Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 28: First kiss

Tang Tianyou has a headache. For this charming big beauty, he can't beat or scold him, she's even more of a hedgehog than a hedgehog!

Therefore, when Li Shiyin looked at him with an expression of ‘love’, he was completely lost.

"Li Shiyin, you'd better leave quickly, don't make me anxious, otherwise the rabbit will bite people if it is anxious!" Tang Tianyou sat on the chair with a smile on his face, and whispered, only Li Shiyin's voice happened. And I can hear it.

After Li Shiyin heard Tang Tianyou's words that were a bit like begging for mercy, she felt that the tens of thousands of pores all over her body seemed to be open, and she was extremely refreshed!

Haha, I finally know how powerful this big beauty is. This time I want to let you know that offending a woman, especially a beautiful woman, will not end well!

"I just want to make you anxious, hehe, what can you do to me? Do you dare to do to me? However, as long as you are my slave for a few days, I will let you go, how about it?" This little witch Even more proud. The corners of his mouth were curved like crescent moons, and he no longer concealed it. He whispered in Tang Tianyou's ear.

However, what Li Shiyin didn't know was that, in the eyes of others, this scene was a very intimate action between lovers, which was a bit like flirting.

"Then you don't regret it!" Tang Tianyou was angry. This little Nizi actually dared to take an inch, her attitude became more arrogant. It seems that she won't teach her a lesson, and she doesn't know what she will do in the future!

"Regret? There is no regret in my grandma's dictionary!!" Li Shiyin said in a low voice with a raised eyebrow, one arm on her hips, and her body bent.

Li Shiyin doesn't think that Tang Tianyou can do anything. After all, after knowing him for so long, don't you still know his personality?

He is timid and afraid of things, he is submissive, and a typical anger bag. No matter how insulted by others, he won't resist. That's why he is called ‘waste material blessing’!

"Hmph, just rely on you, what is the ability to make me regret? What...ah...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Just when Li Shiyin was still trying to talk endlessly, Tang Tianyou finally couldn't stand it, and put her arm around her slender waist, pulled her over, and directly blocked her red and **** cherry mouth with his mouth.

At this moment, Li Shiyin's body seemed to be passed through by electricity, her delicate body trembled slightly, her face was stunned, her apricot eyes widened, and the chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground with a'pop'.

At this moment, there was a paste in her mind, and she didn't know what to do.

As if instinctively, the two fragrant tongues and body fluid were entangled in each other's mouth. Unconsciously, Tang Tianyou's hands slipped from her waist to her straight buttocks, ravaged wantonly.

After a long time, until the oxygen was almost running out, Tang Tianyou's lips reluctantly left, slowly leaving Li Shiyin, who was blushing and limp.

In an instant, everyone was stunned, their faces dull, everyone was stunned.

Even some of the students who came here to watch the excitement after passing by outside the classroom were quiet, and there was silence everywhere.

Obviously, they were all shocked by the bold actions of Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin. Few couples dared to do some intimate actions in the classroom, let alone passionate kisses, this kind of more intimate thing!

With a sound of "Ah"--

Shy and ashamed, Li Shiyin pushed away Tang Tianyou who was holding her, regardless of the surprised expressions of the classmates next to him, he lowered his head and blushed and ran out of the classroom.

Tang Tianyou took a look and quickly followed. He was a little afraid that Li Shiyin would be angry because of this incident and would do something irrational.

In fact, he also regretted that he had done this kind of thing on impulse. He didn't know what was going on at the time. When his brain was hot, he became impulsive, as if there was an invisible force pushing him to do this.

As soon as Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin went out, the classroom suddenly boiled. The atmosphere inside seemed to be more lively than the Olympics, and the heated discussion almost overturned the roof.

"Wow! Kissing! "Wai Caiyou" and Li Shiyin actually kissed in public in the classroom!" A gossip man wearing black frame glasses said excitedly.

"How is it possible?! How could my goddess be taken away by a waste material?! I never believe it, never believe it!" A tall boy said crumbled, and he could even hear the hearts of the surrounding area. Broken sound.

"Damn it! Why can'waste material help' be favored by the school flower, even if anyone present is 10,000 times better than him." A wretched man said indignantly. As soon as the words fell, it caused a group of boys around. The echoing sound.

"It's too bold, how can Shiyin do such a shameful thing in public." A girl who has a good relationship with Li Shiyin, covering her blushing cheeks with her hands, said shyly.

"Li Shiyin is so courageous. She dared to kiss in public in the classroom. She deserves to be the squad leader, dare to love and hate!" said a small and charming girl with stars in her eyes and a little admiration.


Intense discussions can be seen everywhere in every corner of the classroom, but it is a pity that Tang Tianyou can't hear it anymore. He closely follows Li Shiyin, fearing that something will happen to her.

Unknowingly, Tang Tianyou chased Li Shiyin to a tree-lined path. This was a path on the back of the school. It was relatively remote. Usually, no one passed by here.

The breeze was blowing, the leaves were rustling, and the scorching sunlight was covered by the freshness of the woodland. The surroundings were very quiet, and it was the time when the school had the least number of people, which made it even more silent.

"Shiyin, don't run anymore!"

Tang Tianyou grabbed Li Shiyin who wanted to continue to escape, and hugged her tightly. Li Shiyin's soft body struggled desperately in his arms, but he couldn't push Tang Tianyou's solid body no matter how much she pushed.

After a long time, Li Shiyin slowly stopped struggling, as if she was no longer ready to resist. Tang Tianyou looked at it and felt relieved. It seemed that she had gradually calmed down, so he was about to slowly let go of her.

Unexpectedly, Li Shiyin suddenly bowed her head and bit her left hand severely towards Tang Tianyou. Then, a sharp pain came from her arm.

"Li Shiyin, let go!"

Tang Tianyou didn't expect that this delicate-looking girl would actually have such a cruel mouth, her left hand was really painful, and it was really not a normal pain, it was so painful that her voice was a little distorted.

"Bite you to death, just to kill you big bad guy!" When Li Shiyin heard this, his anger suddenly rose. This guy made a mistake and his tone was so arrogant, as if nothing happened to him, nothing at all. The meaning of guilt.

Originally, she just wanted to take a bite and then stopped, but now she took a bite harder, as if she wouldn't let it go if she didn't kill him.

There was no way, Tang Tianyou had to stretch out his right hand and slapped Li Shiyin's **** fiercely.

With a ‘pop’—

Li Shiyin was like a cat with a blown up fur, and quickly let go, jumped out from Tang Tianyou, protected his hips with both hands, and looked at Tang Tianyou with crimson, beautiful eyes full of anger, as if not killing him. Thousands of times, it's hard to get rid of my anger.

You know, apart from her family, no man has ever touched her, let alone spanked her. The most damning thing is that he even snatched her...first kiss! ! !

However, Tang Tianyou did not notice that the beautiful woman in front of him was angry. He was already pulling his face together with pain. He looked at the arm that had been bitten by the tiger's bite, and shouted:

"Are you a dog? You bite so hard!"

"Bah, you are a dog? And you are still a mangy! Who told you to treat people like that, just biting you, it is very cheap for you." Li Shiyin said aggressively with her hands in her waist.


Tang Tianyou just wanted to defend, but thought that he had taken all the advantages that belonged to a girl by kissing and touching her just now, and it was no wonder she was so angry.

Thinking of this, Tang Tianyou felt a little guilty, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, Li Shiyin, it was my fault just now, please forgive me, just come if you have any punishment, and I will promise you."

When Li Shiyin heard this, her brows frowned, and she suddenly felt embarrassed. For a while, it was really difficult for her to think of a way to punish him, and it was impossible for her to do anything excessive to him.

"Damn it, isn't he just making this idea, right? I didn't dare to do anything excessive to him, so I agreed so generously and was punished by me at will!" At this moment, Li Shiyin suddenly thought This fact.

"Well, you Tang Tianyou, I didn’t expect you to be such an insidious person. You clearly didn’t want to be punished, but you deliberately pushed the problem to me, making me look like a villain. I just pretended to be generous over there. It’s too disgusting. !" Li Shiyin thought of this, the anger in her heart, gritted her teeth with anger, and made a gurgling noise.

Tang Tianyou didn't expect that in a short instant, Li Shiyin's little head turned so many strange thoughts. Fortunately, he didn't have a mind-reading skill, otherwise he would definitely be shocked.

Suddenly, Li Shiyin seemed to have thought of something, her anger calmed down, her eyes flowed, her mouth raised an unnoticeable smile, and she said, "It's easy to want me to forgive you, but you must promise me three conditions!"

"Three conditions?" Tang Tianyou saw Li Shiyin's ill-intentioned smile, and couldn't help but He suddenly remembered the things in "Eight Dragon Slayer", Zhao Min's three conditions are good. Zhang Wuji is embarrassed.

Seeing Tang Tianyou seem to be a little hesitant, Li Shiyin snorted coldly and said: "If you don't agree, it's okay!" She turned around and was about to leave here.

"Wait! I promised!" Tang Tianyou also gave up, thinking that she would stretch her head and shrink her head as well. It seemed that if she didn't agree, she would definitely not forgive herself.

"Well, let's swear by high-five first." Li Shiyin raised his palms and looked at him with straight eyes.

Tang Tianyou said, "You talk about your conditions first, and then it's not too late for us to give high fives!"

"No, high-five first, let's talk about the conditions!" Li Shiyin said without any doubt, then paused, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't let you do murder and arson, and do things that go against the principles of heaven."

When Tang Tianyou heard this, he slandered in his heart: Zhao Min also said that to Zhang Wuji at the time. But what else could he say now, so he had to stretch out his palm and hit Li Shiyin three times.

"Then tell me, what are your three conditions?" After the high-five, Tang Tianyou couldn't wait to ask.

Li Shiyin glared at him with amorous feelings, spread his hands, smiled lightly, and said, "Are the three conditions? I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you after I think about it!"

Play this trick again! But at this point, Tang Tianyou was helpless, and only hoped that these three conditions would not embarrass himself too much in the future.

Seeing Tang Tianyou's embarrassed look, Li Shiyin was secretly refreshed, hum, big pervert, is this lady's advantage so easy to take? ! In the future, you must pay a ‘tragic’ price.

As for the fact that he took the first kiss and took advantage of it, she could only open one eye and close one eye. After all, the matter has reached this point, and it is impossible to change, so she should be bitten by a puppy.

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