Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 175: The Navy's Basic Exercises

Ten days have passed since the death of the mad dog.

Although the Mad Dog Gang is split into the Black Shark Gang and the Beluga Gang on the surface, they are actually the same force, but the name of this force will not be known to the public, and only the insiders of the gang can know it.

Tang Tianyou called the forces he created: darkness, which means: a big hand lurking in the darkness, controlling everything in the world.

For the establishment of the ‘dark’ organization, under the order of Tang Tianyou, Bald Chao and Brother Tiger set out to sort out and accept the power and property left by the mad dog.

There are many industries under the name of Mad Dog Gang, five KTVs, four game halls, 13 bars, 25 Internet cafes, two bathing centers, two cinemas, four lottery betting stations, one leisure club, underground A casino, a financial company, and a real estate company and other industries.

Of course, these are all assets on the surface, and there are many black incomes secretly, such as protection fees. The protection fees collected by the Mad Dog Gang from various businesses every year are definitely not a few; such as loan sharks, which is also an extremely lucrative gray income. ; There are also drugs, which is an income with amazing benefits.

However, under Tang Tianyou's order, the Black Shark Gang and the Beluga Gang could no longer do drugs and other illegal and criminal things like robbery and blackmail.

Because the above-mentioned industries alone are enough to feed them, they can't commit these offensive things.

Of course, such an order made some people who were not hypnotized by Tang Tianyou feel dissatisfied, especially some of the veteran figures of the original mad dog help. They relied on the old to sell the old, cursed, and even wanted to take a part of the property. Needless to say, they were thrown into the river. Feed the fish in it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bald Super and Brother Tiger jointly eliminated many subordinates who were loyal to the mad dog, as well as many worms who ate and drank. At this time, the gangsters who were loyal to Tang Tianyou had all occupied important positions in the gang.

At this point, the Black Shark Gang and the Beluga Gang are as stable as Mount Tai, and the people's hearts are completely stabilized. The gangs are operated like iron barrels. Not only have their combat effectiveness not weakened, they are even stronger than the previous Mad Dog Gang.

However, just being strong, did not satisfy Tang Tianyou at all. What he wanted was not being strong, but tyrannical, strong enough to suppress all resistance!

As a result, Tang Tianyou gathered two hundred gangsters who were loyal to him together, and he would personally train them to improve their strength enough to protect his family.

What kind of training is the most scientific and can improve human strength the fastest? You know with your knees, it is definitely the training of the regular army.

In the world of One Piece, the most powerful force is the navy!

No one can deny this, not only because there are so many high-end powerhouses in the navy, but also because the strength of the grassroots soldiers is also the strongest. These two constitute the immense strength of the entire navy.

After countless years of battle, the experience gained by countless elite navy surviving on the cruel battlefield, and through the finishing of countless top masters, the navy has created a set of the most scientific and effective training method: basic physical training!

The human body is the largest treasure in the world, and it contains countless potentials. As long as it can be developed, even if it is only a little bit, it can be powerful.

And basic physical exercise is the key that can open the door of this treasure. It uses various incredible movements to temper the body and exercise to the limit of physical stamina to stimulate the potential of the body and make human beings stronger. .

The Navy Six Form is the advanced version of this navy basic exercise technique, and the training effect is more powerful.

There are many naval instructors who have defected from the navy on board the Whitebeard, and they all have rich experience and methods of training soldiers.

Tang Tianyou, who has the memory of a white beard, naturally understands this.

And even more fortunately, these gangsters are definitely the seeds of soldiers that the instructors dream of.

What kind of soldier is the best? Good physical condition? wrong. Are you extremely smart? Not right. Or is it both? of course not. He is a soldier who absolutely obeys the commander's orders.

All outstanding generals know that the best army is definitely the most obedient army!

And these **** who were hypnotized by Tang Tianyou are just like that.

They are shallow believers or true believers. They regard Tang Tianyou as a **** and absolutely obey Tang Tianyou's orders. They will not hesitate or even refuse because this order is wrong or unreasonable.

Therefore, Tang Tianyou can rest assured that he can train them hard, achieve the best training effect in the shortest time, and quickly improve their strength.


After more than ten days of hell-level training, Tang Tianyou taught them the basic exercise skills of the navy. The two hundred thugs who had been trained to be ecstatic, their physical fitness began to increase to varying degrees.

The bastard, who was originally relatively thin, jumped up sharply, and grew strong muscles, beginning to approach the physical fitness of the special forces of the Chinese Army.

Those **** who are already very strong in their bodies have changed astonishingly. Some people with good aptitudes have even reached the strength of third-class navy soldiers, possessing ten powers.

And because Tang Tianyou has been a bit lonely lately, in short, his fists are more itchy. After all, a warrior usually doesn't fight, just like an old smoker who doesn't smoke in his hand, it's unhappy.

As a result, these trained **** began to miserable, and their lives were even more sad.

The daily basic training adds to the free fight with Tang Tianyou. It is conceivable that these gangsters are flattened like pigs, and they dare not come out to see people.

However, because of this, the fighting skills of these gangsters were originally inherited from street fighting, and there is no tactics. Now, after Tang Tianyou's painful, the fighting skills began to become superb.

After such a lesson, the gangsters became even more in awe of Tang Tianyou, and they had reached the point of desperation.


In classrooms.

After staying in the gang for more than ten days, training this group of thugs, after the freshness passed, Tang Tianyou also began to feel bored, so he gave the task of training this group of thugs to Bald Super and Brother Tiger.

After all, after watching his training for so long, Bald Super and Brother Hu also understood the process. As long as they train step by step, they will become stronger little by little.

When more members join in the future, you can continue to train according to this model, form a tradition for generations, and establish the grassroots strength of the ‘dark’ organization.

Thinking like this, there was a commotion in the classroom, and there was a burst of discussion. Tang Tianyou looked at it curiously and found that Mo Shaodong was appearing at the door with an embarrassed look.

Immediately, he seemed to have discovered Tang Tianyou's location and walked over quickly.

"Huh? Isn't this kid Mo Shaodong? Seeing where he is coming, he seems to be looking for you, God." The fat man said a little worried.

After all, he still remembers that Tang Tianyou and Mo Shaodong once had a fight on the basketball court before, and it was killed by Tang Tianyou on the spot. The grudge was great.

"It's okay, Fatty." Tang Tianyou smiled. Fatty didn't know what happened to him and Mo Shaodong, so he naturally felt worried.

Not long after, Mo Shaodong came to Tang Tianyou's position, lowered his head, and smiled awkwardly: "Brother You, I have something to ask you. Can we go out and say something? Just one sentence."

"Okay." Tang Tianyou nodded.

Then, Tang Tianyou and Mo Shaodong went out to the classroom together, leaving a fat man with a puzzled face. It was strange, when did Mo Shaodong have such a good relationship with Tianyou?

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