While Androssi was pouting like a little girl, a man dressed in a white suit with a red tie walked over. The man had long brown hair and a curly mustache.

"Hello, Regulars. My name is Raphael, and I'm an Administrator on the 8th Floor." He greeted the group with a bow.

"The lovely miss over here." Raphael pointed at Androssi. "Said that all of you are part of the same team. Is this correct?" He questioned the group, which nodded to confirm.

"Lovely! Then I will register you as Androssi's team for the 8th Floor!" Raphael exclaimed, and Androssi snickered while watching Lumen mischievously. Unfortunately, she didn't get a reaction from him.

"With that out of the way, I will explain to you the rules of the Test on the Floor," Raphael told them while twirling his mustache.

"The 8th Floor is a bit larger than the previous Floors and is filled with all kinds of creatures. Your Test will have something to do with those creatures, but what exactly, is still to be decided." He pulled out a crystal ball.

"You see, there are over a hundred different types of missions that you could receive for the 8th Floor. It will all depend on your luck. A member of your team just has to touch the crystal ball, and a mission will be generated for you." Raphael presented the crystal ball, waiting for someone to touch it.

Andorssi boldly marched up to it. "Since the team is named after me, it makes sense that I would be the one to do it." Holding back her laugher, she was glancing back at Lumen's reaction. Sadly for her, he had a blank look on his face.

"Tsch." Clicking her tongue, she touched the crystal ball.

The crystal ball started flashing madly. Like a slot machine, the missions were appearing and disappearing, until it settled onto one.

[Obtain the egg of a Spinosaurus and keep it for a day.] Seeing that, Lumen had a confused look on his face.

'Isn't that a dinosaur?' He wasn't a dinosaur specialist or something like that, but that name definitely sounded like one. He didn't expect to get to see a real dinosaur, but nonetheless, that sounded exciting.

"Oh my!" Raphael exclaimed. "That's probably the toughest mission you could get. Should you have gotten a mission regarding the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Giganotosaurus, or the Carcharodontosaurus, you would have had an easier time." Hearing all those names, Lumen was sure that they are all Dinosaurs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is especially famous on Earth.

"Although all of them are extremely dangerous for F-Rank Regulars, you could still handle them. But the Spinosaurus is a bit different from them. Not only is it faster and stronger, but it's also the smartest one out there. On the 8th Floor, the Spinosaurus is the King of the Beasts." Raphael explained while showing them a picture of the beast.

The Spinosaurus was a large quadruped dinosaur with a sail on his back and a long tail. Long, narrow crocodile-like head, filled with extremely sharp teeth, it could easily swallow a human with it. The beast's body was covered by scales that closely resembled feathers.

Raphael was expecting the group to look scared and frightened from seeing the Spinosaurus, but everyone looked calm and collected. Not a single one had fear in their eyes.

'Well, it's White Star's group, so this should be expected, I suppose.' Raphael thought. Lumen's face was known throughout the whole Tower, so he was easily able to recognize him.

"Now, you will be teleported to a random location on the Floor. From there, you will have to locate your mission objective and complete it. In your case, you will have to obtain the Spinosaurus egg. Once you have it with you, you just have to keep it for a day, and you will pass the Test." Raphael explained to them.

"Well, then. Since we have your mission chosen for the Test of the 8th Floor. It's time to send you off, but before that, you will all be given a gift!" Raphael pulled out ten Lighthouses from his Pocket.

"Every Regular will receive an E10-Rank Lighthouse filled with supplies to last you a month. Since we are very generous, we will even let you keep the Lighthouse!" He exclaimed and presented a Lighthouse to everyone.

"Oh! And also, the time limit for your Test is one month. If you can't complete it within that time frame, you will be teleported back here. And you will have to choose another mission, but you will not receive any further supplies from us." He smiled at the group as he teleported them away.

They all arrived at what appeared to be a small hill. Surrounding them was a giant mangrove forest. You could see the pools of water that the trees were coming from, and you could smell the putrid scent of the water. Mosquitos the size of an arm were flying around.

Everyone was observing their surroundings except Androssi. She was slightly trembling with a distressed look on her face. After a moment, she let out a girly scream. Instantly, the whole group focused their attention on her.

"Androssi, what happened?" Leesoo asked in worry, thinking that she was attacked or saw something dangerous.

"What do you mean, what happened?! How am I supposed to live for a whole month here! No hot baths, no warm and comfy beds. This is pure torture!" Androssi crouched down and silently started sobbing.

She bȧrėly had survived the two days that Lumen had forced them to camp in the forest on the 3rd Floor. Now she would have to stay in this environment for maybe a month. And should they fail the Test, they would have to stay even longer. This was like the worst nightmare to the Princess of Zahard.

Not a single one of the group tried comforting her. They gave her one last look, like looking at an idiot and continued observing their surroundings.

Lumen was thinking that this would be a suitable place for him and his group to train and increase their strength. But he also had another thought on his mind. "I wonder how will dinosaurs taste?"

"I heard they taste like high-quality chicken. But I never cooked, nor tasted one so I might be wrong. Either way, they should be tasty." Aleksai answered him.

"That's good! Well, then. This hill doesn't look so bad, so let's make it our base of operation for the Floor." Everyone, except the distressed Androssi, followed his commands and started setting up their tents.

A week passed since the group had since they came to the 8th Floor. All of them had made some kind of progress in their abilities, be it small or large.

Lumen had expected the dinosaurs to be strong, due to the information he knew from Earth, but they were truly something else. Those beasts lived in an area with Shinsoo, and that made them a whole different kind of monster. Each dinosaur he had encountered so far could easily shatter rocks with their jaws or tear them apart with their claws.

Lumen was exploring the mangrove forest with Saber when a group of five dinosaurs resembling velociraptors had surrounded them. Despite looking like velociraptors, those five were way larger than that. They were nearly the size of Saber.

The five dinosaurs started floating in the air, after being shot by his Baangs. It didn't cause them any damage, but they were rendered immobile while floating in the air. Without ground under their feet, they were nothing more than sitting ducks.

Lumen chuckled, watching the five dinosaurs move their legs in the air helplessly while trying to reach him. He watched their performance a bit longer before he shot a laser at each of them.

Saber was more than happy to gobble those five up. Her bottomless stomach easily devoured the five beasts that were almost as large as her. She had slightly grown, but nothing too major. She was now 4.20m tall and 11m long.

The two continued exploring the forest for another hour while dispatching dinosaurs left and right. Lumen has been searching for a suitable beast that he could potentially tame, but he hadn't had any luck so far. He was also on the look for a Spinosaurus, but he hadn't seen the King of the Beasts either.

Returning back to their camp, he smelled a delicious scent. Aleksai was cooking a giant T-Rex that Anak had hunted.

Lumen didn't know the exact sizes of the famous dinosaur, but the ones on the 8th Floor were at least 8m tall and 16m long. They also had extremely tough bodies, and their scales weren't easy to penetrate.

One of them could easily feed them for at least a month if the black hole named Saber didn't exist.

The food they received from Raphael was ration packs, and they tasted like garbage. Knowing that Aleksai was a very good cook, everyone would bring whatever game they hunted to him. Dinosaurs tasted heavenly, and the group had gotten slightly addicted to the taste.

Androssi was sitting to the side and looked extremely miserable. She had begged Lumen numerous times to go and find the Spinosaurus egg and end the Test as soon as possible. Sadly, he rejected her every time. Had it not been for the incredibly tasty food made by Aleksai, she would have gone crazy already.

Lumen, Androssi, and Anak were all training with 15x gravity at this point. Their physical strength was completely monstrous when compared to other Regulars.

Androssi despised training in an environment where she couldn't take a bath, but she had no choice. Watching both Anak and Lumen improve didn't sit well with her. She is a Princess of Zahard! She couldn't accept others being stronger than her.

Androssi was granted the blood of the King of Tower, and despite that, she could only match Lumen in physical strength. When you include his special abilities, he is far stronger than her. That fact was eating her from the inside, but there was nothing she could do to change that.

Anak was just happy to be able to keep up with Lumen's physical strength. To the green-skinned girl, he was already family. If she could keep up with him and help him out, then she would be glad. That was more than enough for her.

Hatsu had improved to the point where he could train with 10x gravity on. Vespa was the only one that was able to match him, despite that, she was by far the fastest one in their group, not counting Lumen.

Everyone else had increased to 8x gravity. Except for Leesoo, he was still stuck on 6x. He was pushing himself as hard as he can, but everyone else from the group was a pure monster. Nevertheless, his main strength was his intellect, not his physical prowess.

Leesoo already had an understanding of the habitats of almost all the creatures on the 8th Floor. Using that, he was easily able to determine the location of the Spinosaurus, since there were four places where all the creatures avoided.

Lumen was currently on his way towards one of those locations. He didn't plan on completing the Test yet, but he wanted to check out the beast.

He was casually walking through the forest when he heard a monstrous roar. Picking up his pace, he reached the location from where the roar came from.

The Spinosaurus looked at him and let out a roar. Lumen just smirked and started manipulating the surrounding Shinsoo. He applied Reverse-Flow Control on the beast and shot a purple Baang at the King of the Beasts.

Without being able to resist, the creature fell on the ground. Had Lumen used only one of those techniques, the Spinosaurus would have been able to resist. But he had combined both techniques, and the beast didn't stand a chance.

Its beady eyes stared hatefully at Lumen. It was a beast that rampaged through the 8th Floor, and no creature dared to stay in its path. It wanted to chomp on the small creature in front of it, but it couldn't move a muscle. That hateful stare slowly turned into a fearful one.

The Spinosaurus is by far the apex predator on the 8th Floor, but it finally met its match. The one in front of it was predator even stronger, despite his small stature compared to the beast. As much as it wanted to chomp on the small human, it knew that it stood no chance.

Lumen walked up to the Spinosaurus and placed his hand on its head. He started infusing it with his Shinsoo and slowly subjugated the beast. It took him a minute, but he successfully tamed it. Releasing his suppression techniques, the dinosaur could finally move his body.

It slowly stood up and stared respectfully at Lumen while awaiting his commands.

"What should I call you? Hmm... How about Berserker?" Hearing its new name, the Spinosaurus let out a roar of approval. Berserker was a male one, so he didn't even bother searching for an egg. He also didn't want to end the Test just yet.

Lumen jumped on top of his new creature and ordered him to go towards his group's camp.

Although the group was surprised for a moment, seeing Lumen on top of the Spinosaurus, they quickly understood that's his new subjugated creature. He had complained a few times that he hadn't managed to find a good one, so they knew he was searching for a creature to tame.

Androssi looked beyond ecstatic at the prospect of leaving this place. Her clothes were dirty, her hair was dirty, she was dirty, she just wanted to take a nice and hot shower.

When they reached the location, they were easily able to locate the beast. They had to team up to take it down since Lumen didn't participate. He just sat to the side and observed them.

Unfortunately for the group, the Spinosaurus was a male one, so they just wasted their time. Androssi was on the verge of crying since they had to travel quite a bit to reach the other one's location. She badly wanted to leave this Floor already.

They had to travel for another day before they finally reached the other location. Thankfully, they had two more days left before the end of the Test.

With their teamwork, they easily took the Spinosaurus down but finding the egg wasn't as easy as they thought. It took them nearly half a day before they finally found it.

Leesoo had luckily stumbled and fell down exactly where the Spinosaurus's nest was. He had hit the egg with his head, but thankfully, the tough shell didn't brake.

Having acquired the egg, Aleksai cooked the giant dinosaur as they waited for the end of the Test. Once a day passed, they were all teleported out of the mangrove forest.

"Congratulations! You have successfully completed one of the..." Raphael couldn't continue since Androssi interrupted him.

"Shut up! Just send us to the next floor already!" She screamed out. Raphael looked at her, but after he saw her appearance, he understood her plight.

"I'm awarding you 10 000 Points for completing the hardest mission on the Floor. Good luck climbing the Tower, Regulars." With that, they had reached the 9th Floor.


Quick trivia over here.

6 years in the Tower equal to about 1 year outside the Tower. Also, each year in the Tower has 13 months. The date system was brought by Zahard and the 10 Great Warriors. If any of you talk about there being more than 10 Warriors, Zahard would like to know your location.

Due to the fact that everyone lives for so long, those in the Tower are judged by their appearance. For example, since Lumen looks like someone in his twenties, he is considered a young ȧduŀt, despite being only 21. Which is a very young age for someone in the Tower.

Anak, on the other hand, looks like a kid but is over 300 years old. She is considered a child due to her appearance. So even though she is over 300 years old, she is not a legal loli :D

Also, racial traits, like Vespa's wings and ability to transform into her ȧduŀt form, are highly viewed by the inhabitants of the Tower.

Regulars usually take around 500 years to reach the top. Yuri did in 200 years and is considered a genius. The fastest recorded time is 50 years by Urek. No one knows how long Zahard and the 10 Great Warriors took to reach the top.

After becoming E-Rank Regulars, which is after the 20th Floor, some of them spend around 3 to 40 years before even taking another Test. Passing the 33th Floor makes you a D-rank Regular.

Someone had commented that time flows differently in the three Tower Areas. But as much I searched for that, I couldn't find any confirmation on that info. If any of you know for sure, please leave a comment.

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