Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 184: 1 slap flat

After a while, the bodyguard walked out of the crowd with a bit of bitterness, and said to Tang Tianyou awe-inspiringly: "Boy, there are too many bullies and few others, not a good guy, dare you dare to have a heads-up match with me? ?"

Hearing these words, Tang Tianyou was almost exasperated. Wasn't this guy just thinking that there were too many people and bullying fewer people? Now that there are too many people, did he admit it?

However, just because of their abilities, they couldn't escape the palm of his hand, and it seemed very interesting to play with them a little bit.

Thinking of this, Tang Tianyou smiled, and pointed to the man next to him who was at least two meters tall and walked like a hill, and said, "You, go and play with him."

"Yes, boss." The big man touched his head and said in a simple voice.

The other big guys who weren't called all looked regretful. It seemed a pity why the boss didn't call him, otherwise they would have the opportunity to play.

The two-meter-tall man walked slowly in front of Tootou in black clothes, smiled honestly, touched his head, lowered his head, looking down at him, yes, looking down at him.

The bodyguard is strong in the eyes of most people. It is 1.80 meters away, round waist and thick legs, burly and powerful, and no one dares to underestimate it.

However, this person is most afraid of comparison. Compared with the two-meter-high man, he is like a child and an adult, not at the same level at all.

The people present saw this scene, everyone was sweating coldly. Isn't this bullying? With the small body on the head of the bodyguard, he wouldn't be slapped flat by the giant's slap.

The bodyguard is also sweating, and his heart is a little hairy. Although he has rich combat experience, he has never touched such a fierce man. His height looks like Yao Ming and his muscles are terribly strong. His shoulders are thicker than his waist, your sister, where did these monsters come from? Or let ordinary people like them live?

"Well, my boss said, the visitor is a guest, please do it first." The big urn said in a very simple and honest manner.

The bodyguard swallowed his head, unmoved, took two steps back slowly, and opened his posture: "If you want to fight, just fight, don't talk nonsense."

"Okay." The big man touched the back of his head.

At this moment, the bodyguard suddenly bends his head, like a cheetah, rushing out from the spot, and a fist as big as a casserole directly hit the big man's face, moving as fast as lightning.

Sneak attack!

That bodyguard attacked unexpectedly!

The people watching the game took a deep breath. This guy was so tall that he would actually perform such a shameless act as a sneak attack. It was too shameless.

So, they looked at the head of the bodyguard with contempt.

The old face of the bodyguard blushed, but he didn't move at all, his fist still slammed straight at the big man.

When he was training in the army, the instructor told him that there is no **** etiquette and rules for fighting life and death, and the only purpose is to kill the opponent.

A sneak attack can kill the opponent, so use a sneak attack; if you can't sneak an attack, then you must create a situation that is beneficial to you; even if you want to confront directly, you must find the opponent's weakness and make a one-shot kill!

Because in the battle, when fighting life and death, the enemy will not reason with you, only if the opponent is completely beaten to the ground, you are qualified to show mercy.

What kind of etiquette and the enemy pay attention to, that is to die!

It was too late, it was fast, the bodyguard's fist had already hit the big man's abdomen heavily.

The punch was so fierce that it even caused a soft pop in the air. If the punch was firm, even a man with an iron punch would have to mourn for a long time.


Everyone present seemed to have seen the tragic situation of the big man, that was the tragic situation of being hit hard, maybe he was knocked down directly, and then he could no longer stand up.

When the fist hit the big man's abdomen and made that explosion, the fierce light in Chu Jun's eyes also exploded, and a bloodthirsty light flashed.

Chu Jun knew exactly how powerful the bodyguard beside him was. When that guy went to the martial arts gym to test his strength, he once broke the sandbag with a punch, smashed bricks, and so on, just like playing.

If that punch really hits the big man, even if the big man's body is as strong as a bull, it is impossible to be safe, and he can definitely beat the man.

It's a pity that when Chu Jun's eyes burst with fierce light, he originally expected that the big man was knocked down with a punch and vomited blood while lying on the ground did not happen.

Instead, the bodyguard who punched the punch suddenly turned white on the head, banged his teeth, and knelt on the ground with a ‘punk’.

Everyone saw that the fist of the bodyguard's head did not hit the big man at all. When that fist first touched the abdomen, it was already grasped by a big banana fan.

Hold it tightly!

The head of the bodyguard only felt that his fist seemed to be firmly clamped by a pair of pliers, and the force erupting from that palm was so horrifying that the bones of his entire palm rattled.

In horror, he couldn't help but look up. The big man seemed to have a simple smile, showing eight teeth comparable to blacks, which were so white.

Then, the big man waved his free hand into the air and slapped it towards the face of the bodyguard's head, surging in strength, and whizzed through the air.

The bodyguard was horrified and wanted to dodge, but his fist was firmly held by the big man, his whole body couldn't exert any strength at this time, it was simply immobile!


This sound was so loud that the entire bar could hear a slap in the face, and it instantly spread from there.

Everyone present clearly saw that the bodyguard had a slap-sized red print on his head and face, and his body began to spin in circles as if he was uncontrollable.

I don't know how many times he has turned around. After he stopped, the whole person's consciousness seemed to be a little unconscious, his head buzzed, and then the whole body fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and completely unconscious on the ground.

The big man smiled honestly, seeming a little embarrassed, and showed an innocent expression: "Well, I didn't mean it, who knew he was so unspoken, he fainted with a single slap."

Hearing this sentence everyone sweats, and then a faint chill, Nima, this big guy looks stupid, if anyone really treats him as a fool, then who is the real fool .

"Captain!" the bodyguards roared.

Only then did they wake up like a dream, because they couldn't believe that the captain, who they usually respect as a god, was slapped stunned by an ordinary bastard, without the slightest ability to resist.

Immediately afterwards, they became impulsive one by one, wanting to rescue their captain from the ground.

Seeing this situation, Tang Tianyou frowned and suddenly said, "Stun me all and take it away."

"Yes!" The gangsters replied excitedly. If it hadn't been for Tang Tianyou's order, they would have been unable to bear it, and would have wanted to kill them all.

These **** dare to threaten their boss, dare to blaspheme the gods in their hearts, and want to leave here intact, it is just a dream.

The gangsters raised their hand knives one by one, with bloodthirsty rays in their eyes, as if they were looking at sheep, looking at these arrogant bodyguards.

These bodyguards were all horrified and wanted to resist on the spot.

But, it's too late--

Bang! Bang! Bang! ………

A hand knife followed by a hand knife, accurately hit the veins of the bodyguards' necks, and the strength was neither light nor heavy.

Then, these bodyguards fell to the ground one by one like a log, unconscious.

On the other side, only Chu Jun, with a frightened face, stood alone, shivering, and his original straight suit seemed to be soaked in sweat.

And all the bloodthirsty thugs who surrounded him were staring at him viciously, and there seemed to be a trace of green killing intent in their eyes.


Unknowingly, Chu Jun's crotch was suddenly moist and his face was ashen ashes.

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