Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 141: Dispose of

In the living room.


Brother Qiang slapped Huang Mao's white face, which quickly swelled, his teeth were mixed with blood, and his head buzzed. Nevertheless, Huang Mao knelt on the ground, not daring to resist the slightest.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the house was very heavy, too heavy to breathe.

Shen Jinxin stood by and shivered when he saw the fierce brother Qiang.

"Is your **** brain flooded? I told you so many times not to be greedy for petty bargaining, don't be greedy for petty bargaining, and immediately throw away everything on the hostages. Are you **** in the ears?" Angry.

Huang Mao's head was lowered, and his face was full of guilt. The brothers around him watched indifferently, without saying a word.

This is no wonder.

After all, the crime Huang Mao committed this time was too great.

Although he turned off his mobile phone in time and did not disclose specific information, he still accidentally leaked the news of the hostage being kidnapped.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely serious mistake!

This doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's just that the news of the kidnapping is sent out in advance, doesn't it have no impact on the overall situation?

Wrong, so wrong!

For a wanted criminal like Qiang, kidnapping is playing chess, with precise layout, step by step, cautious, advance and retreat. This is the reason why he has not been arrested by the police for many years of committing crimes.

And Huang Mao's sudden hand completely disrupted his arrangements, and he had to overthrow all his previous plans. There were still a few hours to arrange everything.

But now, all this has been messed up by Huang Mao! It's as if a smart chess player was suddenly touched by someone next to him, and accidentally played a bad move.

One move is wrong, and all games are lost.

What's more, now it's not playing chess, but reality. There is no chance to go back. If you are not careful, the police will know where you are hiding, and all your group will have to die!

However, it was not this that he was most angry about, but that Huang Mao did not listen to him.

This matter is more serious than a mistake!

A successful criminal gang does not need the boss to be extremely smart, everyone does not need to be agile, and does not need to be strong, but it absolutely needs unity and absolute obedience to the boss' orders!

A person who can't obey the boss's arrangement at a critical moment, who can trust him at a critical moment, who dares to give him his back, and who knows if he will stabb him in the back?

"Brother Qiang, I was wrong, I admit punishment, no matter what you do to me, I have no complaints, but I have been with you for so many years, and I have been running north and south without credit and hard work. I only hope you You can leave me a whole corpse." Huang Mao kept kowtow, his forehead was torn and blood was flowing.

Without rules, they are a gang that has committed crimes for many years. If they hadn't had a set of almost harsh disciplines, they would have been arrested in jail and eat peanuts. How could they be happy here?

Huang Mao knows deeply that no quibbling is allowed at this time. If he does not admit his mistakes in a timely and sincere manner, according to the strong character and strict discipline, he will definitely be killed, and there is absolutely no brother who will help him.

Therefore, he can only use his feelings for more than ten years to impress Brother Qiang, to impress the brothers around him, and to intercede for him, otherwise he will die in vain.

Sure enough, upon hearing Huang Mao's words, the surrounding brothers all looked at Brother Qiang and wanted to know what to do with him.

Brother Qiang screamed secretly, this little **** is not very capable and has a good mind. Although he can use strong means to get rid of the yellow hair, the brothers will not say anything, but there will still be some lumps in his heart.

After all, a brother who has been with you for many years, if you say kill, kill. Who knows if you will suddenly be in a bad mood one day, just find any reason and kill them too.

Because it is too insecure to be with a boss who has no feelings.

"State-owned and national laws, families have family rules, no matter who they are, as long as they do things that shouldn't be done, they must be punished, otherwise, what's the use of family rules!" Qiang brother stared at everyone coldly.

Huang Mao shivered, his eyes full of horror, is the boss determined to kill him?

"But, after all, Huang Mao has been with us for so many years. He is our best brother. There is no credit and hard work. You can't get rid of him just because of this mistake."

Brother Qiang turned around, "I didn't say this for Huang Mao's plea. It was based solely on the interests of our gang. Since Huang Mao had leaked the news in advance, no one knew whether the police would come or when. Come here, so now is the most critical moment. The most important thing for us is to stay united."

Having said that, Brother Qiang stopped for a moment, glanced at everyone present, and seeing everyone listening quietly, he went on to say: "The more critical we are, the less we can panic. What happened to Huang Mao, Let’s postpone it for a while, and then we will deal with it after we have overcome this difficulty."

Huang Mao, who was kneeling on the ground, was overjoyed. Hearing what his boss said, his life was probably saved.

"However, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable! Huang Mao, you didn't get any reward this time, do you understand? Also, if you do not perform well in the future, you dare to poke a big basket for me, don't Blame me for being the boss." Brother Qiang looked at Huang Mao coldly.

"Boss, don't worry, if I make a mistake again, I don't need you to execute the family law, I will kill myself." Huang Mao immediately kowtowed his head and thanked him. There was not a trace of unwillingness in his heart, only full of joy. What, life is gone, that means nothing is gone.

Seeing Huang Mao's sincere confession, Brother Qiang's serious face slowly eased.

"Boss, do we still do this business?" When Scar Man saw that this matter had almost been handled, he stepped forward and asked the issue that everyone is currently concerned about.

Brother Qiang lowered his head in thought, as if thinking about the pros and cons of this matter.

Seeing the hesitant look of Brother Qiang, one of his subordinates became anxious and stepped forward and shouted: "Brother Qiang, we can't stop doing it because of this risk. This is a sale worth millions of dollars."

"Yes, Brother Qiang, we haven't seen any danger or experienced anything in these years, so we can't just behave like a tortoise whenever there is any trouble."

"Yes, isn't it just leaking the news? Even if we robbed it clearly, we did it too. This situation is considered a", "Brother Qiang! Let's do it.", " Go ahead."...

Everyone shouted.

Upon seeing this, Brother Qiang smiled slightly and shouted to the brothers: "Okay! Since everyone said that, let's do it. No more nonsense. Brothers, hurry up and pack up things. Let's leave here, this place. It's not safe anymore. Remember, don't leave the slightest evidence."


More than a dozen big guys answered, and then they dispersed.

Hearing this, Huang Mao and Shen Jinxin didn't dare to stay in the living room, they breathed a sigh of relief and left quickly.

After everyone left, Skinny Monkey stood next to Brother Qiang, looking at Huang Mao's leaving back, his eyes were fierce, and he hummed: "Brother Qiang, how did you let that kid go? Did you forget? It was the same last time. We managed to grab a large sum of money from a real estate agent's house and could have left safely."

"Unexpectedly, this kid Huang Mao suddenly became enamored. He wanted to go to the beautiful wife of the real estate agent, but he refused to leave, but was accidentally discovered. The police chased after him, but several brothers died before we escaped. come out."

Hearing what the thin monkey said, Brother Qiang didn't immediately answer. He first lighted a cigarette, then took a deep breath and spit it out before slowly saying, "Skinny monkey, the hearts of the people are scattered, it's not easy to lead the team! "

The thin monkey stood by, silent.

After a long time, Brother Qiang slowly let out another puff of smoke, and said faintly: "Skinny monkey, when this matter is over, find time and secretly do it for him. After all, brother, leave him a whole body. ."

"I see, boss."


On the other hand, Tang Tianyou looked at the cell phone that had already prompted the end of the call in a dream, and remained silent for a long time, except that the palm of his hand was tightly squeezed, almost white, and he didn't know.

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