Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 148: Shen Jinxin is dead!

Abandoned factory.

The remaining gangsters looked at Shen Jinxin with knife-like eyes, full of murderous aura.

Now that the police are here, they must be the first to be unlucky. After so many years of hiding in Tibet, the consciousness of escaping from the police has penetrated into their blood, just like a mouse meets a cat, and there is a natural enemy.

Damn, this kid is so excited, maybe it's the police he called, the gangsters become more angry and intent to kill the more they think about it, maybe the reason why the victim came to the door so quickly is because he leaked the secret!

The stinky boy, you even lied to Lao Tzu. If you can escape today, Lao Tzu must break your corpse to pieces, and Brother Qiang gritted his teeth.

Shen Jinxin couldn't feel anything, he only knew that he was very happy now, very happy, he was just like a dog just now, for fear that Tang Tianyou, a murderous god, would poke him to death with one finger.

But now the police are here, and his backer is here, he is not afraid of anything, he is very relieved, and he has seen Tang Tianyou murder with his own eyes!

You know, in the celestial dynasty, as long as you kill someone, even if you are in self-defense, there will be a lot of boring people accusing you of over-defending, just like facing a criminal who infringes on your life and is not allowed to kill him.

What's more, what he saw now was that Tang Tianyou murdered without changing his face. This was a capital crime. If the police knew about it, Tang Tianyou would definitely be dead.

Therefore, he is very happy now, as if he had peeped into the big sister next door to take a bath when he was a child, and he felt a kind of satisfaction and happiness that grew spontaneously.

Even... he had such an idea that he would use this incident as a handle to blackmail Tang Tianyou and ask the secret of the hot business of Master Tang's fast food restaurant.

If he knows this secret, then Shen Ji Ramen Restaurant is nothing. Compared with Master Tang's fast food restaurant, his restaurant is like a smelly garbage on the side of the road.

Thinking of this, Shen Jinxin shuddered and was extremely excited. He seemed to see that the ownership of Master Tang’s fast-food restaurant belonged to him, countless bills were flying towards him, countless beauties flattered him, and he was sitting in a splendid office. Laughing triumphantly.

Licking the saliva that was about to flow out, Shen Jinxin walked to Tang Tianyou and raised his chin, very arrogant: "Hey, Tang Tianyou, your kid is dead, and you dare to kill. If the police know about it, you absolutely I'll sit and wear it tightly."

"Oh, is it?" Tang Tianyou looked at Shen Jinxin faintly.

"Are you scared?" Shen Jinxin looked at Tang Tianyou's plain expression, thinking that he was pretending to be calm, and smiled coldly in his heart. This kid is just an ordinary high school student. Just scare him and make sure that he doesn't even fart. Don't dare to put one.

"If you don't want me to tell the police about this, and if you don't want to sit in the prison, then listen to me obediently." At this point, Shen Jinxin showed undisguised greed in his eyes, "As long as you obediently I kowtow and call my dad... No, call me grandpa, and tell me the secret of Master Tang’s fast food restaurant! It makes me happy, maybe I won’t tell you these things and save your life, what? Sample?"

Hearing these words, Tang Tianyou didn't say anything, and the gangsters next to him showed a strange look. Is Shen Jinxin really an idiot?

"Why, do you still want to know the secret of Master Tang's fast food restaurant?" Tang Tianyou narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

"Yes." Shen Jinxin answered naturally, with a hint of greed in his tone, without disguising, "Who doesn't want to know the secret of making a fortune?"

"So, you planned the kidnapping of my sister this time?" Tang Tianyou asked abruptly.

Shen Jinxin was taken aback. It seemed strange how Tang Tianyou found out about it, but he didn't care at all, and raised his chin slightly: "Yes, I did it, bit me!"

"However, don't you kid, don't want to change the subject and want to threaten me with this. It's still tender. If you are caught by the police, I will be sentenced to a few years at most, but if you are caught, I am afraid you will have to sit in prison. NS."

"Think carefully, Tang Tianyou, you will spend your great youth in prison in the future. When you come out, you may be a trembling old man. How to choose, hehe, I think you are a smart man, Will understand."

After speaking, Shen Jinxin looked at Tang Tianyou jokingly. He now seems to have a feeling that he is the Zhuge Kongming who controls everything, and Zhizhu is holding it.

Suddenly, the room fell into a dead silence for a long time—

"Shen Jinxin, do you know? Master Tang's fast-food restaurant is my dad's lifelong effort, Tang Xiying is my mother's heart, a jewel in her palm, and a treasure in her mouth for fear of melting."

"In these years, in order to take care of me who is weak, those two foolish parents have given too much. Smiles! And dreams!"

"Obviously, as long as you throw me away, you can abandon the cumbersome me as long as you say you don't want me, so you don't have to work so hard, and you don't need to wash your face with tears every day."

"But they didn't!"

Tang Tianyou gritted his teeth, "On the contrary, he raised me stupidly, earning a lot of money every year, but it is not enough for my medical expenses for a year. I have never seen them travel or go out for more than a decade. Once on the street, I never even changed to a new dress."

"You know? In the past few months, the smiles on their faces are more than in the past 18 years combined, and happier than before. Therefore, I don't want to see those two foolish parents and lose it again. Smiles that are easy to get! I don’t want to see their tears again. U U Reading"

Tang Tianyou looked up at the ceiling and said calmly.

"I don't know what your kid wants to say, think about it, do you want to sit and wear it in prison, or are you going to tell me the secret of Master Tang's fast food restaurant?" Shen Jinxin said impatiently without understanding it for a while.

"So, I don't care whether my name is clean, bad guys, murderers, everything, anyway, as long as I see them laugh, that's enough." Tang Tianyou was cold. Looking at Shen Jinxin.

Shen Jinxin was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded, turned his head to look, it was a pair of **** eyes full of murderousness, he shuddered suddenly, and his whole body was chilled. Is this kid going to die? !

At this time, he finally realized what was going to happen. He was trembling all over, and hurriedly shouted: "What do you want to do? What do you want to do?! You kill me, the police will not let you go, the police will just Outside, they won't let you go...!"

"Shen Jinxin, you dare to do this kind of thing, I am afraid you have already realized it. Sorry, your life journey can only end here. Rest in peace, I hope you can become smarter in your next life. "

The voice was very soft, but it made Shen Jinxin like falling into an ice cave. He suddenly realized that he had never seen the man in front of him. This guy had a beast hidden in his heart!

He wanted to say "Spare me! Forgive me! Don't dare again next time..." but found that he couldn't speak anymore...

Point the gun!


A blood hole appeared between Shen Jinxin's eyebrows, and the blood spurted crazily, making the entire floor covered with blood. The body fell helplessly, his eyes widened, his dead eyes full of unwillingness, horror, doubt...

Even at the moment before he died, he couldn't believe that Tang Tianyou would actually kill him.

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