The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Brothers! Get down!"

The crackling sound of electricity drowned out Mu Ye's shouts.

The thunder dragon descended, and the terrifying lightning penetrated the entire corridor. It was about to hit him, so Mu Ye pulled the sophomore student next to him to block him.


The blue lightning dissipated, and none of the sophomore students at the end of the corridor were standing.

Most of the people hit by the thunder dragon fell to the ground helplessly, with black smoke all over their bodies, as if they had walked around on a barbecue grill.

Pushing away the person in front of him, Mu Ye looked at the electric current on his body and cursed:

"Mu Bai! It seems that you are lawless. You dare to openly attack the senior. Are you challenging the senior's majesty!"


"You are really going backwards as you grow older. Majesty can only be proved by strength, and I, Mu Bai."

"Just have it!"

Lightning and lightning.

The elementalized Mu Bai disappeared on the spot, replaced by dense lightning.

Seeing this scene, Mu Ye cursed inwardly. This monster can really be elemental. Is he a double fruit!

No matter what, if I am beaten by this freshman today, I will have no face to see my classmates.

"Armed color storm kick! Type Moon!"

Arch your body, and your right leg slashes across the air, and a white empty blade comes out from under your leg.

I can also do the storm kick, and I can play new tricks after having the thunder fruit.

In the void, Mu Bai shouted.

"Storm Kick, Thunder Blade."

The long legs made of lightning gathered in front of Mu Ye, and collided with his Storm Kick.

He obviously has the power to easily deal with me, but now he is going head-on with me, is he playing tricks on me! Mu Ye's face was bulging with veins, and he hadn't felt this kind of frustration for a long time.

But if you dare to play with my legs, I'm afraid you don't know my nickname of ghost legs. Mu Ye's whole legs are wrapped in armed color.

"Storm Kick Type Moon! The biggest round kick technique!"

In a flash, the legs wrapped in armed color collided with the legs made of lightning.


A numbing sound of breaking sounded.

That was the sound of leg bones breaking.

The legs covered with armed color were like paper, and were kicked off by the legs made of lightning.

Mu Ye, who was eroded by severe pain, hugged his right calf and half-knelt on the ground, his eyes full of horror.

Is this guy's leg made of steel!

Lightning flashed, and Mu Bai said calmly:

"Have you ever been kicked by lightning?"


Mu Bai's leg, carrying great force and lightning, hit him right on the chin.

A mouthful of white teeth was shattered and fell all over the ground.

Mu Ye, with his eyes rolled up, knelt heavily on the ground.

Has he lost consciousness? That won't do, the game is not over yet.

With his left hand in his pocket, Mu Bai stretched out his right index finger and pointed at the other person's forehead.

Mu Bai, dressed in black, looked down at Mu Ye, who was electrified.

The cold voice was without any warmth.


The blue electric current ran wildly through Mu Ye's body, and the crackling sound never stopped.

Mu Ye, who had regained some consciousness, forced his swollen eyes open and cursed vaguely:

"Nishi Ding..."

"It seems that you are not awake yet, and you need to be treated again."


After another crackling sound, Mu Ye, who had completely lost consciousness, fell to the ground.

The man with earrings who was caught in the middle was stunned. Mu Ye, who was famous for his ghost legs in the sophomore year, was defeated? Are you playing house with me!

Yue Qianchou covered his face and laughed wildly, then he pointed at the man with earrings and said:

"My friend, if you don't want to become the same as your boss, go up and defeat Mu Bai! Haha, of course if you can do it."

Humph! After all, you are a freshman, and you attack Mu Bai. Do you think I am a fool?

"Today, I, an old student, will teach you freshmen a lesson! Strengthen the arm with armed color!"

The sonorous and powerful voice reached everyone's ears.

The man with the earring raised his arm and punched him, and he immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

. .

This operation of beating himself confused everyone.

"Fuck! What kind of operation is this!"

"You are a waste of learning, you are a waste of learning! I will use this trick when I meet a strong enemy!"

Yue Qianchou's eyes were shining, and he said to Mu Bai happily:

"This guy is a genius, Mu Bai, look at what you have scared these sophomores into."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Mu Bai was speechless. What kind of people are these? There are too many weirdos.

"Mu Shen, how to deal with these sophomores?"

When someone spoke, the other freshmen realized that Mu Bai had beaten these people.

The injury will not be punished by itself!

"Mu Shen, why don't we go to the school to deal with it? After all, we are just defending ourselves. They started the trouble first."

"Yes, Mu Bai is here to help us freshmen. We can't let him be punished alone."

Yue Qianchou, who was sitting by the window, was playing with sand in his hands. Hearing what other classmates said, he said leisurely:

"You still don't understand. Mu Bai will not be punished, and these sophomores who made trouble will not be punished. The school will not take care of these trivial matters."

"Otherwise, it has been so long. Do you think the school has come to take care of it?"

Hearing Yue Qianchou's words, some people were silent, and some people were thoughtful.

Lin Zhan, who was leaning against the wall, wiped his double swords and said coldly:

"Top-level institutions and the schools we mentioned before are of two different natures."

"The key to this fight is strength. Whoever is stronger has more say."

Mu Bai, who was at the other end of the corridor, came to everyone in a flash of lightning.

"Yue Qianchou and Lin Zhan are right. It's easy to avoid being bullied. Just beat them up. Strength is everything in Wuda."

"Wuda wants to train strong people who can perform well in the national league and kill aliens in the other dimension."

"There is no place for weak people in Wuda. If you want to be respected, go and fight."

Leaned over and pulled up the man with earrings who fainted.


Mu Bai uttered two words softly from the corner of his mouth.


Accompanied by the pungent smell of burning, the earrings melted.

He woke up and was grabbed by Mu Bai's neck and dragged to the window.

"What's your name?"

Mu Bai asked the other party with a little force on his palm.

"Ahem... Wang Xuanhai..."

Holding Mu Bai's hands, he kicked his legs desperately. The feeling of suffocation made him feel uncomfortable.

"Wang Xuanhai, I remember your name. Now I have something for you to do, is that okay?"

Wang Xuanhai, with a flushed face, nodded repeatedly. Just let go of him quickly. He agreed to anything.

"It's very simple. Just tell me a message. I want you to inform the sophomore leader that I will challenge him on the ring in ten days. If you don't tell me this, I think you know what will happen to you."

Other freshmen couldn't close their mouths when they heard this. On the first day of school, Mu Shen directly challenged the strongest person of the previous age. It was too cruel.

Weakly pulling at Mu Bai's steel-like hand, Wang Xuanhai's face turned green after hearing this task, but he knew that if he didn't agree today, his fate would probably be even worse.

"I must...complete the task..."

The hand that was pinching his neck loosened, and Wang Xuanhai gasped heavily.

Mu Bai glanced at the freshmen around him and said calmly:

"Throw these sophomores lying on the ground out of the window."

Hearing Mu Bai's words, several students who had received military training couldn't help but stand up and answer loudly


Coughing his throat, Mu Bai said with a smile:

"I'm not your superior, you don't need to answer that I am."

Several freshmen who spoke out scratched their heads, feeling embarrassed.

Mu Bai's momentum just now reminded them of the officers in training.

The kind of temperament that crawled out of a pile of dead bodies.

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