Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 126: Heavy step wolf

Tang Tianyou clenched his fists, his muscles bulged in an instant, and a vein wrapped around his forearm like a small snake. The biceps and triceps were like cast steel, like two pieces of pig iron embedded in the big On the arm, a powerful force is brewing!

Heavy step wolf! ! !

This is a special iron extension technique!

A seemingly ordinary fist, in fact, gathers all the power of the whole body used to activate the'iron block' on the fist. It is as hard as an'iron block-just', and it is released quickly. After being concentrated, the enemy will not only suffer a lot of damage. It will fly out because of the powerful attack power!

The air seems to be exploding!

At this moment, Song Peng seemed to feel that time was close to stillness, everything in the world stopped growing, and his crazy eyes quickly returned to clearness. A fist with the size of a casserole pot blasted from a distance at a speed faster than the naked eye. .

With a ‘bang’—

His fists banged heavily on Song Peng's soft belly!

It was as if a mad elephant hit him heavily, an unstoppable force blasted his limbs, and then his body was like confetti, sliding across the sand for more than ten meters.

Finally, Song Peng slammed into a gray-black rock on a sandy ground, his body bent like a cooked shrimp, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

The right hand, which was holding the steel knife tightly, was also weakly placed on the sand. At this time, the murder weapon steel knife had already flew to which corner, and the whole body was limp on the ground.

Song Keqing looked at the gangster who fell on the ground and looked up at Tang Tianyou who was standing on the sand. There was a trace of panic in her beautiful eyes, and he said nervously: "That gangster, is he dead already?"

"It's okay, he can't die. That guy is just a cockroach. He can't die if he jumps from a bridge that is more than ten meters high. How can he die now?" Tang Tianyou explained.

After listening, Song Keqing's expression eased, and he let out a sigh of relief. If they kill people in a large court, even if they are defending, they will probably be detained by the local police for a few days.

Now that the gangster is not dead, everything is easy to do. After all, there are so many witnesses on the bridge, why can't they be faked?

Tang Tianyou went straight to the gangster who collapsed on the rock, poked his body lightly with his toes, and said, "Uncle gangster, are you dead? If you are not dead, just squeak."

It seems that because of Tang Tianyou's light kick, Song Peng's survival instinct was aroused, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Song Peng slowly opened his eyelids that seemed to weigh several thousand kilograms.

At this time, Song Peng's face was already **** and bloody, his nose collapsed and he could still breathe hard, his eyes half-opened, he threatened vaguely: "Babbit, you dare to beat me, you are dead! Dead! deal!"

"Oh, by the way, you are already like this now, so you dare to threaten me, have you got water in your head?" Tang Tianyou sneered.

Song Peng did not speak, but just smiled "Jie Jie". Although he collapsed weakly on the beach, blood flowed into his eyes, nose, mouth, and even his face, but the resentment and resentment in his eyes made him feel bad. People shudder, the kind that can definitely stop a three-year-old child from crying.

This hairy feeling made Tang Tianyou frown, feeling very upset.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Tianyou punched him in the mouth!

The muffled sound of the collision and the screams sounded at the same time, and the two front teeth of the gangster were interrupted by the waist, and the teeth were forcibly embedded in his flesh and blood by the powerful force!

"Ah!" With a stern scream, the gangster kept twitching his body, and blood was constantly flowing out of his mouth, like a ghost.

After a while, the gangster took a breath of blood vigorously and let out a vague laugh: "Why... stop fighting? Hey, go on, go on... Haha, good fight! Best give me Kill, let's go to **** together!"

Even though his anger is floating and blood is constantly flowing out of his mouth, his threatening words still reveal a viciousness: "Boy, please remember, don't let me leave here alive, otherwise, you will die! It's settled! And your beautiful little girlfriend, it's just as dead, all dead!"

Tang Tianyou just calmly looked at the gangster who was struggling crazily in front of him. In the memory of White Beard, he had heard and watched the more vicious words and the more terrifying eyes.

Those who were captured because of defeat, demoted to slaves, and sold as goods...whether it is numbness, despair, or madness, hatred, or begging, I have never seen any kind of eyes.

But... so what? !

The roar of the weak is actually a moan of incompetence!

Whitebeard became the king of the sea. I don't know how many people have been killed. I don't know how many people secretly hate the Whitebeard Pirates. But the reason why he can rule the entire sea is not the so-called wrist, but his own strength!

If you are not strong, even if you beg for mercy, others will still destroy you. If you are strong, those enemies will be secretly unwilling, but on the surface he has to be respectful. After decades, I am afraid that he will really surrender. NS.

"Hmph, if you are lucky, let me spare your life for the time being. If you don't know what is good or bad in the future, I will send you to hell!" Tang Tianyou exuded a trace of coldness, watching the police rushing over from under the bridge~www.readwn .com~ After a while, the policeman who had been running for a long time from under the bridge to the riverbed finally arrived. A tiger pounced on the sheep and subdued Song Peng who was limp on the ground.

"Thank you, boy, if it weren't for you, this guy would have really escaped. That's good." A policeman praised with a thumbs up.

"You're welcome." Tang Tianyou smiled.

Song Peng, who was caught by the police, was struggling frantically while still staring at Tang Tianyou. His eyes were full of hatred and craziness. He muttered: "Hey...boy, I will come to you soon and soon. ."


The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, the breeze was touching the earth, everything fell asleep peacefully, it seemed that everything was at peace. The moon shed her soft light, gently spreading on the earth.

After going to the police station to make a transcript, Tang Tianyou sent Song Keqing back to her home. Since he had been there last time, he also found the location easily this time.

This is a chic house, about two and a half storeys high, with empty faces on all sides, similar to an English garden villa-style house. The house is spacious and bright, with green trees in front of the building and a pleasant view.

At the door, Tang Tianyou looked at Song Keqing with a haggard face, and said, "If nothing happens, I will go back first. Don't worry, everything is over for today. Let's sleep well tonight."

"Uh, that's it. It's not too early now. I'll go home first. See you tomorrow!" Tang Tianyou smiled. There are a lot of things that happened today. He has to sort out his thoughts.

Especially when he has a new understanding of power, he can't wait. He wants to seriously experience the feeling that I am invincible within an inch. This is the power of softness! The ultimate in silence!

Seeing that Tang Tianyou was about to leave, Song Keqing was anxious, with red eyes, and weakly asked: "God, you don't want to go, stay and accompany me, okay?"

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