Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 131: What should I worry about?

Li Shiyin's home.

Tang Tianyou took the medicine and hot water and walked to the sofa, only to find that Li Shiyin's face was red, like a big ripe apple, making people want to rush to take a bite.

Upon seeing this, he put the medicine and hot water on the glass table beside——

Leaning down, Tang Tianyou touched the girl's slightly hot forehead, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Isn't it okay? Wasn't it okay just now?"

Li Shiyin looked at the ceiling blankly with a weak voice: "I'm very energetic. I just took off my clothes when I felt hot. Then I felt cold again, woooo~~What the **** is the weather today?"

Seeing Li Shiyin's difficult appearance, Tang Tianyou felt a little worried and painful, walked into the bathroom, and took out a wet towel.

Gently placing the towel on her forehead, Tang Tianyou sat sideways on the sofa, gently stroking Li Shiyin’s red and hot cheeks, and said with a bit of pain: “It’s not good to take care of your body, so you will catch a cold. ,Silly goose."

Feeling the rough big hand gently touching her cheek, the soft place in Li Shiyin's heart is full of warmth. It seems that getting sick is not all bad.

Although the big eyes are weak, they are not like the godlessness just now. Li Shiyin pursed her small mouth and said, "Huh, you are a little fool. If it weren't for you, the big bad guy, who came here to **** me off, my I've been cured long ago."

Tang Tianyou felt helpless. The woman who was sick was unreasonable, and said, "Well, it's all my fault, but even so, you have to take these medicines, you know?"

"Um... well, I just have to eat it, big bad guy, why stare at others."

Although Li Shiyin wanted to cheat, she obediently obeyed Tang Tianyou's eyes that would force you to eat if you didn't eat.

Pinching her nose, Li Shiyin frowned, braced her scalp, and ate the cold medicine.

In revenge, Li Shiyin leaned her head on Tang Tianyou, treated him as a big pillow, and said in a daze, "You have to be my pillow and you are not allowed to leave, you know?"


Looking at Li Shiyin who was lying on her, she moved gently and gently to help her go, Tang Tianyou smiled softly, and the girl who was sick was really cute.

A burst of sleepiness struck, Li Shiyin's mouth was filled with happiness, and she fell asleep with peace of mind.

Glass inlaid into guardrails, floating in the breath of spring from the balcony, the air is full of fragrant fragrance and the smell of sunlight, making people feel like being in a clear and soft ocean.

In front of Tang Tianyou is Li Shiyin's sleeping face, with a halo like a fairy, and now there is a voice, as if from a distant heaven: The girl in front of him belongs to him!

Inside, the room was filled with the gentle and faint smell of girls. From time to time there was the sound of car engines outside the window, and it seemed to be accompanied by the vague voice of different people talking.

The clock on the wall is ticking and moaning, accompanied by the girl's slightly thick but sweet breathing, which seems to form a warm fairy tale story.


"Everyone clean up all here, the men go outside to pump water in, and the women clean up the garbage here, do you know?" Li Shiyin, the monitor of the sixth class of Wenzhou, gave a few words to the class with great momentum.

After healed, Li Shiyin looked extraordinarily energetic today.

"I know!" the students replied feebly.

Seeing this situation, Li Shiyin was accustomed to seeing it. She was calm and composed. After arranging the hygiene tasks of different classmates, she let the classmates disband on the spot.

Now is the day of school cleaning.

Although the learning tasks in the third year of high school are very heavy, the principal seems to think that no matter how intense the study is, he cannot give up physical exercise. Therefore, every one or two weeks, he will arrange for the students in the third year to clean their classrooms.

Of course, sitting in a bright and clean classroom to study, keep a happy mood, and study efficiency will be greatly improved.

However, it is not a good thing for some people who are often lazy. They will desperately find all kinds of excuses to avoid this sanitation task.

For example, Tang Tianyou.

However, before he implemented his escape plan, under Li Shiyin's strict gaze supervision, he had to obediently participate in the school cleaning activity.

With two large bags of garbage in his hand, Li Shiyin and Li Shiyin walked to the school’s garbage yard, and threw them forward. The two black garbage bags traversed two beautiful parabolas in the air and fell into the garbage truck accurately. .

Tang Tianyou clapped his hands, shook the dust on his body, and sighed lightly.

"I heard that the transfer student now lives next to your house." Under the shade trees, the light was a little dim, and Tang Tianyou couldn't see the girl's face, but could only hear her indifferent voice.

Standing in the shade of the tree, Tang Tianyou's eyes were bright and clear, shining like two stars in the night as if to **** people in.

He leaned close to the girl and said softly, "Well, it's like this, what else does she say?"

The delicate and determined face turned unnaturally to one side, avoiding Tang Tianyou's attractive eyes, Li Shiyintao blushed slightly, and muttered: "She said something inexplicable and challenged me..."

The girl's words made Tang Tianyou shook his head slightly, and there was a bitter taste in his mouth. What's inexplicable? Li Shiyin's reaction at this time, coupled with Song Keqing's performance before, made it easy for Tang Tianyou to guess the content of the dialogue between them.

"Hmph, you stinky boys are women who like big breasts." Li Shiyin raised her head, her beautiful big eyes seemed to be brewing countless tears.

With a light sigh, Tang Tianyou grabbed the girl's thin and slender shoulders, dissolving the weak resistance, and let her face him. The smooth and delicate forehead and Li Shiyin's slightly heated forehead were gently pressed together, greedily sniffing the girl's warmth. Qingxiang, whispered:

"Really, why are you worried about these obscure things? Trust me somehow, really."

The place where the boy's scorching breath was supporting was a tingling sensation, it was wonderful and comfortable!

Shell teeth bit her lower lip slightly, Li Shiyin's long eyelashes quivered gently, and two delicate hands rested weakly on her chest. The eyes closed because of her shyness slowly opened, looking at the boy's face close at hand. , Murmured: "Bad guy, when are you going to take advantage of me!"

The tip of the nose gently touched the girl's delicate and slightly wrinkled nose. Tang Tianyou's mouth curled up triumphantly. There was a smile in his eyes, and he said softly: "If you don't want to, wouldn't it be okay to take the initiative to separate? "

"Understand..." The girl posted a sticker inside her body, slowly closing her eyes, yes, in that case, what should I worry about.

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