Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 24 - Sixth Floor (1)

It's been a few days since Lumen and his team reached the 6th Floor. They were granted a residence large enough to house thirteen people during their stay.

The building was 3-story heigh, with plenty of rooms for everyone to have their own.

Aleksai was in the kitchen, cooking something for the rest of the group. The big red-head was surprisingly a very good cook. Aleksai expressed his interest when they were granted the house, and since everyone enjoyed his cooking, he has been taking care of their food situation.

Laure was in his room, sleeping like usual. Nothing much changes with the green-haired Regular.

Hatsu was on the roof of the building, working on a new sword technique. He has been on the verge of some kind of breakthrough and has been pushing himself for the past few days.

Verdi was in the living room, playing house with her newly acquired dolls. They might have been on the 6th Floor for only a few days, but she already had a dozen new puppets added to her collection.

Lumen and Leesoo were also in the living room, but they were sharing a beer while watching television.

The rest of the group were out exploring the 6th Floor and shopping. No matter where you go, women will always love shopping.

Lumen took a sip of his drink and changed the channel in annoyance.

"...Floor and I'm Poppie Gloriya. I've received some insider information from a member of the Lo Po Bia Family! I was told that the reason they are so sure that White Star will marry into their family is that he has already accepted a dowry from them."

"It is a well-known fact that the Ruler of the 4th Floor is a High Ranker of the Lo Po Bia Family. White Star did recently pass through that Floor, so it's very possible he had struck some kind of a deal with Dan."

Lumen took another sip from his beer and switched the channel again, while Leesoo snickered from his actions.

"...Lok Family is known for adopting Rankers and High Rankers into their Family, but such an offer has never been given to a Regular before! This just shows how much potential White Star has!"

Tired from hearing the same thing over and over again, Lumen switched the TV off.

He expected something to happen after the incident on the 5th Floor, but this was too much.

Had Lumen killed over 200 people in public on Earth, he would go down as one of the worst serial killers of his time. In the Tower however, that is a whole different story.

The residents didn't label him as a serial killer. Rather, they glorified his actions and spoke how talented he is!

Although he knew he is in a different place with different views, he didn't think he would become a superstar from going on a killing spree.

Lumen also didn't think that over 200 Regulars could gather that easily to go after him and his team. Yes, on a Floor where there are thousands of Regulars, that number didn't seem that big, but he had his suspicions about the incident.

They had simply gathered way too fast. Someone definitely had a hand in that. Someone that had connections throughout the whole Tower, and could easily rally over 200 Regulars. Lumen could currently think of only one possible answer to this. FUG.

Nevertheless, that incident that could have labeled him as one of the worst criminals on Earth was forgotten almost as soon as it happened.

All the residents of the Tower were now gossiping about the two Great Families that are interested in him. To them, that was more important than him killing over 200 Regulars.

Lumen could understand the Lo Po Bia Family due to Dan pulling some strings. It was a low blow from his part since he did gift Saber to Lumen in the end, just not in the form of a dowry, but he could understand that.

The Hendo Lok Family was a whole different matter. He had absolutely no connection to them whatsoever. Bloodmadder had even given his ultimatum that if Lumen reaches the top of the Tower within 200 years, he would only be under him in the Family.

'200 years? That's too much! I'm definitely going to reach it faster than that. I don't even know if I will get to live for another 200 years.' Lumen thought.

Unlike the rest of the Regulars that come from the Tower, he came from Earth. Humans there don't live past 100 that easily.

Lumen didn't even know if those that look like humans from the Tower are actually human since they could live for hundreds of years. He was granted three Devil Fruits from Loki, but Devil Fruit users in the One Piece world didn't live for hundreds of years.

Lumen didn't know how him having three of them will affect his life span, nor did he know if Shinsoo could increase it as well. So he didn't plan on taking hundreds of years to reach the top.

In his mind, he was working on a time limit. He could risk it and try to take his time, but there was no guarantee that he would live past 100 years and look as young and healthy as he is now.

"So, White Star, how's the fame working for you?" Leesoo asked him with a laugh.

"Fuck you!" Lumen's response made him laugh even harder.

"Did you seriously not expect this?" Leesoo asked him.

"I was expecting something, just not this. Every news channel is talking about me and the two Families." Lumen answered him while letting out a sigh.

"Really? Really!? Come on! The two leaders of those Families are from the 10 Great Warriors that climbed and conquered the Tower alongside King Zahard! Not only are they one of the strongest Rankers in the Tower, but they also possess the largest amount of political influence as well!"

"Even if only one Family was interested in you, everyone would still be gossiping about you. But noooo, two of them have expressed their interest in you, a Regular that's only on the 6th Floor of the Tower! That has never happened before! Your fame is even higher than Androssi, who is a Princess of Zahard!"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. 10 Great Families, woohoo, big deal. Do you have any strategies and plans for tomorrow's Test?" Lumen had no dėsɨrė to talk about his fame and just wanted to change the subject.

"Well, I have a few things in mind, but that would depend on the terrain that we get. Either way, with the great White Star on our side, we don't need strategies." Leesoo couldn't resist teasing him, knowing how uncomfortable Lumen felt with his fame and monicker. With a huge grin on his face, he was bȧrėly holding his laughter.

"You are pushing your luck." That statement alone and the small bloodlust coming from Lumen, made Leesoo's smile disappear.

In an instant, he was on his knees, with his forehead touching the ground. "I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me!"

"Just get up." Leesoo didn't move from his spot and kept his head against the ground.

"You won't kill me, right?" Weakly, he asked.

"Just get up!" As if having the Pika Pika no Mi, Leesoo got up with light speed.

"Grab me another beer and tell me your thoughts on the Test." Leesoo obediently got him a beer from the fridge, and the two started discussing tomorrow's Test.

When Lumen's team and the lucky Regular that passed with them reached the 6th Floor, they were greeted by the most disgusting being they have seen so far.

Long dirty black hair that could have been any other colour if it was washed. Wearing a stained brown shirt that was once white and green cargo pants.

The man in question was cleaning his ear with one of his fingers when they first saw him. He pulled his finger out of his ear, sniffed it, and licked it clean.

"That's the good stuff!" He exclaimed after eating his booger.

He repeated the same action a few times when he finally felt satisfied. He turned towards the Regulars with a big grin on his face.

"Ah, I know you!" He said while pointing at Lumen. "You are the guy that everyone is talking about!"

"Either way, I'm Bob, the Test Direction on the 6th Floor. Zaza, the Ruler of the Floor, had some business to take care of, so I will be handling all the matters on the Floor for the time being." He straightened his shirt as if that would make a difference.

"I officially welcome you to the 6th Floor, Regulars! Uhmmm, for successfully reaching the Floor, you will be granted a free radiance."

"No, the word was refinance, I think. No, no, that's not it, it was residence! Yeah, residence, that's the one. You will get a free residence!" He pulled out a keycard and threw it to the group.

"That will also include free food, but since we don't have chefs on the Floor, you will have to cook for yourselves." Bob looked pleased with his speech and was about to go on his way.

"Hey, aren't you going to tell us about the Test on the Floor?" Leesoo questioned him.

"Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to do that as well, aren't I?" Bob answered while scratching his dirty hair.

"So, uhmmm, the Test is called Tower Defence! You can challenge the test with a maximum of eleven members. You will have to face another team of Regulars."

"Each Test takes place in a random location. Could be in a forest, could be in a rocky area. Every time it's a different field. Each team of Regulars has its own half of that field."

"Uhhmm, each team will have to be separated into three different groups. The Base team, which could only have only one member that will be chosen radomly. That member would be given a special badge, that when destroyed by the other team, will result in your team failing. Uhhmm, the Regular holding the Base badge is forbidden from attacking or defending. But can move around freely within their half."

"And, uhh, the other two groups are the Tower team and the Minion team. You have to have an equal amount of members in each team."

"Members from the Tower team can only be placed in their half of the field, and can only move around within a specific zone."

"The members from the Minion team, can uhhhmm, move around anywhere. They can attack the other Regular's Tower and Base teams. They could also fight with the other Minion teams as well."

"That's about it! Oh, and also, you have to sing up in advance to take the Test. I think the next free spot is in about two months, or something like that. I think that's all."

Bob picked his nose again and pulled out another booger. His eyes started shining when he saw it, and he ate the booger in delight.

"I knew I had saved up one for later! I'm such a smart guy!" He exclaimed happily as he left the group of Regulars that were watching him in disgust.

"Filthy animal,"

"What a disgusting pig."

Androssi and Tiana commented, repulsed by Bob's actions.

The unassuming brown-haired Regular was feeling a bit awkward and decided to introduce himself. He had the slightest hope of maybe joining Lumen's team.

"Uhm. Hello guys. My name.." He couldn't even get to say his name since a giant pink octopus appeared behind him. One of its tentacles wrapped around the Regular, stopping him from speaking further.

"New floor, new dolls, yay!" Verdi exclaimed while clapping.

The Regular's eyes widened in fear as his life force was suċkėd away. His facial expression soon turned blank, as Verdi happily stored him in her dollhouse.

Lumen's first order of business was to go and sign his team for the Test. He also wanted to see if he could potentially shorten the time needed since he didn't feel like waiting for a couple of months.

Surprisingly, that wasn't a problem at all. Teams were, in fact, happy to give their position to his team. The chance of talking to him or even getting to meet him was more than enough for them. Some even tried their luck of joining his team, but he denied them all.

Lumen didn't expect to become so famous that Regulars would be happy to give their position away to him, but it wasn't that bad. This way, his team could get to take the Test two months earlier than anticipated.

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