Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 189: Full of spring

PS: Ask for red ticket support. I just looked at the city red ticket list. There are 50 votes to burst the chrysanthemum in front. I beg everyone to help, O(∩_∩)O haha~~~Everyone work hard~~ ~


Not long after, Tang Tianyou took off his clothes in the bathroom, turned on the water heater, and cleaned all the stains on his body, feeling more comfortable all over, and then walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he heard a depressed groan in his ears. This came from Xiao Yunxuan's bedroom. Did something happen? Tang Tianyou walked to the bedroom suspiciously.

Going into the bedroom, Tang Tianyou saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

She saw Xiao Yunxuan lying on the bed desperately tearing her clothes, her upper body was completely naked, and she didn't realize it. A large area of ​​white jade skin was exposed, and Tang Tianyou only felt dazzling.

Under the soft light, the pair of huge and plump white rabbits stood proudly in front of their chests, as white as snow, shaking gently, exuding the temptation to spurt blood.

At this time, her hands were falling on the top and she was rubbing desperately, and her body was twisting around on the bed, as if this could alleviate her pain, and her white and tender skin appeared pink.

At this time, Xiao Yunxuan’s clothes were basically torn off by herself, and only a thin piece of nasty trousers remained on her body. A pair of slender and charming thighs had been exposed to the air, and she was lying on the bed. Constant entanglement.

Alluring red lips closed together, sometimes joyful and sometimes sad moans echoed in the bedroom, while Xiao Yunxuan unconsciously lay on the bed and her face flushed, as if she was enjoying something.

Seeing this attractive picture of beautiful women, Tang Tianyou only felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, and the desire that he had just managed to suppress~ The fire broke out all at once, and he almost couldn't control his legs, he He took a deep breath, and finally barely held back the impulse.

This is really a time to test concentration, Tang Tianyou thought helplessly. He resisted the impulse and walked over to pick up a piece of clothing and put it on Xiao Yunxuan's body. At the same time, he shook her shoulder and said, "Mr. Xiao , Wake up, what's wrong with you?"

But to his surprise, Xiao Yunxuan first opened her confused eyes, her raised eyes flashed with a certain hunger and impatience. She glanced at Tang Tianyou, and Tang Tianyou was about to say something, she But he had already lifted off the clothes on his body, and his body was wrapped up like a water snake.

Hooking Tang Tianyou's neck with both hands, his whole body was completely leaning on Tang Tianyou. Tang Tianyou could even feel the round arc on his chest, amazing softness.

Xiao Yunxuan hooked his neck with one hand, and started to tear his clothes on Tang Tianyou with the other hand. Two amazingly beautiful legs were clamped tightly around his waist, beautiful red lips gently rubbing against his ears. , The coquettish voice, as fine as a mosquito, echoed in Tang Tianyou's ears, "Give me...I...I want..."

Listening to Xiao Yunxuan's groaning, Tang Tianyou felt that his breathing seemed to become hurried, and his hand touched the beauty's slender waist.

The start was soft and boneless, and the moment she touched her, her delicate body trembled very sensitively, and the ecstatic trembling also evoked Tang Tianyou's boundless desire.

Tang Tianyou responded domineeringly to Xiao Yunxuan's fierce red lips. The tips of each other's tongues began to test, tap, squeeze, and entangle.

Xiao Yunxuan was already lying on her back on the bed, Tang Tianyou's head was deeply buried in Xiao Yunxuan's huge white rabbit, and the beauty's white rabbit was undulating sharply.

The gasp came into his ears clearly, he sniffed her body fragrance obsessively, he used his cheek to feel the fullness of her, rubbing gently, rubbing...

Trembling, Tang Tianyou's hand slowly stretched out to the beauty's charming inner thigh, delicate and smooth, he stroked it, and then slowly stretched out to the mysterious forbidden area...

"Ah~~!" Xiao Yunxuan's throat let out a depressed groan, murmured in a heart-breaking voice, "Well, it's so hot..."

So hot?

This sweet ~ chant made Tang Tianyou awake a bit, stretched out his hand and pushed hard Xiao Yunxuan who was holding him tightly, the expression on her face was constantly changing, excited, excited, ashamed, angry...

Tang Tianyou looked at Xiao Yunxuan's fiery eyes, there seemed to be two fires burning in those beautiful eyes, and the five characters "Yin and Yang Reconciliation Pill" flashed through his mind.

Damn it! Unable to help, Tang Tianyou suddenly remembered the weird smile on Mo Shaodong's face when he sent them to the car, and then inexplicably said to him, Brother You, have fun tonight.

That kid must have done it, no wonder if they were so kindly invited to drink, it turned out to be extra ingredients. If Mo Shaodong appeared in front of him now, Tang Tianyou would have to strangle him.

Thinking like this, Xiao Yunxuan entangled herself like a water snake, stroking her constantly, and she kept groaning intermittently, "'s so hot...ah..."

No, I can't continue, Tang Tianyou is ruthless, ready to push her away.

But at this moment, Tang Tianyou suddenly felt a warm current rising from his lower abdomen, and an uncontrollable trace of primitive impulse appeared in his heart.

But Tang Tianyou relied on strong perseverance to suppress this impulse, but soon he felt something was because the warm current in the lower abdomen not only did not disappear, but quickly spread to the whole body, he is now Feeling hot all over, uncomfortably hot, and urges are coming like a tide,

"Asshole, that kid Mo Shaodong actually gave me medicine! Lao Tzu was also recruited." Tang Tianyou almost exploded his lungs when he felt the abnormal state of his body.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the description of the Yin-Yang Harmonizing Pill in his memory, "Although it has the effect of reconciling the body, it is actually an overbearing aphrodisiac. When a woman takes it, it will become a disaster when she sees the opposite sex. , Become a **** who can do everything possible until the effect of the medicine fades; as for men, this is even more true, and there is no resistance at all."

The reason why Tang Tianyou attacked so late just now was also because of his strong physical fitness that he barely suppressed its medicinal effect, but now that he can’t suppress it anymore, the medicinal power burst out like a tide, almost loosing his sanity. Submerged.

"Damn it, memory says it has no cure, is there really no cure? I don't believe it!" Tang Tianyou gritted his teeth, barely keeping a trace of clarity on the spiritual platform.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Tianyou held Xiao Yunxuan with his left hand and raised his right hand. He wanted to stun her at the moment, and then quickly fled from here.

But at this moment, a soft, boneless hand suddenly slid under Tang Tianyou tremblingly. Then, he saw Xiao Yunxuan slowly lower her head, gently holding the symbol of that man...

"Ah~!" Tang Tianyou only felt a burst of warmth and moisture underneath him tightly. The intense pleasure made Tang Tianyou almost collapse, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

Slowly, a pink ambiguity filled this bedroom, and the temperature seemed to be rising constantly. I could faintly hear the tearing of the bed sheet inside, and then the woman sighed contentedly, followed by a crackling sound. , And the soft groan that is higher than the wave, suddenly make this small bedroom spring full.

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