“Sun Yue, you lead everyone into the interior of the hall.”

After avoiding the Daoist’s eye vision, Mu Bai turned his head and said, along with the domineering appearance of foreseeing the future, he abruptly cut off the other party after avoiding the sight of the other party’s third eye several times in a row.

But the strange thing was that the other party seemed to have no pain, and the struggling body fell to the ground, and the brand new body crawled out of the third eye.

“Let’s go!”

Sun Yue shouted, and the people behind him hurriedly pushed the vermilion main gate into the range of the palace.

The sober sea beast swam from all directions, and the terrifying body size was really better than the huge sea king class in One Piece.

The general riding the big fish wanted to push open the vermilion main gate to kill the intruders, but as soon as he touched the metal doorknob, he was frozen by the freezing power that came next! The strong chill directly froze the entire main entrance.

It seemed that there were regular restrictions, but the man riding a strange fish on the four-meter-high wall did not dare to climb over, and when he turned his head angrily, he drew his machete and pointed it at Xuanyuan Buji and said some strange words.

The giant sea beasts that received the order swam one after another, and the deep sea, which was originally illuminated by the palace, was newly blocked by the bodies of the sea beasts.

Dragging out the Daoist Mu Bai who crawled out of his pupils, he threw the other party’s body into the air, and with a vibrating ball, the dome exploded with a bang! The powerful power made the sea beasts above the palace slightly surprised.

The three-eyed Daoist who shot out like a cannonball was deeply embedded in the body of the sea beast, and Mu Bai’s figure with both feet on the ground flickered in the sea, stepping on the moon step amplified by lightning and quickly approaching.

After feeling the pain, the huge sea beast flicked its building-like tail and fell into the air! The entire current crushed the steps of the palace with this force.

But Mu Bai completely ignored this, in his eyes, these slow-moving sky-shading behemoths were simply live targets and sandbags, and the flesh that could reach the peak of the sixth level could not withstand his torment at all.

“Earthquake Sea !!”

Wielding the Beak Sword Martial God, the vibrating ball cover condensed at the edge of the blade immediately smashed down on the opponent’s tail! That huge force was easily dissolved by Mu Bai’s arms.

At this moment, Mu Bai’s body is like a sponge under pressure, as long as the opponent’s strength cannot reach the limit value of destroying him, then every inch of bone and muscle on his body will be unloaded from the opponent’s strength.


The sea is bursting! The entire body of water began to vibrate, and the tail of the sea beast that was the target also exploded under this huge force! The repeated cycle of sympathetic ability transmitted from the wound of the tail to the organs of the whole body, and the powerful body fell straight down the wide steps of the palace without the power of the tail.

Seeing this, the rest of the sea beasts opened their mouths that could swallow a number of trucks, wanting to swallow Mu Bai, a small human being.

The three-eyed Daoist also crawled out of the body of the falling sea beast, and the other party was still unharmed.

In the face of the mountain roaring tsunami-like deep-sea behemoth Mu Bai made a seal with one hand, there was a crackling thunder in the sound of moisture! An amount of lightning formed a thunder electric field, and under the control of the heart net, several vast thunder fell from the sky along Mu Bai’s mind!

The thunderbolt bombardment tens of meters thick made the huge sea beast let out a mournful wail, and the transmission of high-volt electricity along the sea made the rest of the dark sea beasts become sluggish in action.

The three-eyed weirdo stood out from the thunder net and returned strongly on all fours, and the oncoming Mu Bai also greeted the other party with an iron fist with a smile.

“Cangtian Dragon Fist!”

The Thunder Electric Dragon was entrenched on Mu Bai’s right arm, and the vibration power was perfectly integrated into it, and under the dual pressure of Thunder Breaking Defense and Vibration Breaking Defense, the head of the Three-Eyed Daoist exploded like a watermelon.

Mu Bai’s backhand, which had released the mysterious skill, condensed between his hands and vibrated the ball cover, and under the boundless vibration of the two creaking sounds, the eyeballs of the other party’s remaining third eye exploded!

The three-eyed Daoist who turned into blood completely disappeared, and when he subconsciously looked at the points interface on the bracelet, he found that the points did not rise at all, but the points soared when he killed the giant sea beast just now.

This situation can only illustrate one thing, this palace is likely to be from other worlds, definitely not the deep sea secret world, otherwise as long as you kill any creature world will judge the killer to get points, this is an eternal rule.

“You really aren’t afraid of death.”

In just a few seconds of Mu Bai’s thoughts, the city-sized ocean behemoth burst in, and its crocodile-like body was the largest of all sea beasts, and no brilliance could be seen in its cloudy eyes.

The giant claws that cover the sky are booming! Several sea beasts that did not have time to dodge were smashed to pieces.

Mu Bai, who was wrapped in thunder and lightning, easily cast the shaving in the six styles and left his original position, if it were not for the fear of the bubble prop breaking, Mu Bai would have been elementalized long ago.

The existence of the six forms is inevitable, and in many cases in the outside world, there are often times when the fruit ability is limited, especially in the ever-changing dimensional space of the other world.

Mu Bai, who perfectly controls the six-style shaving, is very fast even if he does not cast thunder and lightning! A few moments rushed to the corner of the crocodile sea beast’s mouth.


Seeing the human running to the corner of its mouth, it subconsciously opened its monstrous giant mouth, and all the nearby seawater was sucked into its belly by a powerful attraction! The violent roar made people dizzy.

Mu Bai, who looked indifferent, opened his arm at this time, and the pitch-black dragon-patterned arm suddenly appeared, and Mu Bai’s body that unlocked the dragon human form suddenly expanded! The dark golden dragon pupils carried a strong killing intent.

Seeing that the other party easily came to the top of its nose and avoided the attraction, the city-like sea beast immediately flipped its head and opened its mouth to tear and bite the shocked opponent, and its teeth like a small building fell with a bang.

Mu Bai in the dragon human form felt this abundant power, and after jumping into killing the opponent’s jaw! With his hands folded, his forehead vibrated strongly, and the ball cover continued to compress, condensing the absolute destructive power granted by the boundary-breaking ability, and the sky-shading giant beast also felt uneasy.

“Shut up!!”

Rise and jump! The brilliant vibrating light points in the dragon fists of both arms smashed down to the opponent’s jaw! The seismic power that erupted into a raging wave shattered! Under the boundary-breaking ability of shaking points of light, even that crocodile-type giant beast with a city-like body could not withstand it.

The vibration crack in the jaw instantly tore everything apart! The flesh and blood near the vibrating light point were gone! The city-like body was slammed and tilted.

And its mouth was closed under the huge impact.

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