Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 135: Chance encounter

School is over at noon.

Tang Xiying was carrying a pink schoolbag, walking alone on the way home, her head was lowered, and the eyebrows on her forehead were frowned. It seemed that there was something in her heart that made her annoyed.

"Xiying, I have two tickets for the cinema tonight. Would you like to go see me tonight?" A familiar voice came from my ear.

After listening, the blue veins on Tang Xiying's forehead bulged, her fist tightened and loosened, and finally she put down her fist, ignoring the owner of the voice, and continued to walk forward.

"Xiying, wait for me, don't go so fast, people can't catch up." The owner of that voice rushed up again, with a bit of perseverance, or stalking.

Hearing these words, Tang Xiying not only didn't stop, but she also speeded up her pace, strode forward, trying to get rid of this annoying guy, but she didn't expect...

The owner of that voice suddenly accelerated, and quickly ran in front of her, blocking her way, panting: "Xiying, you ran so fast, they almost couldn't catch up with you."

I saw a big boy who was 1.8 meters tall, fair-skinned, and wearing a dark blue winter school uniform, looking at Tang Xiying with a smile on his face.

From the perspective of his appearance, many people think he should be a sunny, athletic guy, but the question is why his movements look a bit awkward?

The voice is soft, it seems to be softer than the voice of a mosquito; the posture is delicate, and when walking, the body unconsciously twists his **** from the left to the right; the expression is soft, and a rouge smell comes out.

Obviously, this guy is a real sissy.

Tang Xiying looked at this stalking big boy with a headache. No matter how many rejections, how many times she rolls her eyes, how many blows, he is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, and he keeps appearing to her. before.

Facing such a guy who had a face that was comparable to her stupid brother, Tang Xiying was completely out of it. She couldn't provoke her. Could this girl still be able to hide? !

So, she kept making all kinds of excuses to avoid his harassment.

Unexpectedly, he would still be blocked by him today. Tang Xiying felt helpless. It seemed that it would be difficult to get rid of the fly today. At this time, he can only take a step and take a step.

"Xiying, I have two tickets for the cinema tonight. Would you like to see it with me tonight?" The big boy in front of him asked again. He looked at Tang Xiying with hopeful eyes. In fact, he gave a similar invitation. He has done it many times, but has been rejected by the girl in front of him.

However, he will not give up. The great sage has used the allusion of ‘as long as kung fu, a deep iron pillar is ground into a needle’, telling him that as long as he does not give up, there will definitely be a day of success.

Hearing these words, Tang Xiying had a more headache. Although she wanted to reject him, she saw his pitiful eyes, and she had already rejected him so many times, and she felt a little sad, so she was in a dilemma.

At this moment, a behemoth walked in the distance——

Tang Xiying, whose eyes were looking everywhere, noticed for the first time, isn't this chubby guy the biggest damage friend of her brother-Zhang Haonan? !

By the way, that's it. With grunting eyes, Tang Xiying suddenly thought of an idea.

After making up his mind, Tang Xiying skipped the boy next to him and walked quickly to meet Zhang Haonan.

At this time, Fatty was walking on the road triumphantly, with a face full of spring breeze. After his unremitting efforts, he used his superb pick-up skills, referred to as stalking.

No, he just called a cute girl again, and he is about to make an appointment tomorrow night to discuss some human evolutionary history.

Just as he was dreaming about what would happen tomorrow night, the fat man suddenly realized that there seemed to be a beautiful woman walking towards him in front of him, hehe, is it so hard to be fat man my lucky day today?

He smiled triumphantly and prepared to make a handsome move.

Huh? ! No, something is wrong, why is this chick so familiar? As if I've seen it somewhere, isn't this, this is Tang Tianyou's sister? No, this little witch is coming.

For the fat man who used to be in the shadow of Tang Xiying, he was stunned, then awakened, and was about to run away, but Tang Xiying had seen his intentions a long time ago, and the acceleration of a 100-meter sprint dragged him off abruptly. .

"If you dare to escape, pluck out your eyebrows." Tang Xiying threatened.

"Auntie, what do you want? Your lord has a lot, spare me, okay?" The fat man was crying, obviously the shadow of being bullied by Tang Xiying has not disappeared.

"Help me get rid of this fly, and I'll let you go." Tang Xiying's mouth turned to the side and pointed to the big boy with a smirk.

The fat man looked in the direction Tang Xiying was pointing, he was angry, Niang Xipi, this kid actually looks more handsome than the fat man, isn't this going to shake the sky?

And being so handsome, he even used the trash tricks like which is terrible! Shameless? !

It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

Normally, when a fat man sees this kind of person, even if he has no grudges, he will have to step on a few feet, so that he will be happy that day and he will be able to understand his thoughts.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I promise that he will never show up in front of you again, hehe..." The fat man walked towards the little sheep with a sullen face.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man smiled treacherously, stretched out his evil clutches, and dragged him to a dark corner next to him, where he had a deep understanding of each other, traditional and friendly discussions.

A few minutes later, there was a muffled sound of skin and flesh crashing, and the tall boy first walked out, with a comfortable and contented expression on his face and left.

This situation made Tang Xiying stunned. What happened? Just when she wanted to get closer to see what was happening, the fat man also walked out.

I saw that his head was twice as fat as before, a trace of blood came out of his nose, his face was embarrassed, and his teeth leaked a little: "Don't worry, I have helped you drive him away. I believe he will not appear in front of you in the future."

"It doesn't matter, he has already left, the most important thing is... are you okay?" Tang Xiying asked hesitantly, looking at his pig-like face.

The fat man touched the nosebleeds from his nostrils, and arrogantly roared: "It's okay, don't look at my appearance. That kid is much worse than me. I got a few strokes of internal fist. Now it must be painful to go to the hospital."

As everyone knows, the fat man cried out inwardly, that he would make such a heavy shot for the sissy guy Mao.

Just when Tang Xiying wanted to ask the fat man if he wanted to go to the hospital, a white van suddenly drove up on the corner of the street and moved slowly, just as it happened to be parked next to them.

Immediately afterwards, the car door was opened, and four or five men in black quickly walked down.

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