Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 158: Fast food restaurant expansion

In the evening, the living room.

The table was filled with densely packed delicious dishes, such as braised carp, fish head with chopped pepper, sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed pork with rice noodles, and fried beef tenderloin with san pepper.

Tang Aiguo, Jiang Han, Tang Xiying, and Tang Tianyou’s family of four gathered around the dining table. This was the first time their family gathered for a meal these days.

"Dad, mom, why are you so busy these days? There is no time to eat with us." Tang Xiying puffed her cheeks and said a little bit of complaint.

After listening, Tang Aiguo looked apologetic and said, "Alas, these days are when Master Tang’s fast-food restaurant pays off at the end of the month. The affairs of four or five stores are all backlogged together. It is indeed too busy."

Having said that, he paused and continued: "However, it may not be too busy now. After a while, there will be little time to eat with you."

"Dad, what's the matter? Did something happen to Master Tang's fast food restaurant?" Tang Tianyou put down his chopsticks and looked at Tang Aiguo suspiciously.

Tang Xiying also looked nervous and stopped eating.

"Yes, something has indeed happened, but it is a happy event." Tang Aiguo smiled, "Taking advantage of this craze, our Master Tang fast-food restaurant is recently planning to go to the neighboring county to open a few more branches."

"Dad, is the pace a bit too big? Our branch has only been open for more than a month, and now we are going to continue to open a branch. Can the manpower, capital and management keep up?" Tang Tianyou said.

Tang Aiguo drank a glass of wine and said, "Relax, after more than a month of operation, the fast-food business of the five master Tang restaurants in our county has basically stabilized, and the profit is unlikely to increase much, so we thought about how to do it. Don’t open more branches?"

"At this moment, in several nearby counties, many businessmen sent me invitations to join like snowflakes. It can be said that it is the best time for our Master Tang fast-food restaurant to expand rapidly. This is wrong. The village may not have this shop anymore."

"But, do we have enough funds? We can't be a joke because of blind expansion that leads to the break of the capital chain." Tang Tianyou continued.

He doesn't really care about the so-called timing. Although the world is now diversified. Today, when all kinds of information are exploding like growth, it is easy for the people to forget one thing. If it is a restaurant that has become popular because of hype, Should soon become the yellow flower of tomorrow.

Some restaurants are like this. At first, they may have survived in the cracks of the market by virtue of their unique product advantages. However, within a few years, they are often overwhelmed by imitating, competition, and counterfeiting, or even kicked. Stepping into the sludge of wrong investment and blind expansion, it is no longer difficult to get out.

However, the reason why Master Tang’s fast-food restaurant is able to attract so many customers is that the business is booming. The so-called advertising and hype are only an auxiliary means. The core of its competition lies in the quality of the food. The core that anyone can emulate.

As long as its quality is still there, and the gourmet salt is still there, even if there is no advertisement and the best opportunity for expansion is missed, it can still break a **** path from the fiercely competitive market.

"Enough, of course enough! With Lao Zhang's relationship, coupled with the performance guarantee of our master Tang fast food restaurant, we can easily borrow 100 million yuan from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Stone City. Funding is definitely not a problem." Tang Aiguo is confident. Patted his chest.

Tang Tianyou nodded and expressed his agreement. Now that everything is ready, let it go.

"Mom, where do you plan to open a branch? Is it Stone City?" Tang Xiying asked curiously.

"We are now following the Mao-Chairman's strategy-the countryside surrounds the city, and temporarily only opens in nearby counties, while the plan to open branches in cities above prefecture-level cities is suspended."

"In this way, the competitive pressure faced by the Tang master fast food restaurants in the county will be relatively small, and it can also provide us with experience and reserve more talents for opening branches in big cities in the future." Jiang Han said.

"How many branches do you want to open?" Tang Xiying continued to ask.

"There are four counties in the vicinity, including H County. On average, each county has jurisdiction over about 17 townships."

"And the townships with living standards and spending power above the average level, each county has about ten, so we plan to open a fast food restaurant in these slightly affluent towns, and five branches in the county."

"If you count it up like this, during this time, we have to open at least fifty-five Master Tang fast-food restaurants." Jiang Han counted with one finger.

After listening, Tang Tianyou immediately raised his hand and asked: "I said, opening a branch in a township, then there is no There seems to be not much profit there."

Tang Aiguo glared at Tang Tianyou angrily, and said, "Boy, don't underestimate the consumption power of the township. The economic development is changing with each passing day."

"After our investigation and calculation, if you open a fast-food restaurant with Master Tang in a township, the profit will be at least 200,000 per month. If you attract the leaders of the township to come over for dinner, just order a few Maotai or something, the profit will be doubled. It's not impossible."

Master Tang’s fast food restaurant has this advantage. The cost is low, and it can naturally take the parity route. The market is broader than McDonald’s and KFC. As long as there are crowds and certain spending power, you can open a shop.

"Dad, in the county town, the profit of just one branch is equivalent to the profit of ten branches in towns and villages. You actually still value these ‘small profits’.” Tang Tianyou teased.

"Hey, your kid doesn't hurt your back when you stand and talk. Your father used to work hard for more than ten years, and he didn't necessarily make so much money. You still dislike these petty profits." Tang Aiguo was pleased with anger. "Moreover these days, making money is difficult, no matter how small a mosquito’s legs are, it’s a bit fleshy, isn’t it?"

Speaking of the last, Tang Aiguo showed his traits of a profiteer, triumphant.

Tang Tianyou was helpless.


Jinfu Building is located on Xin'an Road in H County. Xin'an Road belongs to a prosperous section. Although it is a bit away from the county center, it is close to the railway station and bus station, and there are a lot of hotels and hotels around it.

At this time, Shen Tubao was standing downstairs in this building, his expression hesitant, and he paced back and forth. Finally, he gritted his teeth and plunged in.

Take the elevator all the way up to the twelfth floor.


The elevator door opened slowly, and Shen Tubao took a closer look, and there was a company's door in front of him, with a big golden sign hanging on the door, which read: Justice Finance Co., Ltd.

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