Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 128: Release pigeons

In the early morning, the cheerful cry of the birds entered the bedroom, and a few rays of sunlight shone through the gaps in the curtains, and the chirping of the birds urged the lazy guy to get up quickly.


Rubbing his eyes, Tang Tianyou yawned. If he looked in the mirror now, he would definitely find that he had two big dark circles under his eyes, which was comparable to a national treasure panda.

Last night, Tang Tianyou was forcibly stayed in the bedroom by Song Keqing, not letting him go, saying that the psychological trauma that night had not healed, if he left, leaving her alone, she would be too scared to sleep.

Oh my God, doesn't this little Nizi know that he is a healthy and healthy teenager? The pair of white rabbits that seemed to be swollen about to jump out, their skin was as smooth as silk, plus the fresh fragrance of French perfume.

Throughout the night, there were two villains fighting in Tang Tianyou's heart. The temptation of the devil and the angel was simply a cruel punishment.

With a sigh, he was about to get up and put on his clothes. Tang Tianyou suddenly felt something was wrong. A slender white arm was resting on his neck, and there was a warm and lubricating feeling behind his back, and his waist seemed to be covered. What got entangled.

The smell of fragrance made Tang Tianyou's head knotted, as if stunned, he took off the small hand on his neck, struggled to sit up, and then lifted the quilt.

A beautiful female body with concave and convex shapes was presented in front of the boy. The large pajamas could not hide the girl's proud figure. The buttons on the top were loosened due to the overnight rolling, and the girl's snow-white charm could be clearly seen through the collar.

A stream of heat emerged from his nasal cavity, Tang Tianyou screamed strangely, pinched his nose, and ran out of the bedroom barefoot...

When he ran out, Tang Tianyou was puzzled: what's going on? Didn’t the two of them sleep in different bedrooms last night? Why did you lie together in the morning?

At this moment, Song Keqing, who was supposed to be asleep, opened his eyes, his plump and red lips were slightly raised, and he held his head lazily, showing a smug smile...


In the morning, in the classroom, on the seat.

Tang Tianyou kept yawning and looked haggard.

The fat man seemed to have discovered the new world, looked at Tang Tianyou in surprise, and said, "God, what's the matter? Why do you look so spiritless today?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I was too tired last night." Tang Tianyou said weakly, lying on the table.

"It won't be the thing that I did with the monitor last night. After doing it for a long time, it made me feel weak, hehe..." The fat man looked at Tang Tianyou with a look of lewdness, his expression looked very wretched.

"Go to hell, why do you always have these dirty things in your head, I am a very pure teenager, and my heart is like a piece of white paper that has not been depicted." Tang Tianyou said bullishly.

The fat man immediately compared a **** and said with contempt: "Pick! I don't know who it is, there are more Japanese art films under the bed than me, and there are all kinds of them."

Tang Tianyou looked embarrassed, and said, "So what, how did you know about this? I obviously hid it well, so no one should have noticed it."

"Hey, if you want people to know it, you can do nothing! In fact, this is what your sister told me. A few days ago, she said that when she was cleaning the room, she accidentally saw these obtrusive rubbish, so she gave them all. Me." The fat man smiled treacherously.

"Huh?" Tang Tianyou was stunned, how could he be discovered by this little girl? This is bad, she must be scolding in her heart again, what kind of brother scum, brother scum, brother beast, etc.

Now, the impression of herself in her heart will be even worse.

"Oh, it's really unfortunate today!" Tang Tianyou cried out inwardly.

However, the blows continued to drip, especially when it was bad luck--

Wait, I seem to have forgotten something. It seems to be a very important thing. If you forget something, you will die. Tang Tianyou suddenly flashed a glimmer of light in his mind, just like a meteor falling from the sky. How can I catch it? Can't catch it.

Huh? Li Shiyin?

I don't know why, Li Shiyin's face suddenly came to mind. Tang Tianyou secretly said that it was bad. When she explained to her yesterday, she made an appointment with herself to meet in the old place early this morning.

The so-called old time is when I go out to school at 7:30. The old place is a street entrance one hundred meters away from the school, and I was so tossed by Song Keqing that I actually forgot everything.

I don't know how long she waited for herself there today. Seeing that she hasn't appeared after the time, she should go to class by herself?

Looking at Li Shiyin's position quickly, Tang Tianyou was shocked.

no one!

No one, an empty seat!

Not only that, but I didn’t even see school supplies such as school bags and books!

This is over!

Completely finished!

Tang Tianyou can even think of the situation this morning in his mind: Li Shiyin kept wandering at that intersection, looking anxious, and stood and sat and waited for a long time.

But she did not appear for a long time, the sky turned from gray to sunny, but Li Shiyin's heart gradually transformed from the initial expectation into disappointment, loss, and gloom. I don't know how long it took. In the end, she still didn't appear. She turned her head and left. I went home directly, but did not go to school.

Wait, why is she so sure that she went home, is it possible that she is still waiting there?

It is very possible that with her stubborn character, if she didn’t wait for someone on time, she would wait there until the agreed person appeared and then gave the person who was late with a knife-like look. The greatest psychological pressure made him feel a strong sense of guilt. It is best to feel that he is a scumbag and make sure that he will never be late again.

Thinking of this, Tang Tianyou couldn't sit still anymore. Anyway, it was a stab to stretch his head and a stab to shrink his head. Sooner or later, he would have to face this cruel reality.

With a ‘pop’, Tang Tianyou got up from his seat and rushed to the appointed place at a speed of 100 meters, even the class bell rang.

About a few minutes later, Tang Tianyou came to the entrance of the street, standing on a high place, looking around, there were bustling people everywhere, but he didn't even see Li Shiyin's shadow.

Is she really so angry that she ran home? !

Tang Tianyou became nervous, even his palms were sweating.

Taking a deep breath and slowly stabilizing his emotions, Tang Tianyou hesitated, should he make a phone call and apologize to her?

Let's not fight, I closed the appointment and released Li Shiyin's pigeons. If there is no apology, the relationship between the two will definitely deteriorate.

But let's play, I don't have the courage, I'm very afraid of her helpless, sad, and angry tone, just touched the mobile phone in my pocket, but suddenly pulled it out.

"What are you afraid of! What are you afraid of! I'm not a man anymore, I don't even have the courage to admit my mistakes!" Tang Tianyou took a deep breath, made up his mind, and moved his hand to the phone in his pocket.

"Dingling bell~~Dingling bell~~"

The phone rang suddenly, which shocked Tang Tianyou.

It was not until the phone rang more than a dozen times that he dared to connect, and put it in his ear, Tang Tianyou said nervously: "Hey...Which...Which one?"

"Hey~~" There was a nice female voice on the phone.

Too familiar! Tang Tianyou is really familiar with this voice.

What should come, always come.

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