Xia Qi to speak, the lackey behind him said angrily: "Pay attention to your words, Mu Bai, be careful that Brother Xia will beat you!"

"How can you talk like that! Since classmate Mu doesn't want to say what fruit it is, then don't say it." Xia Qi, pretending to be angry, lectured the younger brother behind him.

"Brother Xia is right. I shouldn't expose classmate Mu's shortcomings. Maybe Mu Bai, who has excellent grades, didn't even get the devil fruit."

Mu Bai's classmates from Class 3 also gathered around when they saw this scene and confronted Class 2.

"Hey, isn't this Xia Qi, the little prince of Class 2, who was beaten to his knees and begged for mercy by Mu Bai two days ago?" Li Piao said in shock.

"Damn it, Li Piao, you guys in Class 3, stop being so arrogant!"

"Okay, shut up, you lackeys from Class 2!"

"Fuck, say it again if you can."

"What, you still dare to do it?"


Seeing the two gangs quarreling, Mu Bai looked up at Xia Qi and said, "Is that what you came here to say?"

"Of course not, do you remember what I said to you after school yesterday? I will challenge you when I return to school this afternoon!" Xia Qi said passionately.

"Okay, the ancient species has thick skin and flesh, I think you must be very resistant to beatings, right?" Mu Bai said lightly.

Seeing Mu Bai, who was unusually calm even though he knew the power of the devil fruit he possessed, he smiled cruelly.

"What are you doing! Go back to your classes!"

After giving Mu Bai a neck-wiping gesture, he walked towards his class's bus with his hands in his trouser pockets.

After a while, the teacher came back and heard Xia Qi's challenge to Mu Bai. He said to Mu Bai angrily:

"Mu Bai, why did you agree to do that? In the early days of being a novice, ordinary animal-types can crush superhuman-types, not to mention ancient species."

Knowing that Mr. Kong was worried about him, Mu Bai said lightly:

"Teacher, don't worry, I won't lose."

Seeing Mu Bai so confident, Mr. Kong remembered that he hadn't asked Mu Bai what kind of superhuman devil fruit he got.

"Mu Bai, what kind of superhuman fruit did you get?"

Mu Bai stretched out his fist, and a transparent ball cover appeared on it.

"The Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which can cause vibration."

Touching his beard, Mr. Kong thought for a long time and had no impression of this fruit.

"The Tremor-Tremor Fruit... Teacher has never heard of it."

It seems that the Tremor-Tremor Fruit should appear in this world for the first time, and no one even knows the name of the strongest superhuman fruit.

On the way back to school, the classmates were also very worried about Mu Bai, trying to persuade him and giving him various advice.

Mu Bai declined all of these.

To really defeat an opponent, you have to do it when he is the most arrogant and confident.

"I will defeat him on the ring." Mu Bai said with a smile.

Just returned to the classroom, because it was a holiday in the afternoon, the corridor was full of people.

"Hey, have you heard that Xia Qi got the ancient animal-type devil fruit?"

"I heard that he's going to challenge Mu Bai, isn't he?"

"What kind of strength is Mu Bai? Can Xia Qi beat him?"

"How come you don't have any common sense? Once the devil fruit ability is activated, the animal-type ones will crush the superhuman-type ones in the early stage."

"This is true. It's like two children with similar strengths. One remains the same, and the other suddenly becomes an adult. The difference between the two is huge."

"In terms of physical fitness, strength, and endurance, the animal-type is no joke."

"Okay, okay, I heard that Mu Bai agreed. I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I can go and see the excitement."

"Let's go! Let's go and see now."

In the classroom, none of the students in Class 3 left. They were all in the classroom.

I glanced at my watch. It was exactly one o'clock.

"Let's go, it's one o'clock, the ring can be used."

Mu Bai took the lead and walked in front, followed by students from Class 3. Xia Qi from Class 2 on the opposite side put his hands in his trouser pockets and yawned, waved his hand, and followed by students from Class 2.

"Fuck, why do these two classes look like they are going to have a group battle."

"Let's go, follow them to the ring and take a look."

At the ring, students poured into the venue one after another.

The principal heard about this and also came to the ring. After all, Xia Qi was the first student of the ancient species in the Department of Animals in No. 6 Middle School.

This is a great honor for the school.

Although Xia Qi has bad behavior, who cares about that at this time.

This battle is also a good opportunity to see the terrifying strength of the ancient species.

Mu Bai and Xia Qi walked onto the ring from both sides.

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