Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 165: Mad Dog Gang Headquarters

PS: I read the book review today. It seems that many people feel a little bit of resentment about the update of the book. Well, starting from today, try to maintain the extremely fast speed of two updates a day. (*^__^*) Hee hee... Of course if a certain If something happens, there may only be one watch.

Well, not much to say, there should be another one at eight tonight.


Leisurely leisure club.

As the name suggests, this is a leisure club.

With the development of society, people’s life pressures are also increasing. Under the double pressure of life and career, people need an entertainment and living space that can relax their minds and adjust their minds and bodies.

In recent years, the development of China's club industry has gradually matured, and club development projects have also been continuously developed and improved, such as beauty-physical centers, saunas, foot baths and other beauty and health entertainment spaces, bars, lounges, chess and card rooms, etc. Space, as well as sports and leisure spaces such as gymnasiums, table tennis courts, and swimming pools.

The purpose of the leisure club is: to relieve the pressure of daily work and life, and to pursue physical and mental relaxation. Therefore, the emergence and development of leisure and entertainment clubs is an inevitable product of urban life. It provides people with a platform for communication, entertainment, and a semi-private social entertainment venue for leisure and vacation.

And the leisure club of Youran was born under this background. In County H, you may not know who the county head and secretary of the county party committee are, but you can't know the leisure club of Youran.

Because there are people who can come and go frequently in H County, all of them are somewhat capable. This high-end leisure club vaguely becomes the best place to negotiate with the rich and powerful in H County.

And the one-stop service for eating, drinking and having fun, massage loose bones and other services give you heavenly enjoyment. The Yingshengyanyu, Wenxiang nephrite inside are the highest dreams of men.

What many people don't know is that this leisure club is an industry under the name of the Mad Dog Gang, and it is also the most profitable industry, and of course the headquarters of the Mad Dog Gang is located.

Because of this, no one in H County dared to provoke it. Even the police came here for routine inspections, and they didn't dare to make trouble at all.

At this time, in the basement of the'Youran Leisure Club', not only the Mad Dog but also Li Fei, but also the Bald Chao and Brother Tiger who had been in contact with Tang Tianyou were also there. At this time, the important figures of the Mad Dog Gang seemed to be present.

"Boss, did we do a bit too much just now? If they are forced to jump over the wall in a hurry and come to a dead fish, it seems not very good." Li Fei asked a little hesitantly.

The mad dog waved his hand and said indifferently: "Don't worry, the fish is dead and the net is broken? Huh, then only strong enough fish can have such a chance. Those little fish and shrimps, no matter how much they jump, they can't escape me. In the palm of his hand."

"Boss, that's the case." Li Fei frowned. "But Fatty Zhang is not a small fish or shrimp. His brother is a big shark that crosses the world. If Fatty Zhang invites the great **** behind him, If it's not good, we can overturn our little sampan."

"Yes, Brother Dog, as the saying goes, people don't fight against officials. If that guy makes a ruthless attack and wants to fix us, we might be dead."

"Brother Dog, should we converge a little bit?"

"Brother Dog, wouldn't it be too good to do this?"...

The younger brothers present expressed their worries.

In fact, the reason why they didn't make a ruthless attack just now was also for this reason, there was such a worry, or else with their unscrupulous and lawless character, they would have beaten Tang Aiguo with a single blow.

"Don't worry." Mad Dog sneered, "He Zhang Fatty has a backstage and a big backing, don't I have a mad dog? You think that the money in the gang will disappear half of the money every month for no reason. What is it for? It's not to bribe the backer behind me, to curry favor with the backer behind me."

After listening, Li Fei was taken aback on the spot, thinking that he and many of his brothers had questioned why at the end of the month, the money in the gang was always used by the boss.

It's just that the prestige of the mad dog was too high, and the power heavier, no one dared to question it face to face, so they could only slander in secret, whether it was used to provide for their mistress or something.

But now it seems that things are far from being as simple as imagined.

"Boss, can we know who the backer behind you is?" Li Fei pushed his glasses and asked a little curiously.

The corners of the mad dog’s mouth twitched, as if thinking of something bad, he said impatiently: "This, you don’t have to ask anymore. Knowing too much is not good for you. You only need to know one thing, then That is, we definitely don't have to be afraid of Fatty Zhang's backstage."

"Yes!" Li Fei nodded, and then he hesitated, "Boss, what should we do next? Continue threatening the owner of that restaurant?"

The mad dog pondered for a while, and said, "Although we are not afraid of Fatty Zhang, it does not mean that we have to offend him completely. Negotiating with Fatty Zhang. Evenly sharing the interests with him, I believe that his interests are guaranteed, and he will not be willing to offend us."

"So, what about the owner of that restaurant?" Li Fei continued to ask.

"The owner of the restaurant?" The mad dog smiled disdainfully, "Huh, he is just an ordinary person. If he threatens a little, he should know how to do it. Such a huge profit cannot be owned by an ordinary person. Only. Only people like us are qualified to have it."

"What if he is desperate?"

"Destiny? Huh, I believe there is no one who is not afraid of death in the world. Even if he is not afraid, then his family is not afraid, and his relatives are not afraid. In a few days, you will take a few people to their home and tie him up. Wife, son and daughter come here. I don’t believe it when they bring it to him, he dare not follow it!"

A trace of cruelty appeared on the mad dog's face.

"I see, boss." Li Fei hesitated for a moment, and said, "But, who is going to handle this matter?"

The mad dog looked around, staring sharply at the men present, focusing on Hu Ge and Bald Chao, because these two are his two generals, and he will leave it to them to deal with many gang matters. .

It's just that the two of them seem a little strange today. If it were meetings in the past, the two of them would always be the most active. They would rush to do any task, even if there was a fight, they would not hesitate.

Seeing this situation, although the mad dog will always try to dissuade him, he is actually very happy in his heart, because if his subordinates get along like friends, there is no contradiction at all, then it may be his turn to sleep well. UU reading

However, today they are too abnormal, not as active as they used to be, they are as quiet as a passerby, they can't make a fart with three sticks, and even their eyes flicker, and they even yawn, as if they don't want to participate in this meeting.

"Xiaohu, how about letting you do this?" Seeing that they were silent, the mad dog had to resist the anger in his heart and appoint someone to do it casually.

Hearing these words, Brother Tiger jumped up like a cat with its tail stomped on, and said anxiously: "Brother Dog, I recently went to the hospital to have my foreskin cut~ I am not feeling well and I am temporarily inconvenient to move. Look at this task, you can leave it to someone else to do it. Brother Chao, Brother Chao is not bad, he is extraordinary and is absolutely suitable."

Your grandma's, who are almost thirty years old, are going to cut their skins. The corners of the mad dog's mouth twitched. There was no way, so he had to turn his gaze to the bald super.

"Sorry, Brother Dog, the night before, I had a drink with someone, and I almost drank stomach bleeding. I only got a drip last night and I didn’t have any strength at all. In a few weeks, in a few weeks, I will be well after my body recuperates. Just go out in person." Bald Chao quickly shook his head like a rattle, as if he had encountered some wild beast.

Do some tricks, beat your grandpa, who didn't know that you were very powerful and **** with a few chicks on the bed last night? The mad dog almost exploded his lungs.

"Fuck, is it the other way around? You bastards, is there still a boss like me in your eyes?! Is there still a mad dog gang!" The mad dog's voice was octave higher, like a thunderous shout, shaking. The whole basement hummed.

Brother Hu and Bald bowed their heads, and dared not answer.

At this moment, there was a monotonous applause of ‘Papa’ at the door, and at the same time an indifferent voice said: “You’re right. Starting today, there is no need for the Mad Dog Gang to exist!”

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