Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 153: Really a twisted woman

PS: Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and now I wish you a Happy New Year in advance, (*^__^*)Hehe...

This book has been written for almost three months, and many things have been encountered during this period. There have also been many friends who have been supporting in the book review area. I can only express my heartfelt gratitude and sincere gratitude. gratitude.

Here are some special thanks to some friends who have rewarded. The rankings are in no particular order:'oo Zongheng oo','East Coast Lyle','alerting','Pu Dian Fei Yu','Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Tau','Mi Sauce_ Dian','Injure_','419978185','mtl2432408','Sorrowful Sunshine','WY Xiaobai','Lucky Star Rain','Everything is a Phantom'...

And thank you ‘af4ff’ and ‘Xu Yan’ for the red envelopes. It’s really festive, thank you!


In the middle of the night, Tang Tianyou accompanied the fat man to the H County First People's Hospital for an emergency check. Although the fat man had skin injuries on his body and no bones, he could heal as long as he rested for a few days, but for the sake of safety, the doctor still It is recommended that the fat person stay in the hospital for observation for a few days.

Therefore, the fat man immediately went through the hospitalization procedures without saying anything. Your uncle, he wanted to come to the hospital a long time ago, but he couldn't find an excuse.

"Unexpectedly, now I finally have a chance. Hey, the lovely nurse sister, the gentle nurse sister, the beautiful and **** doctor, Fatty, I'm here." The fat man narrowed his eyes, revealing a wretched look.

Seeing this situation, Tang Tianyou: "..."


An hour later, Tang Tianyou was wearing a white pajamas, sitting lazily on the bedside, looking at a novel on the window, and a cup of jasmine tea was placed next to the photo frame, and the whole room was full of elegant fragrance. .

"Huh! I took a bath, and it was a great time. Fatty is afraid that this guy is going to be trapped in the gentle country tonight. I wonder if I can be discharged tomorrow?" Tang Tianyou flipped through the books in his hands and remembered that Fatty was in the hospital just now. He couldn't help but smile when he was not ill and wanted to live.

"However, what happened tonight, is it a bit too much? If the police find any clues, it won't be fun." Tang Tianyou thought quietly, turning pages unconsciously in his hand. With books.

But in a blink of an eye, Tang Tianyou was relieved. In the experience of Charles the Dog, it is not only the ability to track the enemy. As an excellent naval prosecutor, his anti-detective ability is also quite strong.

Some people say that the best policeman is bound to be the best criminal.

This sentence is quite reasonable.

According to prosecutor Charles’s years of experience in handling cases, Tang Tianyou cleared a lot of traces left by himself at the scene of the crime in a very short period of time, or added a lot of specious things to confuse the police’s sight and hearing. These methods completely interrupted all the clues that the police could trace to him.

Although through these methods, he may not be able to completely clear his suspicions and achieve the purpose of completely confusing the police, but he has minimized the risk of his exposure.

Secondly, this group of gangsters acted very carefully, decisively, and cruelly. It is estimated that no one except themselves would believe that the kidnapping of Fatty and Tang Xiying should have not been known to anyone.

This greatly reduces the risk of being discovered.

What's more, one person easily killed more than a dozen criminals with firearms, but he didn't have the slightest wounds. This fact is too unbelievable to say it, no one believes it at all.

Therefore, the police's investigative thinking should be placed on the gang rush, which is easier to accept in fact, and there is no doubt that some superman killed these gangsters.

However, the only flaw may be in Shen Jinxin's body. An ordinary person suddenly appeared in a bunch of wanted criminals, which would feel strange no matter what you think. It's like a bunch of short people suddenly standing in the middle of Yao Ming, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the police.

If the police follow the vine, or find some clues, the fat man and his sister will panic when they are forced to ask, and there may be some accidents.

"It seems that I will have to solve this hidden danger myself tomorrow. However, I am very tired now, so let's rest for a night before talking." After thinking for a moment, Tang Tianyou put down the book in his hand and closed it with a'pop'. Turn off the incandescent lamp in the bedroom.

Suddenly, the bedroom fell into darkness.

At this moment, with a "creak", the door of the room was actually pushed open slightly. A ray of light shined through the crack of the door. Tang Tianyou looked along the light and saw a pink figure walking in tiptoingly.

His nose can easily smell, from the pink figure, the faint smell of girl perfume, there seems to be some smell of shower gel, it should be just after taking a shower.

"Well, Xiying, what are you doing here?" Tang Tianyou stretched out his hand to turn on the light, and looked at this little Nizi who was walking in in confusion.

At this time, Tang Xiying was wearing a pink pajamas with a cute hooligan rabbit embroidered on it, holding a big fluffy white pillow in her arms, and a pair of pink plush slippers on her feet, which looked very cute.

"That..." Tang Xiying seemed to be taken aback, her beautiful face showed a trace of panic, and she seemed to stammer a bit.

Immediately afterwards, an unnamed fire rose from the bottom of her heart, hum, you are just a big fool, why this lady wants to explain to you.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiying felt more and more justified and strong, proudly puffed up her bulging chest, ignored Tang Tianyou, and walked straight to the bed.

Then she lay down carelessly, and she was very rude: "Huh, go to bed a little bit, why do you grow up so big, so all the bed is occupied."

Tang Tianyou looked embarrassed, **** it, whose bed is this? Why does this bedroom seem to be her site, and I am an outsider? !

No way, he had to move his body inside. Fortunately, his bed was relatively large, even if it could accommodate two or three people, it was more than enough.

Put her beloved pillow on the bed, and then Tang Xiying lay down Then she seemed to remember something, turned her head and stared at Tang Tianyou, and said: "I can warn you, if you dare If you mess around with your cute and smart sister, huh, I don’t mind just letting you out of the window."

If Dou E was really wronged, then Tang Tianyou at this moment felt that he was wronged how many times he was wronged compared to Dou E.

"I said, Tang Xiying, don't you have a bed in your own room? Why did you grab me." Tang Tianyou scratched his head, looking helpless.

"Huh!" Tang Xiying turned sideways, closed her eyes, turned her back to Tang Tianyou, and said she didn't want to talk to him.

Too damn, whether it is reasonable or not, Tang Tianyou almost exploded in anger. Facing this barbaric, wayward, and unreasonable sister, he was completely lost.

Just when he wanted to use violence to drive his sister out, he suddenly found a drop of crystal tears flowing from the corner of Tang Xiying's eyes, a very small drop. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

Her delicate body seemed to be trembling slightly, hugging her big quilt, her body curled up together, as if otherwise, she felt insecure.

Are you afraid? Tang Tianyou frowned.

Looking along her slender shoulders, she closed her eyes slightly, her delicate face was slightly haggard and pale, and her slightly pressed lips, as if she was still stubborn with a strong pretense, a pair of weak and windy, arousing people. The look of love and pity.

"Really, I usually put on a completely different expression of confidence that I am the best in the world. No wonder, after all, I almost couldn't come back today. I must have been greatly frightened." Tang Tianyou secretly secreted. Sighed.

"However, it's really a twisted woman, she's so scared that she doesn't dare to sleep alone, but she still puts on that expression for granted."

Tang Tianyou smiled, but there was a hint of warmth in his heart.

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