Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 43: Photograph

Late at night, safe lane.

"Lao Huang, go take off all their clothes." Tang Tianyou casually pointed at the seven or eight gangsters, Bald Chao and Mo Shaodong who fell on the ground.

"Yes, boss."

At this time, Huang Laosan seemed to have turned into the most loyal dogleg, nodded, without any doubt, looked righteous and awe-inspiring, and then walked towards the people who fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry, boss, don't blame me, it's all forced by the situation!" Huang Laosan said apologetically to the bald-headed Chao who fell on the ground, but his work did not stop at all, just like Pao Ding Jie Niu It seems that he stripped all the clothes of the bald super neatly, not even letting go of the underwear.

The bald head is so angry! If it wasn't for his body to be very weak and unable to move, he would have jumped up and beat Huang Lao San severely.

This **** **** listened to this devil so much. Seeing him like this, he couldn't wait to confess Tang Tianyou as his father!

Whatever the situation is, it's **** bullshit! When he started to work, it was a sharp, and the expression on his face was excited, as if he wanted to do this kind of thing a long time ago.

Damn, what makes him feel awkward the most is: usually asking him to do things is always procrastinating, and often bargaining, as if someone owes him millions!

But now, you **** work faster than a traitor, you don't need to be tortured to extract a confession at all, you just surrender to the enemy, and you seem to be very happy.

Who is the boss? Why was I so blind that I chose him as his subordinate? At this moment, the bald head was lying on the ground very naked, covering the private place with his hands, thinking with grief and anger on his face.

Ignoring the sad reminder of Bald Chao, Huang Lao San casually threw the Bald Chao's clothes aside, and then walked towards Mo Shaodong with a stern expression on his face.

Suddenly, Mo Shaodong was like a frightened little daughter-in-law, shrank and said with some horror: "You, what do you want to do? You, you, don't mess around, don't mess around!"

Huang Laosan smiled, and said trivially: "Mo Shao, don't worry, close your eyes, it will be over soon." After speaking, he put his magic hand into Mo Shaodong.

Although Mo Shaodong struggled hard, he was now crushed like a pig by Tang Tianyou, and his body didn't have any strength at all. How could he withstand the strong Huang Laosan?

Therefore, Mo Shaodong was quickly stripped naked by Huang Lao San, revealing a toned figure, small earthworm.

Suddenly, Huang Laosan burst into laughter, laughing out of breath: "Hahahaha, Mo Shao, I can't think of you as a tall man, a chicken~ the chicken is so small, it's really small~ Chicken~chicken! Hahahaha... Damn, it's dysfunctional, I'm so ridiculous! I'm so ridiculous!"

Obviously the gangsters lying on the ground also noticed this scene. They all looked at Mo Shaodong with weird faces. This guy has a good skin and is also very tall, but he didn’t expect chicken~chicken to be so small, God. Sure enough, it's fair. If you open a door for you, you will close a window.

But the bald super was relieved, no wonder Mo Shao had to take Viagra every time he did that. That's how it happened! But chicken~chicken is so small, I am afraid that taking medicine will not work.

Tang Tianyou also looked stunned, he didn't expect this kind of situation to happen unexpectedly, it is really the world's most amazing! His character that must be repaid must have been born from this.

Thinking of this, almost everyone looked at Mo Shaodong lying on the ground with sympathy. As a man, if the chicken is very small, inhumane, almost like an eunuch, even if you have great wealth and power. , I am afraid I will not feel the slightest happiness.

Facing the sympathetic gazes of everyone, the biggest secret in his body was exposed. Mo Shaodong's face was blue and purple, and his heart was uncomfortable. He even had suicidal heart now. I really want to faint immediately and then wake up. Come over, others told him that this is just a dream.

The regret in Mo Shaodong's heart, his heart was dripping blood, he knew that he would not trouble Tang Tianyou. Not only did it not benefit the slightest, but he also caught himself, exposing his greatest secret, and became With the laughingstock, is there anything more tragic than this? !

"Laosan Huang, don't laugh anymore, continue to finish the rest of the work!" Tang Tianyou looked at the heavier and heavier night, it is too early now, if this matter is not handled as soon as possible , I'm afraid the family is asleep.

When Huang Laosan saw the master speaking, he panicked and stopped laughing quickly. He didn't dare to talk too much. After leaving Mo Shaodong's clothes aside, he walked towards the thugs who fell on the ground.

After a while, there were seven or eight naked naked men in Ping An Lane. For a while, the sight of ten naked men lying together was spectacular!

Tang Tianyou looked at it and nodded, expressing his satisfaction. He picked up the bald-headed Super 4S smartphone, and made a tut: "Bald-head super, I can’t think of you as a bastard. You can even afford such a high-end jerk. Mobile phones, driving such a high-end car, I usually make a lot of unscrupulous money."

The bald head gave a super smirk and dared not answer. His money did not come from a bright future. If you tell the truth, you still don't know how this demon will torture him?

Seeing that the bald head didn’t answer, Tang Tianyou didn’t care. He fiddled with the smartphone in his hand and fumbled for a while. He opened the camera application inside, and then clicked, a white light flashed, and the phone appeared. A clear photo of ten naked men lying This kind of scene is very seductive. If you are seen by a male homosexual, you will definitely scream in excitement.

With a ‘ah’, Mo Shaodong seemed to think of something, hiding like a frightened little daughter-in-law, covering the little~chicken~chicken with her hands, looking at Tang Tianyou in horror.

Tang Tianyou, who was fiddling with the camera, couldn't help but frown, and said to Huang Laosan on the side: "You, go and hold Mo Shaodong, let him take some **** poses."

Huang Laosan smiled, and walked towards Mo Shaodong with a look of lewdness. It seemed that he seemed very willing to do such a thing.

"Come, come, raise your feet a little bit."

"Yes, well, look a little more charming!"

"This **** is a little bit more, can I give some emotional investment?!"

"Leave your feet apart, what block you can block, I want to give your little~chicken~chicken a close-up!"

"Don't be shy? You have to be professional! Professional! Give me a **** pose."

"Come on, puck out your mouth, laugh or laugh, don't look at it with lust~emotional eyes, this is art! Art! Understand?! Understand?!"


Although Mo Shaodong struggled hard, under Huang Laosan's violence, he still did not escape the bad luck of being photographed, and was constantly forced to put up various photos that made him feel humiliating.

Thanks to Huang Laosan, Tang Tianyou took hundreds of Mo Shaodong’s ‘sexy’ **** pictures in succession. The contents are so wonderful that they are definitely not inferior to Guanxi’s artistic photos!

"It's a 4S mobile phone with a resolution of up to 8 megapixels! The photos inside are really clear, and the shots are so vivid. Can I just say that I also have the talent of an artist?"

Tang Tianyou was very shamelessly flipping through the photos he had taken, and made a wicked smile. The photos in it were ‘unlimited love’!

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