Mu Bai, who entered the second round, returned to his seat, and everyone focused on him, and it was really a little handsome to solve the other party without even moving his body.

Of course, the Ostrian students sitting in the five hundred position also saw this scene, and Ota who was bright in front of him said with a slight surprise: “That’s Mu Bai, it’s actually a natural ability of the Xia Kingdom system.”

“That’s right, it’s the Xia Guo man in the morning.”

“The ability of the thunder and lightning series is very similar to the thunder god lineage of our belief system.” The red pupils of the round-headed scar-faced man flickered.

The world is currently divided into four major cultivation systems, corresponding to three powerful countries and a large alliance, the Devil Fruit entity system of the Xia Kingdom, the belief system of the Oss Kingdom, the superpower system of the American Super Country, and the War Beast System of the Desolate Alliance.

Each system has its own most famous, the most famous of the Devil Fruit is undoubtedly the natural line, the power that can perfectly manipulate nature is mouthwatering, and Otta’s eyes show a hint of joy.

If they find an opportunity to catch Mu Bai and send him back to Oss’s laboratory, they may be able to mass-produce believers in the Thunder God lineage, and human experiments are their strength.

The battles in the ring ended one after another, some were depressed, and some were happy to return.

Soon the second wave of ring battles began, and this time Su Yiyi and Yue Qianchou were called to the number and stepped forward.

“Come on two.” Mu Bai smiled and cheered for the two teammates.

“The rustling fruit is invincible, my fan will be handed over to you for safekeeping, and I will return when I go.” Yue Qianqian walked into the ring holding his head indifferently, and Su Yiyi nodded to Mu Bai.

The flame feathers of the whole body condensed, the elegant phoenix cry resounded throughout the venue, and the slender and well-proportioned body cut a graceful arc in the air, jumping into the battle stage in the ripples of purple fallen leaves.

“I’m going to be such a beautiful mythical creature! Is that the school flower of Wuhan University! Some excited students stood up and said blankly.

“Exactly like the phoenix in the picture book!!”

All the people were fascinated by the scene in front of them, and the wonder of the phantom beast species is that they do not exist in the real world like ordinary animal lines, but exist in ancient murals and legends for thousands of years.

Fire phoenixes, immortal birds, green dragons, etc., when fantasy shines into reality, it is a beautiful color that words cannot describe.

Holding the back of his head, Yue Qianchou saw the applause in the audience, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, I Yue Qianchou could not be willing to fall behind.

Five fingers tilted, a small salon roll appeared in his hand, thrown not far in front of him, and then the lower body sanded, and the leaping thousand sorrows that fell from the sky in the fierce wind re-condensed his figure, like a king in the desert.

The referee looked at this scene speechlessly, how it was all bells and whistles.

This made several people in Wuda laugh badly, and when Mu Bai and Lu Jun, Feng Cai, and Hongyuan’s eyes met, they said in unison.

“Sand sculpture!”

It was as if the god’s Yue Qianchou was brewing how to make a handsome appearance, but he almost didn’t fall out when he heard the sound of the sand sculpture.

“What a sand sculpture! Xiaoye is a prince roaming the sea of sand. The sand in his hand kept changing shape, and Yue Qianchou raised his head with a full aura.

His side was still waiting for his opponent to take the stage, and Su Yiyi’s side was about to solve the battle, only to see her arms turn into red wings and flexibly attack her opponent under the blessing of purple flames, her opponent was a student without fruit ability.

Between the waves of wings, the raging purple flames filled the ring, and in this soul-burning flame, the opponent could only block two moves before being fainted in pain.

The purple phoenix fire burns the soul, and the red phoenix fire burns the flesh, and the use and transformation of the two is Su Yiyi’s masterpiece.

Mu Bai, who supported his chin, knew that Su Yiyi’s power was more than that, and when two completely different flames combined, it was the beginning of the horror.

“Do you want to be so slow… Hey! That’s great. “I was happy when Yue Qianchou saw his opponent.

It was actually an Oss student dressed in white, the same person who followed behind them in the morning.

“Look at it!” The unbearable spectators looked at the battle ring on the east side.

In the midst of the exclamation, the Oss student holding the Ice Holy Sword pierced the opponent’s left eye with a hideous expression, and even if he couldn’t hear the sound, he could feel the heart-rending pain through the expression of the Xia Guo student.

Under normal circumstances, if you don’t shout and admit defeat, even if you are crippled, no one will pay attention, but this rarely happens in the municipal competition, after all, everyone looks up and does not see it down.

Crushing opponents with absolute strength like this, and piercing blind eyes with a sharp sword, has never happened.

Even if they are far apart, Mu Bai, who has mastered the heart net, can hear the conversation inside through the protective cover of the ring through the radio waves.

“If you don’t admit defeat yet, the next time will be your left eye, Xia Guoren.” The blond international student said in a cruel and expectant tone, and the weak people struggling under him were what he would most like to see.

The Xia Guo student, who was eroded by the pain in his bones, continued to say with snot: “I admit defeat!!” Admit defeat!

After hearing the sound of admitting defeat, the livid-faced referee came to the stage to announce the victory of the Oss students.

“Cut, a bunch of weak chickens.” After seeing that the other party was not a hard bone, he ruffled his short blonde hair and walked off the ring with disdain.

“What do you say!!”

“Lao Tzu beat you to death!”

When the nearby students heard this, they wanted to go up and beat each other, but they were stopped by the worried classmates.

The fearless Vitas swaggered through the angry crowd and sat back in his seat, not yet happy to come to the lowly gods’ forsaken land.

Lying down slowly, but not wanting to grab his golden hair with one big hand, it was the expressionless Otta.

“It hurts! What’s wrong with big brother? Puzzled, he looked up at Ota and met those eyes like ice, he knew that it was the eyes of his eldest brother who wanted to kill every time, and his body trembled slightly when he did not dare to resist.

In the Holy Light system, the superior has absolute suppression of the lower level believers, and the order is clearly hierarchical.

On the surface, Vitas and the others are Horta’s classmates, but in the Ottos system, they are almost indistinguishable from slaves, which is the “freedom” advocated by Otstas.

Ota patted his cheek, moderate in strength.

“Vitas, you need to know that it doesn’t matter in normal times, but don’t make enemies easily in such a large public, you don’t have capital like me.” The simple two words made Vitas blush, and the highest humiliation for the warrior in Oss was to deny the strength of the other party.

After teaching Vitas, Ota felt the gaze and looked up at the seat in the distance, which was Mu Bai’s direction.

[A large number of foreign languages are detected, and 10,000 points are automatically consumed to master the Oss language.] Mu

Bai, who understood the Oss language, somewhat understood the meaning of this Ota somewhat, it seems that these guys have done a lot of bad things in secret.

Although I don’t know what the other party relies on to enter Xia Guo to study, but dare to be so arrogant under his own nose, in Mu Bai’s opinion, he has to be punished slightly.

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