Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 11 - Third Floor (5)

When Tun informed Diana regarding Lumen, she figured she would at least check what this Regular is all about.

Killing 2 Elder Red Scythes alone is impressive, but not impossible for a monster from the 10 Great Families. As long as that Regular is sufficiently prepared, they should be able to achieve the same.

What caught her attention is that this Regular is supposedly not from the 10 Great Families. Unless he has faked his name, which is not impossible.

The name of a Regular is linked to his Pocket, but there are ways to bypass that and change it to a fake name. But all members from the 10 Great Families are a prideful bunch and would never do such a thing.

So she decided to check the footage of him killing the 2 Elder Red Scythes.

Unlike, Tun, who could only use the Observers in the town, she had her ship. Which is equipped with High-Rank Observers and Lighthouses that could observer the whole 3rd Floor.

Diana watched him enter the Hunting Area and saw him killing off Red Scythes pretty easily. The insects have a low Shinsoo Resistance, but he was killing them with one shot.

Lumen's aim was also very good. Each light beam would accurately pierce through the heads of the monsters.

'Not bad.' She though and continued watching.

He had just killed a Red Scythe and was removing its forelegs when she saw 2 Elder Red Scythes sneaking up on him. They were moving without making a sound, despite their large bodies.

When the two insects reached 20m away from Lumen, Daniela wondered how he would even survive the encounter.

Their bursting power is quite good and combined that with their wings, they could reach him in an instant from that distance. And that's exactly what happened, one of the insects rushed in his directions.

Just before the Elder Red Scythe's blade could cut him in half, Lumen's whole body turned into light. His body got separated into two halves, but they joined together afterward.

"What?!" Although Diana had seen similar abilities, they were all used by Rankers and High-Rankers at that. She would have never expected a Regular that just started climbing the Tower, to be able to use such an ability, even if he was from one of the 10 Great Families.

Five light beams were shot from his hand, and they disintegrated the insect's head.

"Didn't Tun say he could only use 3 Bangs of Shinsoo?"

The other Elder Red Scythe, seeing his fellow kin die, tried escaping. With speed far faster than the insect, Lumen appeared on his back and killed it in the same manner he killed the previous one.

"Didn't Tun say he is weak physically and that he is pretty slow?"

Diana was slightly interested in Lumen, but now, he had her full attention. She reviewed all of his footage, starting from the day he entered the 3rd Floor.

After watching his footage, she was more than astonished by what she saw.

In the beginning, he could only shoot two light beams, but within 10 days, he improved that to five.

"Some form of weird pressure? Is he using that on himself to train his body? That's pretty smart."

Diana continued watching, and a bit of excitement was building inside of her.

She saw him take a red scythe from his Pocket and open a large wound on his hand with it. A white flame burst out, and the wound healed in a matter of moments.

"Yeon Family's flame? But the colour of their flame ranges from yellow to red, not white."

Afterward, both of Lumen's arms turned into wings made of white flame.

"Is he a Canine Person? But he looks like a human."

After he played around with his wings for a bit, his whole body turned into a bird made of white flames.

"Definitely not a Canine Person. They can't transform their whole body."

So many abilities shown by a Regular that just started climbing the Tower? That seemed nearly impossible. There is absolutely no way he is a Regular with those abilities, but he was climbing the Tower. So there was only one option left. He is an Irregular.

That's when she realized that Lumen wasn't manipulating Shinsoo at all. None of his abilities required him to manipulate it in any way what so ever.

"Definitely an Irregular. Maybe, just maybe, I would be able to leave this stinky Floor in the future."

Joy filled her at the small chance of finally leaving the 3rd Floor. It has been hundreds of years since she was banished here. Not allowed to take even a step outside the 3rd Floor.

She stood up from her bed with not a single clothing on her body and started pacing around the room.

"What to do? What to do? Bah, let's go and meet him directly. Hopefully, he is not like Urek."

Quickly, she put a few clothes on her nȧkėd body and wore her favorite slippers, before teleporting in front of Lumen's room. It was 2:00 in the morning, but that didn't matter to her. Tun woke her up because of him, so she has the right to wake him up as well.

Diana knocked on his door and wondered how to greet him. That's when she heard him cursing at her.

'You dare curse at me? You will see how I will deal with you.' She thought.

The moment the door was opened, she kicked him in the face and sent him tumbling back inside. Diana entered the room and made a bee-line towards the bed. Standing up is not her thing, so she laid down and tucked her self in.

'Just the right amount of warmth. Maybe I could forgive him for cursing at me.'

Diana studied Lumen for a moment before breaking the awkward silence between them by asking him a series of questions.

"You can't manipulate Shinsoo, can you?"


"All of your fancy abilities don't require Shinsoo, right?"


"You are not a normal Regular, aren't you?"


Lumen, still delusional from being woken up in the middle of the night, could only respond with weird sounds.

"You are an Irregular, right?"

Lumen was ready to turn into his Logia form and do something. He didn't know what, but he was prepared to at least try and escape.

"Be at ease. I'm not here to hurt you. I came to make you an offer." Seeing him tense up, she explained herself.

"An offer? What is it?" Still, on his guard, he decided to listen to what she has to say.

"It's very simple. Since you don't know how to use Shinsoo, I will teach you. In exchange, you will kill a certain man for me." Lumen did need someone to teach him about Shinsoo, but there was something off about the offer.

"Who is it that you want me to kill, and why do you need me to kill that man?" Killing is his specialty, but he wouldn't blindly agree.

Diana hesitated for a moment but answered him.

"I want you to kill King Zahard."

"King Zahard? Isn't that Yuri's father." He questioned.

"You know Yuri? That's surprising. But no, he is not her father. Although Yuri is a Princess of Zahard, she is not his daughter."

"There are numerous Princess of Zahard. Every hundred years or so, a woman is chosen to become a Princess. Once chosen, they are imbued with Zahard's blood and gain a part of his power."

"That doesn't come for free, though. In exchange for that power, they have certain limitations on them. For example, they must not have a relationship with a man, and they may not have a child. They must not help an enemy of the Empire, and they may not enter the Floor of Death."

"Those Princesses are also encouraged to fight each other and gather the 13 Month Series. They consist of an Arms Inventory and 12 sentient Ignition Weapons. If a Princess manages to get ahold of all the 13 Month Series, she would then become Zahard's wife."

"My sister, Eurasia Enne Zahard, is also a Princess of Zahard. Our father is Po Bidau Gustang, and our mother is Eurasia Blossom. Two heads of the 10 Great Families." The moment she mentioned her sister and family, her eyes started watering.

"My sister was the strongest Princess at her time. She managed to get ahold of two of the 13 Months Series. From that point on, she changed. She became crazy, and sometimes she killed for no reason at all, especially members of the Zahard Family."

"In the end, she was captured and sealed away. After that, they blamed the reason for her going crazy, on the fact that she had the blood of two of the 10 Great Families."

"Marriages between their families were forbidden afterward, and I was banished to be a Ruler of the 3rd Floor. In order to limit the damage I could cause when I become crazy as well."

"Yet, hundreds of years later, here I am still sane as always. Now, if the reason my sister became crazy is not that she had the blood of two of 10 Great Families, then what is it?"

"The only difference between the two of us is that she had the blood of Zahard and two of the 13 Months Series. So I believe that one of those two is the reason she became like that."

"I don't know how or why, but I'm sure Zahard had something to do with it."

Diana finished her story and looked expectantly at Lumen.

"You didn't answer why you need me to kill Zahard. Can't you ask someone else to do it?" From her words, Lumen understood that she has been on this Floor for a very long time. So why didn't she ask someone else?

"Because only an Irregular could kill him. Zahard made a contract with the Floor Guardians. He is invulnerable to harm from anyone who came from the Tower. Only an Irregular could kill him since they are not bound by the rules of the Tower."

"I would have liked to ask Phantaminum or Enryu, but I never got the chance to meet them. I met Urek once when he was passing through this Floor, but the lecherous bastard was too busy ogling me to even listen to what I had to say. I didn't have much to offer him either way since he already had a good grasp on Shinsoo."

"You, on the other hand, don't. I don't have much of a choice, and you might be my last chance."

"I understand I'm not asking you for something easy, but since you are an Irregular, you will definitely cross paths with Zahard in the future. He doesn't take kindly to Irregulars. All I want from you is to kill that lying bastard and free me and my sister."

"I know you don't have the power to kill him right now, but I believe you would grow strong enough to do so. Or at least I hope so." She silently whispered the last part.

Lumen contemplated for a moment, before answering her.

"That's a lot to take in, but you will teach me Shinsoo, and I would have to kill someone that will come after me in the future... I will take you up on that offer."

Lumen agreed to her offer since he needed someone to teach him about Shinsoo and about the Tower itself. He didn't plan on risking his life, just to kill Zahard. If he could do it in the future, he would, but he wouldn't give his life away to accomplish that.

"Great! I will contact you on your Pocket and sent you my contact details. Now get out of the room."

"What do you mean? This is my room."

"I'm already nice and warm here, and I don't plan on moving. I sleep nȧkėd so you are going to leave the room now." Diana ordered him.

"No! You leave my room!" Lumen was having none of that.

His instincts suddenly kicked in and he felt danger. He transformed himself into his Logia form, but that didn't change much. A beam of light resembling his, but not quite, pierced his shoulder.

"You can heal that with your weird white flames. Now leave!"

"Yes, ma'am." Obediently he left and booked another room.


My favorite part of the chapter, rant time!

His Zoan fruit was revealed! Now I know all of you would go and say, but the Phoenix fruit's flames are blue! Yes, I know. I'm aware of that. Blue is also my favorite colour, but I decided to change it to white. The reasons why are:

1. Because I already made his Logia form white so I figure I could change this as well so it could fit him better.

2. Why not? It's a fanfiction after all.

3. ????????

Also, his Phoenix form is a bit different from Marco's. If any of you had played Warcraft 3, you could imagine it like the Phoenix from the game.

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