Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 26: Shaking 8 hexagrams

Soon, Tang Tianyou came to the classroom. It was about 6 o'clock in the morning, so the classroom now has only a few people sitting sparsely. These are more diligent students, who usually arrive earlier.

Without wasting time, Tang Tianyou walked straight back to his seat, put down his schoolbag, took out books and some review materials, and prepared to start today's review.

Sitting in his seat, Tang Tianyou thought: Which subject should I review first?

Yesterday he had read most of the high school textbooks, history, geography, politics, English, Chinese and other subjects that need to be memorized. He has almost all the knowledge points in it. If you take the college entrance examination now If so, he can get at least 80% of the points.

After all, liberal arts can be said to be subjects that rely on memory. Whoever remembers more knowledge points will be able to get higher scores. Of course, a certain degree of understanding is also needed to complete the questions and answer the test points correctly.

However, the college entrance examination is not only for liberal arts, science also takes a certain proportion, so you must not ignore the learning of science, especially mathematics, this subject, just remembering the formula is useless, it is an understanding subject , Only by doing a lot of exercises can you integrate all the knowledge points.

"Well, then I'll review math first." Tang Tianyou made up his mind.

Turning over the mathematics textbook, Tang Tianyou began to work on the topics in it, and the math formulas were presented one by one like a movie.

Trigonometric functions, sequence formulas, properties of inequalities, formula definitions for spheres, cones, and pyramids, knowledge of hyperbola, parabola, probability and statistics, solid geometry, calculus, and other complex mathematical knowledge, just like beautiful musical symbols Come to mind.

"Yes, this question should use the triple angle formula."

"No, this question should be a sequence of numbers combining equal proportions and equal deviations."

"Hey, shouldn't this question be the second definition of ellipse?!"

"That's it, this problem can be solved by calculus."

"Unbelievable, this three-dimensional geometry problem can be done simply by drawing a line."


With the murmur in his mouth, Tang Tianyou continued to solve math problems, as if he had passed five levels and killed six generals, solving the enemies in front one by one, and it was like solving a riddle. All the answers to the mystery were revealed, and this unspeakable sense of accomplishment emerged in his heart.

Suddenly, a mysterious and fascinating world of mathematics opened in front of Tang Tianyou. He had never thought that boring numbers could have such a great charm, and that cold and rigorous mathematical formulas could be so varied. Originally in his eyes, the mathematics was extremely complicated. The question, now it is like Pao Ding's solution to the cow, turned into the most basic knowledge points, into the most basic problems, and he easily solved them.

With the passing of time, Tang Tianyou has been completely indulged in the mysterious world of mathematics, immersed in the pile of books, struggling to solve one after another mathematical problems, and the mysterious and unpredictable mental power seems to be increasing little by little.

I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, a fat slap slapped Tang Tianyou's shoulder fiercely. Tang Tianyou, who was interrupted by his thoughts, became angry. Just about to punch him, he killed the person who disturbed him, but still Without moving his hands, I heard an extremely incomprehensible and familiar voice excited from my ears:

"Good boy, I really have you!"

Looking back, it turned out to be the dead fat man Zhang Haonan, his worst friend!

As soon as he saw him, his anger was half gone. Tang Tianyou was very helpless. He must have done something bad in his previous life, and that's why he became such a friend.

"What's the matter?"

"Pretend, you pretend, just pretend to me, this matter has spread throughout the entire third level, you are still pretending to be stupid." The fat man said with a smile, with a very contemptuous expression.

"Huh?! What happened?" Tang Tianyou was at a loss, not sure what the fat man wanted to say.

"Hehe, I heard that you and Li Damei are embracing passionately on the street. They are already in love for three lives and have met their parents. Good boy, unexpectedly we got our most beautiful school flowers. You really deserve to be my best brother! The ability to pick up girls is as good as I do." The fat man said with a smug look.

"What's this, why don't I know this?" Tang Tianyou was very helpless. Didn't he just help her and heal her wounds by the way, why did these things change their tastes as soon as they came out.

"God, don't hide it anymore. Almost the entire senior third level knows about this, but you guys have done such a good job of keeping secrets. You really belong to you." The fat man said with admiration on his face.

"Fatty, in fact, I really have nothing to do with her. This is just a misunderstanding." Tang Tianyou quickly explained that if this matter was known to her huge fan group, it would definitely be torn to pieces.

Just at this moment, Li Shiyin was sitting on the seat and suddenly turned her head, with a trace of crimson on her face, and her big watery eyes staring at Tang Tianyou, like those women in love.

But no one noticed that when she turned her head, a treacherous smile appeared on her face, as if she had succeeded in a prank.

Sorry! It can't be washed off even if it falls into the Yellow River! When Tang Tianyou saw Li Shiyin's faint attitude, he felt bad in his heart. A serious sense of crisis continued to emerge from the bottom of his heart, as if something big was about to happen.

Sure enough, when the fat man saw this, he showed a look that I already knew, and stopped asking Tang Tianyou, sitting on the chair, looking at Tang Tianyou, and let out a very lascivious laugh.

Seeing this scene, Tang Tianyou immediately wanted to explain, but when he saw the fat man, don't lie to me, I wouldn't believe any lies. He already knew it, no matter what reason he gave, the fat man wouldn't believe it.

According to his fallacy: Don't explain, explain is to cover up, if this matter is not true, you will not be anxious to explain to me.

All in all he just doesn't listen to your explanation.

This scene was immediately noticed by some gossips in the class. They were like spies, spreading the news on their hands to the whole class.

Suddenly, the entire morning self-study classroom became messy. After all, for senior high school students who only study this'entertainment activity' all day long, there is nothing more to keep them happy than the sprouting love. This matter is in the class. The impact it caused was no less than the sensation caused by the Yanzhaomen incident!

"Oh my God, Century News!'Waste Wood You' is in love with Xiao Hua!"

"How is it possible? I don't believe it, isn't this a flower stuck on the cow dung?!"

"I know this, I know! This morning, I saw the two of them embracing each other on the street. I was completely frightened at the time."

"I haven't seen it, did the school girl smile like that at'Wai Caiyou'? She has never been scornful to boys. If it weren't ambiguous, how could she make such a move?!"

"Oh, handsome guys are no longer popular these days. Beautiful women love ugly men. Where is the way out for our handsome guys?"

"Go to hell, just like you, handsome guy, handsome guy is pretty much the same!"


Most of the classmates were happily discussing this shocking gossip, but there were also a few people who thought they could be a colonel, with very ugly expressions on their faces.

They had never cared about Tang Tianyou, nor did they think he could pose a threat, but what they never expected was that Tang Tianyou, the toad, would actually pick up the dignified school flower.

This makes them who think they have a superior family background, suave, and good-learning suitors, have a dejected face, as if their cheeks have been severely stepped on a few feet, and they spit a few mouthfuls, their dignity has been trampled on.

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