Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 69: Ancestral Secret Recipe

Seeing his impatient family members, Tang Tianyou naturally felt very proud, but he did not continue to sell Guanzi and explained: "The reason why today's food is so delicious is not because of my great cooking skills, nor is it someone else helping to cook. , But because of it—this magical ingredient in my hand!"

"Ah?!" Jiang Han was shocked, "Son, I said you shouldn't get poppies and the like! I can tell you, in our restaurant business, you must not touch these kinds of things. "

"How is it possible, how can poppies make food so delicious? And I am not your enemy, how could I use poppies to harm you? Ask my dad to see if this is a poppy?" Tang Tianyou With a slight smile, he pushed the question to Tang Aiguo.

Old Tang pondered for a while, and said, "God is right, it is not a poppy. After all, it is a liquid, so it is absolutely impossible to be the poppy shell that is commonly used for flavoring."

"Moreover, poppy only makes the food a little bit delicious at best. It will never produce such an exaggerated effect. The most important thing is: such a delicious food is definitely not something that ingredients like poppy can do."

Having said that, Jiang Han was relieved, as long as it wasn't the kind of harmful things and illegal items, she would have no problem.

"God, where did you find this bottle of stuff?" Old Tang asked a crucial question.

Tang Tianyou shook his head and said, "I didn't find it, but I made it myself."

"You made it?" Old Tang said in disbelief, his eyes full of incredible.

"Yes!" Tang Tianyou nodded, his tone full of affirmation.

"Then what does it do?" Old Tang asked immediately.

After a pause, Tang Tianyou thought for a while, and said: "Its name is gourmet salt. It has no taste, just like boiled water. However, it can not only blend other ingredients perfectly without causing any conflicts. It can also stimulate the original flavor of other ingredients, making the food more delicious and sweet. The meal you just ate is the effect of adding it."

After listening to Tang Tianyou's words, Tang's father, Tang's mother, and Tang Xiying were all shocked. This kind of tone that seemed to be telling a mythical story is really incredible.

If there is such an ingredient in the world, it will definitely have a huge impact on the catering industry in the world, even if it is a magnitude 18 super earthquake.

"Are you, what you said is true? This, this is too ridiculous." Tang Aiguo was so scared that he stammered, and he couldn't even say a word.

Tang Tianyou knows very clearly: When an ordinary chef sees a mood similar to a miracle, he did not ridicule, but said indifferently: "Dad, you have already eaten food with this kind of ingredients. Is it? Why do you still doubt it now?"

Tang Aiguo's tone suddenly stagnated, and now he finally realized that what his son said may be true. After all, a living example is already in front of him. With his son's chef level, it is absolutely impossible to make such delicious food, so the only explanation can only be: the ingredients are indeed so amazing!

"God, where did you find this formula?" Tang Aiguo looked at Tang Tianyou with scorching eyes, and did not move for a moment.

As expected of my dad, even after encountering such a shocking incident, it is really commendable to be able to remain calm. Tang Tianyou secretly admired.

However, he couldn't help answering this question. After all, if he didn't explain it clearly, he might not use this formula for safety reasons. If Dad really did that, wouldn't all his hard work be wasted? !

Therefore, in the next period of time, Tang Tianyou combined the plots of the novels he had read before, and fabricated a bizarre but relatively reasonable Debao story, and then said it in a vivid and vivid manner, and caused a burst of bursts. Exclamation.

Although Tang Aiguo was still dubious after speaking, it was not important. The important thing was that Old Tang had determined that this formula was indeed effective.

"Are you sure about this formula, are you the only person in the world to have it?" Old Tang asked unconfidently.

Tang Tianyou smiled slightly, and did not answer directly: "Dad, you said that if anyone else in the world knew about the existence of this formula and confirmed its effect, then what would you say he would do?"

When Tang Aiguo heard this, it suddenly dawned on him.


At this point, Tang Aiguo and his wife no longer had any doubts. The family stayed in the living room for a long time before slowly accepting this reality.

During this period, Tang Tianyou also asked for a unified approach to keep secrets. The truth is that only Tang Aiguo and his wife, he and Tang Xiying, knew the truth. And this gourmet salt is said to be an ancestral secret recipe.

The key right now is the gourmet salt. After discussing with his parents, Tang Tianyou agreed that it should not appear directly in the eyes of others, and it is even better not to mention the name.

How to use this gourmet salt, according to Tang Tianyou, is to mix it with other seasonings, such as ordinary salt.

The so-called big hidden in the city, small hidden in the mountains.

Hidden gourmet salt in ordinary seasonings, even if others have doubts, I am afraid they will not find anything, so that they can always hide gourmet salt, and will not be easily discovered by competitors.

"Son, you are doing a great job helping Dad. With this thing, I will still be afraid that the fast food restaurant's business will not be good." Old Tang carefully stroked the glass bottle filled with gourmet salt, UU reading www.'s loving eyes are like treating a lover.

Seeing this, Tang Tianyou couldn't help but shudder, and the chrysanthemum tightened. Your uncle, you are a big man with such ambiguous eyes, you are not ashamed!

When Jiang Han heard this, he said with joy: "That said, the business of our fast food restaurant will get better soon, and maybe it will attract a lot of customers."

"What do you old ladies know? Gourmet salt is not such a simple thing. It is simply a peerless artifact in the catering industry! As long as it comes out, those catering giants such as McDonald's and KFC must go bankrupt immediately. At that time, let alone a small fast food restaurant in H County, even if Master Tang’s fast food restaurant is opened all over the world, I am afraid it will be a breeze."

Tang Aiguo looked at the gourmet salt in front of him excitedly. As soon as he reached middle age, he lost all his passions, ideas, and dreams.

But now it's different. With gourmet salt, Tang Aiguo seems to have a second spring. He has become ambitious and full of passion.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm just a girl, I don't know anything, okay. Look at you, how old are you, you are actually as excited as a young man."

Jiang Han secretly smiled and said, she didn't care about her father's tone at all, because Tang Aiguo is usually so happy that he almost couldn't see his eyes when he smiled, so let him be happy for a while. The so-called maiden revenge is never too late, the old lady waits for him to go to bed at night, and then cleans him fiercely.

Seeing the weird look in the corner of his mother's eyes, Tang Tianyou couldn't help but pray for Tang Aiguo, who was so excited. Dad, you can ask for more blessing tonight, son, you can only pray that you will be alive tomorrow.

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