Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 180: Heart bleeds

Blue temptation bar.

Tang Tianyou is now full of doubts. How could Teacher Xiao appear on such an occasion? You know, this is the most famous one-night stand bar in H County.

However, he thought in a blink of an eye that Xiao Yunxuan was just a college student who had just graduated, about 22 years old, and at most three or four years older than herself. She was still a young man, and it was not surprising that she would come here to play.

"Tsk tsk, with Teacher Xiao's figure and appearance, I would still be afraid of not finding a man, so I have to come here to have fun. I have to say that the beautiful woman's mind is really weird." Tang Tianyou looked at the usual class with a weird face. The unusually dignified Xiao Yunxuan is really incomprehensible, and the sea is incomparable.

At this moment, Xiao Yunxuan just raised her head and looked at each other. In fact, the two ends of the bar are not very far apart. At a distance of seven or eight meters, the two people just met each other.

Without any accident, Xiao Yunxuan's eyes and mouth were wide open at the same time. As Tang Tianyou who had left a deep impression on her in class, she could not forget.

Originally, she planned to teach him severely, but then because of the various things that happened in life, she almost forgot.

At this time, Xiao Yunxuan obviously also noticed that when Tang Tianyou was looking at her, she had that weird and ambiguous look on her face. She was extremely intelligent, and she understood the meaning of it all at once.

With a swish, Xiao Yunxuan's pretty face flushed rapidly, almost dripping with water, her eyes flickered, and her entire face quickly transformed into a bewildered expression.

It is estimated that there will be no more embarrassing thing for her than meeting her student on this occasion. It is a bit like being caught in bed by her husband on the spot.

Xiao Yunxuan cursed in her heart, cursing the guy who asked her to meet here, if it weren't for him, she wouldn't have encountered such an embarrassing scene.

Originally, Xiao Yunxuan didn't want to come here. After a few months of internship in County H, she had heard of the reputation of this one-night stand bar.

There were many young male teachers who wanted to pursue her and wanted to ask her to come here, but she refused one by one because she didn't like this kind of occasion.

It's just that this time is different. A certain fly that has been harassing her actually followed her and came to this county town with her parents' verbal instructions.

Xiao Yunxuan is a very filial daughter. Even though she hates that fly in her heart, she has to smile for the face of her parents.

So, she had to agree to the fly to come here to meet, so when she came to the bar, the scene of the above scene happened.

However, Tang Tianyou didn't understand mind-reading and couldn't understand Xiao Yunxuan's thoughts, but he had one big advantage, that was his understanding.

What happened to the teacher? Can't the teacher come to have fun? Can't the teacher indulge? Teachers are also human and have needs, Tang Tianyou thought, seemingly very understanding.

So Tang Tianyou nodded towards Xiao Yunxuan with a little restraint, made a lip-shape at her, and then immediately looked around, pretending to be around, and was about to turn around and leave.

Before leaving, he thought very proudly, I just left silently, everyone pretending that no one knew anyone, and then nothing happened. Teacher Xiao should be very grateful to me.

However, Xiao Yunxuan was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

Because she clearly saw Tang Tianyou's mouth, she seemed to be talking about Teacher Xiao, I understand, you play slowly, I will leave first, and then pretended to know her well, and nodded.

You know?

You know what a fart, do you think my old lady is someone who needs to come here to play? Xiao Yunxuan almost yelled at her with anger, bastard, everything is not what you think, don't confuse the old lady!

If you let Tang Tianyou that **** leave today, and that guy will have another big mouth tomorrow, it is estimated that everyone in the school will know the news, then what kind of face does Xiao Yunxuan have to stay in school.

The beautiful teacher of the school, because of her loneliness, frequented the one-night stand bar, but she was smashed by her students on the spot. The world is going downhill and her morals are degraded. Xiao Yunxuan seems to see that Tang Tianyou **** is standing on the podium with excitement. , Waving his arms, talking about this big gossip, all the students under the podium showed incredible expressions.

What? ! You said that Tang Tianyou **** might not speak out. How can it be? ! Xiao Yunxuan couldn't believe Tang Tianyou's temperament at all.

Don't think that after a few months, she will forget what happened in the class before. The **** actually dared to make that kind of noise in class and openly molested the teacher.

And another thing that made Xiao Yunxuan angry was that the **** was only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old student, and he actually came to this place to hang out, and he seemed to be very skilled. If she guessed correctly, the **** is definitely a veteran of flowers, the kind of pervert who often harms girls.

In summary, Xiao Yunxuan would never believe in Tang Tianyou's character as a bastard. Just imagine, that kind of corrupted pervert would have nothing to do.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunxuan suddenly became anxious, and she absolutely couldn't let the pervert go away, otherwise the reputation of the old lady would be completely destroyed in his hands.

After shouting, she got up from her seat, holding the goblet, ignoring the men around her who had been courting her, and stepped on high heels ‘Tatata’ towards Tang Tianyou’s position.

And Tang Tianyou just got up just now and didn't leave the seat at all, so he noticed that Xiao Yunxuan was walking towards him holding the wine glass.

But, why does Teacher Xiao seem to show a cannibalistic look? Could it be an illusion?

Not long after a fragrant breeze hit him, Xiao Yunxuan sat down beside him, her pretty face hot, she wanted to swallow Tang Tianyou alive, looked at him sideways, and said, "Tang Tianyou, don't you stay here." Study hard at home, prepare for the college entrance examination, why do you come to such a place?"

Huh? What does this sentence mean? Is it not confessing? Tang Tianyou looked very weird, and said, "Aren't all the teachers teaching them well? Whatever the teachers do, the students do what they do."

"What?!" Xiao Yunxuan was anxious, her face flushed red, her head was about to smoke, "I just came here to wait for a friend, but he hasn't come yet."

"Oh, come here to wait for friends." Tang Tianyou couldn't hold back a smile on his face. Teacher Xiao is still dead even now, "Actually, I'm the same as teacher, you are here to wait for friends. But she hasn't come yet, UU reads and she doesn't know me either."

The blue veins on Xiao Yunxuan's forehead bulged, she clenched her fist tightly, her teeth rattled, bastard, what is this, don't you believe me? Damn it, I blamed that guy, he even dared to be late when he asked me out, otherwise I wouldn't be so ugly in front of my students.


On the other hand, the men around the bar just now became anxious, looking at Tang Tianyou who seemed to be talking and laughing with Xiao Yunxuan with extreme jealousy.

What is this? We worked so hard here for so long, and the wretched man seduce their goddess away quietly.

This, this is not scientific!

Is there still heaven in the world? Is there any logic?

Especially those men who were dressed up just now were vomiting blood with anger, and were extremely depressed. Just now, in order to show their demeanor, charm, um, and financial resources in front of their favorite beauties.

Pretending to be generous, I ordered two cups of XO Remy and I wanted to invite a beautiful woman to drink, but I didn't expect that all of them would be ridiculed now, and there was no echo.

Niang Xipi, there are thousands of dollars, it's gone. The men's hearts are bleeding, as if someone is holding a knife and cutting them in their hearts. Their eyes are red and red, and they want to kill Tang Tianyou. This guy was swallowed up.

On the other hand, Mo Shaodong looked at Tang Tianyou with admiration, or Brother You Niu, originally he thought that with his own ingenious means, he might be able to attract the attention of beautiful women, and then kissed Fangze.

Unexpectedly, Brother You didn't need to take action at all, sitting there quietly, without moving his footsteps, just like a natural magnet, attracting countless beauties and moths to the fire.

Your uncle, this realm is too high.

At this moment, Mo Shaodong admired Tang Tianyou even more.

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