Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 171: It's done!

PS: I got up this morning and looked at the book review area. I was really shocked. The whole page was red. I really appreciate the "Xu Yan" book friends for their rewards. Thank you very much for your support.

Let me also talk about the updates today and tomorrow. Because these two days are the beginning of school and the Lantern Festival, there is no free time for the time being, so we can only update one chapter a day for the time being.

After these busy two days, I will resume the update of two chapters a day. Hope forgive me!


"It's done!"

After two hours of hard work, in a basement of the Youran Leisure Club, Tang Tianyou looked at the two people, Bald Chao and Tiger, who were crawling on the ground with satisfaction.

From the expressions in their eyes, Tang Tianyou could see that this was definitely an inner action, not because of his strong pressure or fear.

If divided according to religious believers and according to different degrees of belief, believers can be divided into four stages:

The first stage is called a pan-believer. This kind of believer only has a vague belief in a certain god, or he will follow the public and pray to the gods.

However, he does not intend to act and live strictly according to the creed of the gods, and may also forget to pray to the gods because of the busyness of various affairs, so pan-believers are also called false believers.

The second stage is called a shallow believer. At this time, believers already have a trace of faith, can remember prayer words, and even insist on praying once a week, have a certain respect for the gods, and dare not defy the bishop’s Order.

However, when encountering things that threaten his life, or encountering temptations beyond his imagination, there is still a certain degree of possibility of betrayal.

The third stage is called true believers. Such believers already have great awe and reverence for the gods and will not change their beliefs because of death or other threats.

Every word and every action will follow the teachings of the gods, practice most of the teachings of the gods from beginning to end, and spend most of the time in prayer.

The fourth stage is called a mad believer. At this time, believers are already proficient in all the doctrines of the gods. Anything that violates the doctrines cannot appear in front of them or ears. They can die for the gods they believe in at any time, and absolutely never Will frown.

Even if it is a trivial matter, they will pray all the time, even if it is delayed, they will redouble their efforts to make up for it.

According to this definition of religious believers, Tang Tianyou knew that Bald Chao and Brother Tiger had been forcibly transformed into true believers by him, and they planted the seeds of loyalty in their subconscious minds.

However, he was still a little underprepared for this ability. If it were not for good luck, he might have failed.

Because it is definitely not a simple matter to control a person, change a person's subconscious mind, change their thinking, and make them loyal to themselves.

First of all, he has to stay with the controlled person for a long enough time, using infrasound to slowly release his psychological defenses, and then he can let his subconscious mind be manipulated unsuspectingly.

If it is some old treacherous cunning, or very complex mind, unusually strong will, or even special training, it may not be of much use.

Fortunately, both Bald Super and Brother Tiger had been intimidated by Tang Tianyou, so they left a seed called fear deep in their hearts, allowing him to successfully hypnotize and transform into a true believer.

At this time, Bald Chao and Brother Hu were crawling on the ground, motionless. Without Tang Tianyou's instructions, they dared not do anything. Even so, they didn't have any complaints in their hearts.

"You two stand up first." For a long time, Tang Tianyou said back.

"Yes, Master." The two replied respectfully and quickly got up from the ground.

Tang Tianyou frowned when he heard it. The word "Master" is a bit sensitive. If it is discovered by a caring person, it might cause some big troubles.

"Master, don't call me anymore, you will call me the boss from now on." Tang Tianyou looked at them.

"Yes, boss." The two said in unison.

After a while, the bald head pointed at a dozen corpses lying on the ground and respectfully said: "Boss, what should we do now? If these corpses are left here to rot, I'm afraid they will be discovered."

Hypnotizing them does not mean that their IQ will be lowered, nor does it mean that their previous emotions, memories, personalities and other things will disappear. It is just planting a seed of loyalty deep in their hearts.

Therefore, they still have their own thinking, their own worldview, and values, and they will not be like puppets who only know how to obey the master's orders and rigidly execute the master's orders.

"If news of the mad dog's death is announced now, can you control the mad dog gang?" Tang Tianyou did not answer directly, but asked such a sentence instead.

"After so many years, I also have a lot of confidants, and with the temptation of interest, I should be able to control one-fifth of the power of the Mad Dog Gang." After thinking for a while, he was bald.

"Boss, I can also control one-fifth of my power." Brother Tiger continued.

Tang Tianyou frowned and said, "It's only two-fifths of the total? How can the power controlled by the two of you be so low?"

"Boss, we can't blame us. Although I am not ashamed of being a mad dog, I have to admire his personal ability. It is really not easy to be able to become the boss of a party from a person with nothing."

"His control of the Mad Dog Gang is unusually high, and there are many people in the gang who are loyal to him. If it weren't for meeting the boss, I'm afraid he will continue to walk away, no one can move his position." Bowed his head.

Hearing these words, Brother Hu also sighed: "Indeed, we can develop such a powerful force under his nose. It is already exhausting. No matter how much, we may be in danger~www., he might have inserted a lot of insiders under our noses."

"But, how did you just say that after the mad dog died, you have the ability to control the mad dog gang?" Tang Tianyou looked at Bald Super.

"There must be a prerequisite for this matter, that is, the news of the death of a mad dog cannot be leaked out in advance." The bald head bent over. And transform it."

"In this way, the influence of the mad dog in the gang can be minimized, and even if the news of the mad dog's death goes out, it will not cause much impact."

"According to what you said, now you have a certain degree of certainty to completely control the mad dog gang without letting it fall into civil strife." Tang Tianyou continued.

"If there is Brother Tiger's help, coupled with the full support of the boss, I will be 80% sure!" The bald head was in a posture, "I was still planning in my heart, as long as I have a part of the power of the Mad Dog Gang now, I will I'm satisfied. After all, there are many ambitious brothers in the help."

After listening, Tang Tianyou shook his head.

Then he stared at Bald Super and Brother Tiger, and said: "Not enough! I want to be 100% sure, and every sign of danger must be suppressed for me!"

Bald Super and Brother Tiger looked at each other, with a look of embarrassment on their faces, but they still bite the bullet and said, "Yes, boss."

Looking at the expressions of the two, Tang Tianyou said: "I know what you are thinking, but don't worry, I am absolutely sure that you will completely control the Mad Dog Gang."

Hearing these words, Bald Chao and Hu Ge showed a look of surprise.

"Now you two will gather the backbone elites of the Mad Dog Gang and let them all get together." Tang Tianyou didn't explain, but just ordered like this.

"Yes, boss." Although Bald Chao and Brother Tiger were puzzled, they still bowed their heads and replied.

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