Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 64: dinner

The next morning, Tang Tianyou came to the park for morning exercises as always, but he discovered that the open space he used as a private venue had been martialized by the police.

I don’t know why, the park is filled with tension at this moment. At this moment, he even saw a lot of PLA military vehicles. The heavily armed soldiers also pulled up fences at various traffic intersections to prevent pedestrians from entering.

Seeing this special situation, people who often come to the park for morning exercises also began to talk about it--

"Everyone, do you know what this is all about?" a middle-aged man asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, why are so many soldiers here today? It makes us unable to do morning exercises." An old man who often comes to morning exercises complained.

"It is said that a monster appeared here for some reason and swallowed a few living people. That's why it was under martial law." A mysterious man who seemed to be an insider said mysteriously.

"It's bragging, don't be feudal and superstitious, now it's the age of scientific prosperity, how can there be any monsters?" a young man said disdainfully, full of suspicion.



How could a monster suddenly appear here? Tang Tianyou is puzzled. He has come here to exercise so many times, and it has always been calm, and there has been no abnormal situation.

After thinking about it for a long time, Tang Tianyou didn't get a clue, but one thing is certain is that this natural secret training base, it seems that he cannot come again in the future.

"Forget it, I'll find another training venue. I must not fall back on cultivation." Tang Tianyou shook his head, turned around, took a deep glance at the park under martial law, and then got up and left.


H County No. 1 Middle School, the sixth class classroom of high school liberal arts.

"Tingling bell~~"

The school bell rang.

The classroom is full of the sound of clamoring books. It is now noon time for school, and Tang Tianyou is also preparing to pack the books and go home.

"Wait, God, I still have serious things to tell you, why are you walking in such a hurry." The fat man grabbed Tang Tianyou who wanted to leave and said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Tang Tianyou rubbed his head suspiciously. He couldn't think of anything serious about a fat man who usually takes picking up girls as his own responsibility.

The fat man was amused and said, "You kid, have you forgotten the bet between us? It turns out that there are really people in this world who don't treat money as money!"

"Oh, you said that. Fatty, don't care, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously." Tang Tianyou smiled and said indifferently.

"No, for you, it's just a joke, but for me, it's a promise! My dad once told me that as long as a man makes a promise, even if he is desperate, he must complete it!" The fat man showed a sense of righteousness. Look like.

Tang Tianyou continued to persuade: "Fatty, didn't you see that Dai Gaoming, a member of the study committee, was ruining the bill? He didn't even admit that this happened, but I didn't pursue it. It's just a joke."

As soon as Tang Tianyou mentioned Dai Gaoming's debt repayment, the fat man called himself proud. Isn't this a clear villain? Isn't this an excellent figure to set off my glorious image of Fat Master?

"Don't compare that guy with me, who do you think I am? Fatty, I'm a contemporary Jibu!" Fatty was already arrogant to the sky.

Having said that, Tang Tianyou and Fatty looked at Dai Gaoming who was still studying in their seats with contempt. Although this kind of person has good academic performance, his character is too bad, and he can't do what he promised.

At this moment, Dai Gaoming just turned his head and took a look at Tang Tianyou, and then he looked down like an electric shock, with a guilty conscience, pretending to be studying hard.

Little did he know that he was also cursing in his heart: Your uncle, do you think I don't want to keep the promise? Do you think I don’t want to learn about the great sentiments of the ancient sage Jibu? Do you think I don't want to be a person who is out of low taste? But, but, that **** Tang Tianyou won't give him a chance!

God knows what ingredients Tang Tianyou's bastard's stomach is made of. When he ate for the first time, he deliberately took Tang Tianyou to a snack bar in a remote location, the price was very cheap, and the taste was not very good.

At that time, he was still joking in his heart, demo, dare to fight with me, although I lost the bet this time, but I won't let you take advantage of me comfortably, hehe...

However, after only twenty minutes passed, Dai Gaoming was completely dumbfounded, staying there like a wood, his head was blank, he could not remember what happened at that time.

He only remembered that the owner of the snack bar smiled brighter than the chrysanthemum, and Tang Tianyou's unfinished face, yes, that's right, it was that nasty face, he remembered it all his life!

When he walked out of the snack bar, his heart was dripping blood, as if someone had cut a few pieces of meat on his body with a knife and sprinkled salt on the wound!

The corners of his mouth twitched for a while. Dai Gaoming, who has a high level of mathematics knowledge, immediately used his brain, which often scores high on exams, to make a rough calculation. The money he just lost—

Your grandma's, just for such a lunch, the pocket money he had accumulated over the past ten years of hard work has disappeared out of thin air.

Dai Gaoming's forehead immediately burst into dense cold sweat. Although his whole body was trembling non-stop, he still forcibly remained calm, because he wanted to maintain his top-notch demeanor.

Don't panic, absolutely don't panic, I can't let that **** see my gaffe, I want to act as if nothing has happened, I want to keep calm, keep my demeanor, I'm a top student. Taking a deep breath, Dai Gaoming showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

However, only after a while, he suddenly thought of an astonishing fact, he was going to ask that **** Tang Tianyou to eat a month-long meal!

Dai Gaoming was so frightened by the sudden bad news that he even forgot to maintain his demeanor. He quickly used his brain, which often scored high on exams, to calculate. If he wants to ask Tang Tianyou to eat a big meal for one month in a row, he How much money will you lose in the end?

One minute later, Dai Gaoming's brain completely crashed, and it seemed as if he could still see puffs of white smoke coming out of his head, and the background turned into a grayish white.

Because according to the precise calculation of the mathematical formula, if Tang Tianyou continues to eat like this, even if he sells blood, it will not be enough for the **** to eat a few meals.

Thinking of this, Dai Gaoming's eyes were fierce, and he gritted his teeth and broke the contract. Even in the face of the contemptuous eyes of Fatty and Tang Tianyou, he remained motionless, and his face was already thick to a certain extent.

In fact, he secretly cursed in his heart: "Fuck you, your shit, and calm yourself down. If you really get stuck by that **** for a month, you will have to drink northwest wind tomorrow!"


Ignoring Dai Gaoming's intense psychological activity-

"Well, since you have said so, I can't refuse. Come on, which restaurant to go to?" Tang Tianyou said helplessly when he saw the fat man's serious eyes.

The guilty fat man, even with ten cows, can't bring him back. At most, he can order a little bit less food for a while, try not to let him bleed, Tang Tianyou secretly thought.

"God, you are really quick to talk, we'll go to Master Tang's fast-food restaurant in a moment!" Hearing Tang Tianyou's agreement, the fat man immediately laughed happily.

"Master Tang fast food restaurant? Why is this name so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere." Tang Tianyou scratched his head and asked suspiciously.

"Of course I'm familiar, isn't this your restaurant." The fat man said triumphantly.

"Ah?!" Tang Tianyou smiled bitterly, "You are really good at calculating, and my parents will definitely not charge you expensive fees, so you can save a lot of money."

"The so-called fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders. If there is business, why don't I take care of your home? This is good for both parties. This approach is called win-win!" The fat man showed a shrewd businessman face, looking very proud.

"Forget it, it's your treat anyway, no matter where I go to eat, I don't care."


It didn't take long before Tang Tianyou and Fatty arrived at Heping Road Food Street, which is the only prosperous street in H County comparable to Shangjie Road Thirty Meters Street, and Master Tang's fast food restaurant is located here.

At the end of Heping Road Food Street is the gymnasium and modern library in H County. There is a considerable flow of people, which makes this street more prosperous and lively.

Turning out of the street is Heping Avenue, two steps up to the station, and then up to Zhongshan Square. There are more and more restaurants near the Several of them are in the deli business, because the geographical location is too superior, as long as the taste is a little passable, the business will be hot.

Along the road, Tang Tianyou counted carefully. There are three hot pot restaurants in this food street, five Chuan Chuanxiang, four food stalls, three fish shops, one meat and bean curd, two dry pot restaurants, and also resemble Master Tang. Roadside shops like restaurants sell more home-cooked rice noodles, with more than a dozen.

It can be said that the fierce competition in the catering industry in H County is really embarrassing. In a year, there are not a few restaurants that have closed down due to poor management!

"God, what should we eat later? Sweet taro meat, Dongjiang salt-baked chicken, or three cups of duck?! I really miss my aunt's craftsmanship!" The fat man showed a salivating appearance.

"Don't make such a disgusting expression, you will be able to eat it soon." Tang Tianyou looked contemptuous, probably because he eats his mother's food every day, so he doesn't feel any special.

"Cut! Of course you don't have back pain while talking while standing. You don't need to go to the restaurant. You can eat such delicious food every day. Damn it, what a happy guy!" The fat man bit his collar and his face was full of resentment. .

"Hey, who told you that none of your parents are cooks? You don't envy you." Tang Tianyou said a little triumphantly.

Indeed, without going to a hotel, you can eat the equivalent of a five-star chef's meals. Not everyone can do it. Although his family is not a rich family, he can eat delicious meals every day. , It was quite happy, how could he be unhappy? !

Just when Tang Tianyou and Fatty intervened happily all the way, they soon came to the end of Heping Road Food Street, where Master Tang's fast food restaurant was.

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