At an unknown Floor in the Tower, a group of cloaked individuals had gathered around a round table.

"We've lost contact with Hobo Catfish from the 6th Floor. His last report was before he went to deal with White Star." Sighed one of the individuals. Bob had the monicker of Hobo Catfish due to his dirty and scavenging habits.

"We provided him with a step-by-step plan on how to deal with the situation there. All he had to do was follow the damn plan. What do you mean we lost contact with him?" Another member questioned while slamming his fist on the table. Clearly unhappy with what he was told.

They had given Bob a detailed plan on how to deal with Lumen, and how to avoid the sight of the Guardian of the Floor.

They had specifically sent him an item that could filter out the Shinsoo in an enclosed area. Without Shinsoo, the Guardian would be unable to see what's happening in the tunnel. Leaving Bob, a Ranker, to easily take care of Lumen, who is a simple Regular.

"We don't know what happened, but we haven't been able to contact Hobo Catfish since then. White Star has also been reported to have reached the 7th Floor." The first individual, that spoke, explained to the rest.

"So, you are telling us that a Regular from the 6th Floor, somehow managed to take down a Ranker, when the conditions were in the Ranker's favor?" Another member asked in wonder. He couldn't understand how that's possible.

Not a single member there was willing to believe that a Regular was able to deal with a Ranker. Especially so, when the area they should have been fighting, was void of Shinsoo.

In order to become a Ranker, you would have to climb to the 134th Floor of the Tower. While climbing your body would be molded by the Shinsoo on each Floor. The higher you reach, the denser the Shinsoo becomes, and in return, the stronger your physical body becomes.

Yet, despite having a foolproof plan, something had gone wrong. The problem was that they didn't know what went wrong. No matter how they saw it, Bob should have killed Lumen as easily as crushing an ant.

"There's all that talk, that the Lo Po Bia Family had already given him a dowry. It's possible that's true, and he could have been given an incredibly strong creature." A member that had been quiet until now spoke up, and the others turned their attention to him.

"They were the first to express their interest in him. Maybe he is an exceptionally talented Anima as well, which could be the reason they want him in their Family." He gave his reasoning.

"Then why hasn't this been made public already? Why hasn't White Star confirmed that he will marry into the Lo Po Bia Family and that he had received a creature like that? Why hasn't he came out and told everyone about what happened on that Floor? Won't that make him even more famous than what he already is? Killing a Ranker as a Regular is an amazing prestige, even if you had the help of a creature." Someone questioned him.

This was starting to get out of hand. They could accept that White Star is an exceptionally good Wave Controller since he most likely had spent his entire life working on his Shinsoo control. But now, he could also end up being an especially talented Anima as well.

Then what's next? Would he end up with an extremely strong physical body, as well? How many special traits would just a single Regular end up having? That didn't seem likely to the gathered individuals since they would have known about such a person in the Tower.

"Whatever the case may be, White Star is someone that we need to take care of. The best thing would be if we could replace his position on that team with someone of ours." That's something everyone in the room agreed with.

"Have we received any information about him from Headon? Usually, he would give us a heads up on Regulars like White Star." One of them questioned.

The moment the last word left his mouth, another cloaked individual entered the room.

"I just now received information about him from Headon." The member that just entered sat on the table and massaged his temple.

"That's some pretty good timing. What did he say?" One of the members eagerly asked. They practically had zero information on White Star. He was an enigma that appeared out of nowhere.

"Do you want to hear the bad news or the worst news?" That question momentarily froze everyone in the room.

"Give us the bad news first." Someone finally answered.

"Bad news is, he is another Irregular." Everyone gulped hearing that. That was just the bad news.

Two Irregulars had just entered the Tower, and that's an unprecedented event in itself. One of them was very knowledgable about the Tower and understood it very well.

The other one was a very unrefined diamond with a lot of potential. They were planning on refining that gem and molding him to their dėsɨrė.

Now, there is a third one as well, which seems to have more potential than the ones they currently have. This is just when comparing them at the moment.

If Bam had to fight over 200 Regulars, he would surely lose his life. While White Star was easily able to kill them off in less than a minute.

Should the two increase in strength at the same pace, White Star would end up being stronger than Bam for sure. They might have ended up with the short end of the stick.

"Another Irregular?! Are you joking? The Tower has a total of five Irregulars if we count the two that we have. And now you are telling us there is a third as well?"

"If we count White Star, that means the Tower has a total of six Irregulars. Half of them had entered the Tower at the same time! What does this event signify?!?"

The whole situation sounded absurd to the gathered individuals. Irregulars were an extremely rare occurrence, and each time they appeared, they had created chaos, and their presence alone has caused the Tower to change in various ways.

Now there are three of them at the same time. What kind of chaos would they end up causing?

But at least, they could understand White Star a bit more, knowing he is an Irregular.

They understood why he was given so much attention from everyone else. The others might not know that he is an Irregular, but they were all drawn to him in some way. He had that type of aura about him, as the one other Irregulars have.

"I don't care what that means! What's the worst news if this is the bad new?" An individual that has stayed silent throughout the whole conversation asked.

The one that told them about Lumen being an Irregular let out a short chuckle. The kind of laugh where despite knowing how bad the situation is, you just laugh it out.

"Headon said, I quote him: You can do whatever you want, but it won't change a thing. Yo..." He couldn't continue since a member slammed his fist into the table, breaking it in the process.

"What the hell does that mean?!"

The cloaked individual that was speaking let out a sigh and continued quoting Headon. "You can throw whatever you can think of at him, but it won't make a difference."

"It won't make a difference? Is that stupid rabbit looking down on us?" The member that broke the table was fuming with anger.

"You do remember how strong Urek was when he came into the Tower, right? What if he is just as strong, but simply hiding it? Don't forget that Headon was the one that gave him a Test. He must've had his reason for telling us this." Another individual gave his reasoning.

"I don't care about that!" He yelled out his response and turned towards a particular member. "Karaka, go and deal with White Star. Either make him join us or kill him. End of the discussion!"

Meanwhile, on the 77th Floor, at the Wolhaiksong base.

A tall, handsome, blonde man with red eyes was sitting on a couch and watching television. The man was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants similar to the clothes Lumen usually wears.

The blonde man was switching through the channels at lightning speed when he finally got tired of that. Turning off the tv, he threw the remote at a wall. The small device broke through the wall as if it was made of paper and flew away.

Unfortunately, when the remote made contact with the wall, it hit one of the buŧŧons on it and turned the tv back on.

The man then turned in annoyance towards a woman that was in the room. Pink hair, with a childish face, the woman was wearing a red zentai while communication with someone on her Pocket.

"White Star this, White Star that. Why are they all talking about a Regular from the 6th Floor, when they should be talking about me!"

"Shut up, Urek. When you climbed the Tower in a record time of 50 years, absolutely everyone had you in their mouth. And not in the way you wanted it." The pink-haired woman responded to him.

"But, baby, I'm awesome! Everyone should be talking about me! Look, baby, I'm a hundred times more handsome than him!"

"More handsome than who?" A woman's voice came from behind him, and Urek turned around just in time to see Princess Yuri and Evan walk into the room.

She had just returned from reporting that she now owns two of the 13 Months Series and from visiting one of her adopted sisters.

"Yuri! Please tell her I'm better looking than this White Star everyone is talking about, baby." Urek told her while pointing at the television.

"Hey, Evan, isn't that Lumen?" Yuri asked the Silver Dwarf.

"Yes, that's definitely him. We did miss him on the 2nd Floor, but he seems to have gotten quite famous already." Evan replied to her.

"Wait, baby, you know him?" Urek asked Yuri.

"Can you stop calling me baby? And yes, I know him. I also owe him a date." Her answer caused Urek to stare at her in surprise. His pride was crushed, hearing that a Regular managed to score a date with Yuri, while he couldn't.

"But, baby. You don't even want to go out on a date with me. Why would you go out on a date with a Regular?" Urek asked her with a trembling voice.

"He is not a Regular, Lumen is an Irregular. And I owe him a date because Evan here failed to see his strength." Yuri answered while staring hatefully at Evan.

"Princess, I told you already that he looked like as normal as the previous one. Please, stop bullying me." Evan replied, embarrassed that he couldn't see through Lumen's strength. He was supposed to be one of the best Guides in the Tower, yet he couldn't see what's so special about Lumen.

"Wait, that White Star dude is an Irregular? Is that what you are saying, baby?" Urek jumped from his seat when he heard that. At least it's an Irregular that scored a date with Yuri and not a simple Regular. He felt relieved.

"Yes, I was there when he entered the Tower," Yuri confirmed.

"That's good! Now it's more understandable why everyone is talking about him! I will forgive him for that." Urek looked very excited that there's another Irregular.

"Got it! I made up my mind. I'm going to go and see my little bro. Evan, you are coming with me." Urek had already grabbed Evan and was carrying him under his shoulder.

"Show me the fastest path to the Lower Floors." With a grin, he commanded the Silver Dwarf, who looked extremely unwilling.

"Princess, please help me!" He called out to her, hoping she would come to his rescue.

"You're going to see Lumen? I'm coming with you then. I do owe him a date, after all. I'm not going to go back on my words." Yuri's response, made Evan start crying.

The poor Guide was being used and abused for his special abilities without his consent. Despite him being one of the strongest High Rankers, he couldn't do anything about the situation.

One is a Princess of Zahard, and Evan is her personal guide. The other is one of the strongest existences in the entire Tower. There are no more than a handful of Rankers that could even compete against him. Urek could probably kill Evan before the Guide could think of a way to defend himself.

"Evan, show us the fastest way to go to Lumen!" Yuri commanded him as well.

"Yes, Princess." With tears in his eyes, he complied. He had just recently guided Yuri to the Lower Floors, and now he would have to do it again. Incidents like this are the moments he regretted being born as a Guide.

While all of that was happening, Lumen was sitting on a table in a coffee shop and talking with a Regular from the 7th Floor.

"So, Vespa, you call yourself the fastest Regular from the Lower Floors?" He asked a short girl with luminous blue-grey hair. She was wearing a blue fur coat and had bee-like wings coming out of her back.

"Yes, no one can compete with me when it comes to speed." Confidently she replied.

"We'll see about that. I also heard you are a very talented close combat fighter using a needle." Vespa's ruthlessness was quite famous on the 7th Floor.

With more than a dozen stories about her expertise way of handling a specialized needle and her deadly poison. No one has been able to survive after being poisoned by her.

"No one on this Floor can match me in close combat." Arrogantly she replied.

"Then how about having a spar with me? If you are strong as the Regulars say, I will let you join my team. But should you end up as a weakling, you might die during the spar." Lumen asked her with a grin.

"Ha! Arrogant human. The same goes for you! If you end up being weaker than what is expected from your fame, you might end up dying by my poison. If you can't at least force me to transform into my ȧduŀt form, then I can guarantee you will definitely die today." Vespa answered with a grin of her own.

"But if you prove to be stronger than me, I will join your team and follow your commands." She finished with a more respectful voice.

"Then it's decided. Follow me." Lumen stood up and Vespa followed suit. The two exited the coffee shop and made their way towards an open area, where they could have their spar.

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