Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 133: Monstrous hatred

Since Shenji Ramen Restaurant was sealed by the Health Bureau, the police arrested Shen Jinxin and Shen Tubao on suspicion of adding addictive seasonings.

If it weren’t for his father, Shen Tubao, who used his business relationship for many years, and spent a lot of money to dredge all the bulls~ghosts~snakes~shens, the two of them would definitely have to stay in prison for a few years before they could be released. .

This is the case, because the long-faced man resented that the two almost caused him a big trouble, so he stalked and bought the police, so the two of them were imprisoned for more than two months, and they were not released until now.

Looking at the very lively Master Tang fast-food restaurant, and then at the Shenji Ramen Restaurant, which has been sealed next to it, Shen Jinxin, whose face paled because of being in prison for more than two months, couldn't help but feel sad.

In just over two months, the time-honored Shinji Ramen Restaurant, which was originally well-known, is now covered with spider webs and ruined walls. Even its signboards have been removed. It is a dilapidated and dilapidated scene.

Recalling the grand occasion of Shen Ji Ramen Restaurant, people coming and going, customers crowding at the door, the bustling scene, and then reminiscing the bleak situation of today's Ramen Restaurant, Shen Jinxin's heart is as if he was stabbed by a needle.

Just at this moment, a few passers-by passed by him, and they accidentally saw the run-down of Shenji Ramen Restaurant, and they started to talk about it—

"Huh? Shenji Ramen? I remember it was quite lively before. Why is it suddenly closed? Is it because of poor management and closed down?" A young man asked suspiciously. He is not a frequent customer here, but only occasionally. Take a stroll here, so I don’t know much about what happened in this food court.

"I heard that the boss committed a crime a few months ago, so this ramen restaurant was forcibly closed by the Health Bureau. It is estimated that this time-honored brand will also become history." An old man said with some regret, he is now his age. , There are fewer and fewer buildings belonging to his time, and there is almost no place to miss.

"Think about how majestic Shen Ji Ramen Restaurant was. Even if we wanted to reserve a seat there, we had to wait in line for several days before we could get a reservation. I didn't expect it to be blocked now. What a pity. !" A middle-aged uncle said with emotion, thinking that he was also a frequent visitor here.

"The world is changing, and who can guarantee that he will stand upright? Everything has its ups and downs. It is not surprising that this ramen restaurant will suddenly close down." A man with dark eyes seems very philosophical. Said.

"Shit, if it weren't for this boss's sullen heart, and for his own profit, add something harmful to the soup, the Health Bureau would not seize it. If I say, it deserves it!" A person often comes here to eat. The bald head said angrily, as the local snake here, he knows the inside story very well.

"What? Listening to you, there is still an inside story?" Several passers-by were curiously looking at the bald man, looking forward to his explanation.

The bald man was still very angry, and said, "Don’t look at the business of this ramen restaurant. In fact, it’s only when you add some harmful seasonings to it. If it weren’t for the sudden large-scale inspection by the Health Bureau in the past few months, this The big cancer lurking in the food court may continue to exist."

"What?!", "Impossible?", "How could this be?", "This is too fake." An exclamation of exclamation appeared among the other people.

"Why is it impossible? The Health Bureau has issued an approval letter, giving complete evidence that this ramen restaurant violated the law. The evidence is conclusive, and many victims came to show up and demand compensation. This incident was at the time. There is a lot of noise, this is absolutely impossible to fake!" The bald man said decisively, thinking that he was also the one who almost got the trick at the beginning, the memory is quite deep, otherwise he would not hate the owner of this ramen restaurant so much!

"Well, that said, isn't it possible that I'm also very likely to be recruited? But I have eaten here many times, will my body have any problems?" The middle-aged uncle's face turned pale and he made a trembling sound.

"It's hard to tell. If it's a small amount, it won't be a problem. If it's a large amount, tsk tsk, it's hard to say." The bald man looked at him a little gloating.

"No, I have to go to the hospital to check it out. Alas, these days, it's hard to eat something clean. Damn a black-hearted businessman, it's better to have a household registration book!" The middle-aged man scolded bitterly, and then went on Hurried to the hospital.

The other people listened and didn't dare to delay. They hurriedly followed. Although they are not regular customers, they have eaten some. Who knows if there will be any sequelae? It is safer to check.

After the bald man saw the people left, he felt a lot of emotion and murmured: "Oh, there are too few conscientious restaurants now. Fortunately, there are ethical restaurants like Master Tang's fast-food restaurant. Otherwise, I will too in the future. I dare not go out to eat."

After speaking, the bald man walked to Master Tang's fast food restaurant. He hasn't eaten anything today, so he needs to fill his stomach first.


After the passers-by had completely left, Shen Jinxin dared to walk out of the dark corner and looked at the passers-by who had left with lingering fears.

I remember that when he was just released from prison, he was almost scared by the customers who came to ask for compensation. He squatted at his door every day, holding big-character posters, rushing to the door, splashing dog blood, splashing paint, and spreading his teeth and claws. The voice is full of people, it is even more underworld than the underworld!

Such a move really scared the father and son Shen Tubao and Shen Jinxin. They didn't even need the clothes. They only brought some cash. They moved overnight to a remote country, where no one knew them. Locally, after the limelight has passed a little, they dare to continue to rise.

After wiping a cold sweat, Shen Jinxin took a hateful look at Master Tang's fast-food restaurant. His hands clenched into fists unconsciously, and his nails were deeply pinched into the meat. With a trembling sound, he gritted his teeth and said every word: "Tang, Master, Fu, Kuai, Meal, Shop!"

At this moment, Shen Jinxin was full of terrible anger, new hatred and old hatred, but at this moment they all appeared before him, so vivid and so cruel.

"You deserve it? Hey, it's not all you guys! If it weren't for you, my Shen family would never end up like this. The Shenji ramen restaurant was sealed up, and then he was rushed to escape like a dead dog and even had a meal. Fans are afraid of being splashed with dog blood and throwing eggs! If this enmity is not reported, I swear that Jinxin will not be a human being!"

After being arrested by the police, Shen Jinxin has been wondering why the food court will attract a health inspection for no reason, and he has not received any news before. And... since this happened... his friends in the Health Bureau... disappeared one by one, as if they were avoiding the plague.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and spent a lot of money to make a former friend reluctantly speak. At this time, Shen Jinxin knew that Tang Tianyou was actually a good friend of the son of the county magistrate of H, and Tang's family had that relationship.

No wonder my ramen restaurant will be closed, no wonder no one dares to accept it even if I spend the money, no wonder the two damned health inspectors are so unrelenting that they don’t even give me any affection they knew before, so I fell into this situation. It was Tang Tianyou who caused such an end!

"I won't make you feel comfortable, just wait and see." Shen Jinxin's blushing eyes stared at the fast-food restaurant of Mr. Tang, whose business was extremely hot.

In that voice, full of monstrous hatred and boundless icy cold, seemed to swallow him.

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