Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 54: I am a genius!

On the stall, an awkward atmosphere spread. The scene just now made Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin feel overwhelmed. They stared at each other, and no one knew what to say.

Fortunately, this embarrassing atmosphere did not last long. The low voice just came in time: "Are you selling stone carvings here?"

Tang Tianyou absolutely loved this person who happened to buy stone sculptures. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't know how long they would be embarrassed? He quickly turned his body and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a stiff Armani suit with Italian MORESCHI leather shoes on his feet and Omega watches on his hands. A middle-aged man with a costume of no less than hundreds of thousands was leading a young woman and slowly approaching this side.

And that young woman was wearing Chanel's latest dress and a snow-white mink coat outside. She looked fashionable and elegant, and she was full of wealth and elegance.

These two people, a discerning person knows that they grew up in the homes of rich people, with extraordinary backgrounds.

However, Tang Tianyou didn't feel much about it. He just said faintly: "Yes, this is the seller of stone sculptures. Is there anything wrong with the two of you?"

The middle-aged man was a little surprised. Generally speaking, those who came out to set up stalls were not from wealthy people, so when they faced the rich, they would feel more or less restrained, and even felt a little bit of restraint in their hearts. Inferiority complex, or a kind of sincere envy.

However, the expression of the young man in front of him was very plain. He did not feel inferior, nor did he have that kind of arrogance. He just faintly responded to him, and it seemed that he did not look at him.

"It's been a long time since I saw someone who dared to talk to him like this? Haha, funny, what a funny young man!" Thinking of this, the middle-aged man showed a long-lost smile.

"Sorry, you two are late. The stone carvings here are all sold out. Only at this time tomorrow, there will be new ones." Tang Tianyou said apologetically when he saw the middle-aged man walking over.

"No, no, no!" The middle-aged man waved his hand and paused. He then said: "In fact, we are here to ask, are the masters who carve these stone sculptures available now? I want to hire He specially carved a stone sculpture for our couple. Don't worry, the price is not a problem!"

After saying this, the middle-aged man inadvertently showed a high breath, it seems that for him, as long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem.

"I am!"

"What?! You are?!" The middle-aged man listened and looked at Tang Tianyou with some surprise.

"What? You are surprised." Tang Tianyou looked at him calmly.

"Not very surprised, but very surprised! It seems that you are only seventeen or eighteen years old now. Generally speaking, you should be just an apprentice now?" The middle-aged man frowned and said.

You know, stone carving is an extremely profound art!

Many people have been studying stone carving for decades, and they can only be regarded as ordinary craftsmen. As an art with the longest heritage, is it so easy to succeed?

Especially, when the middle-aged man saw the stone sculptures on the stall, he felt extremely shocked, and there was only one thought left in his mind, that is: shock!

These stone sculptures have no traces of artificial carvings, they are natural and incomparable. This is simply a master's hand!

No, it's not right, even those masters who have been famous for a long time don't have this kind of skill. This kind of work not only needs the skill accumulated by the stone carving master over the decades, but more importantly, the kind of genius inspiration!

The young man in front of him, even if he has been studying stone carving since he was born in the womb, it has only been more than ten years. How could he be a master with profound skills?

According to his idea, it should be the master of this kid, who specially asked him to come out to sell some works that he usually uses for practice, in exchange for ordinary living expenses.

"You don't believe it?" Tang Tianyou frowned.

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Little brother, don’t be kidding. Do you think stone carving is a very simple thing? Some people, even if they have been carving for decades, are just juniors and can’t get it out. It’s your own masterpiece, do you think you can sculpt it with your current strength?"

Tang Tianyou squinted his eyes, and there was a faintly surging aura of no anger and majesty on his body. He stared at the middle-aged man and said word by word:

"I am a genius!"

The middle-aged man’s words suddenly suffocated, his body involuntarily stepped back a few steps, his face became serious, because he felt an invisible pressure covering him, and this pressure was only on his old man. The momentum that can only be felt.

Anyone who possesses this kind of aura is either in a high position or someone who is full of absolute confidence in himself!

But no matter what kind of person they are, they are among the best in this world, and they must not be underestimated!

"This kid is definitely not easy!" the middle-aged man thought to himself.

"Husband, what do you think we should do?" The young woman looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Forget it, let him try, anyway, if the work is not satisfactory to us, we just don't buy it." The middle-aged man said helplessly.

"Come on, what do you want to carve?" Tang Tianyou then asked.

"We want to carve a stone sculpture based on our couple."

"Then you guys take a pose first." Tang Tianyou took out a flat knife and a stone about twenty centimeters high from his schoolbag.

"Flat knives?" The middle-aged man was surprised. "It seems that you are well prepared, but I was also preparing to learn stone carving. There are many tools for stone carving, including flat knives, round knives, triangle knives, and jade bowl knives. , There is also an axe or something, why, are you going to use this kind of tool?"

It seems that the middle-aged man also has a certain degree of understanding of stone carving.

However, Tang Tianyou didn't say much, he just observed the pose they were posing for a bit, and then deeply reflected the picture in his mind.

Holding a flat knife, Tang Tianyou naturally entered a calm and natural state. He also felt the material inside the stone in front of him. He could barely sense the veins inside the boulder. Tang Tianyou smiled and swung the knife immediately.

The light of the knife was like a shadow, and the reflected light made the middle-aged man, young woman and Li Shiyin next to them involuntarily squint their eyes, but the three of them still stared at the stone.


The knife shadow cut in the same place elegantly and quickly, and a piece of rubble was thrown away.

"How is it possible?" The middle-aged man looked at the scene in shock, "Such a hard gravel, even with the most professional tools and a skilled master, it takes a long time to slowly remove it, so as not to damage the work. The structure, but now he can cut it off with only a flat knife. What an amazing wrist strength is this? How precise is this technique?"

The young woman next to him and Li Shiyin were completely silent.

Wrist strength?

If you want to be as elegant as Tang Tianyou, and the cut surface is so smooth and natural, you can't just do it with a strong arm.

Tang Tianyou's whole person is as natural as a peaceful lake. The flat knife in his hand is like an extension of his right hand. The flat knife quickly and continuously cuts everywhere on the boulder, and the stone waste is constantly thrown up. Tang Tianyou carved this kind of elegance. Naturally, just watching is a kind of enjoyment.

"God, why are you so good...?"

Li Shiyin felt that her whole heart seemed to be melted, and she looked at Tang Tianyou who was seriously sculpting with blurred eyes, and her whole body exuded a charming temperament.

It is said that a man who works hard is the most handsome, especially when the artist is creating, his whole body exudes the charm of attracting women.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged man and the young woman looked at each other. At this moment, they felt that Tang Tianyou was really a master of stone carving, and he was a master!

Quiet, natural and peaceful.

Tang Tianyou enjoys the feeling of carving very much. To the point where Tang Tianyou is now, how much effort should he use for any stone. There is no need to think at all, the flat knife in the hand will naturally reach the point of perfection. That is a kind of subconscious with the "flat knife" genre——

This kind of enjoyment is impossible for other stone carving genres. When the masters of other stone carving genres only sculpt, different places need to use different tools, and it takes a lot of thought.

In this natural and peaceful situation, Tang Tianyou’s mental power grows rapidly as if a grass is bathed in a spring rain. The feeling of natural growth also makes Tang Tianyou feel wonderful to the peak, which is the comfort from the heart. .

"It's done."

Tang Tianyou's right hand stopped abruptly, and the stone waste was thrown away. It took a while before he landed completely. He opened his eyes and looked down at the stone sculpture in his hand.

The man's form has been fully formed, with a suit and leather shoes, his hair naturally scattered, his shoulders slightly wide, his left hand slightly bent, and he is looking affectionately at the woman next to him.

The woman next to her was leaning on the man, her chin slightly raised, her lips slightly opened, her eyes blurred, she seemed to be a young woman who had just fallen in love, with a happy face on her face.

"Oh my God! Husband, I want this!"

The young woman was immediately attracted by the stone sculpture that had just been carved. Her heart throbbed. This stone sculpture not only outlines all their images, but also prints their faces on it. All the endless love is expressed, it is a work like a god!

At this time, the middle-aged man’s heart has already set off a big wave of rendering. He has never seen such an excellent stone carving work. Not only is it like a painting, he carved the image of their couple on the stone, and he even felt unique on it. The temperament, murmured:

"Describe the gift of God! He, he actually did this, genius! Absolutely genius!"

There were many small stars in Li Shiyin's eyes on the side, and his eyes rolled gurglingly, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

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