Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 3 - Second Floor (1)

Lumen woke up laying on the ground, after blacking out and forcefully being teleported away. He picked himself off the ground and studied his surroundings.

Lumen was in a grassy field surrounded by tall yellow grass. The place looked perfect for predators like snakes to thrive in. Just as he was thinking what the next test might be and what kind of creatures would he have to fight, he heard a voice from the sky.

"Mic test! Mic test! One, two, three."

"Hello, everyone! All the Regulars that made it to the Tower, we sincerely welcome all of you to the 2nd Floor, Evankhell's Floor."

"This Floor is also called the Floor of Tests because here we carry out the final test to see whether you are qualified to go up the Tower."

"I will explain the details to you later. Now, let's begin the 1st Test."

"The rule for the 1st Test is as follows. There are 400 Regulars here, narrow that 400 down to 200. Try every possible means."

Once the voice finished the announcement, Lumen heard a dying scream in the background. He thought that the Test would be like his previous one, and he would need to kill another beast, but he was wrong.

On Earth, Lumen was a professional ȧssassin that took missions from one gang to eliminate other rival ones. His idea was to slowly kill them off one by one until only a single gang remained.

Then he would eliminate the last one as well, removing the last 'evil' and acting like a vigilante. But deep down he knew that he was doing it, because he enjoyed it.

The first time he picked up a handgun, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. That's why he used his Devil Fruit in the manner of shooting a gun. It simply felt natural to him.

The first time he went hunting for wild animals, he loved it. The thrill Lumen experienced hunting was amazing, but he soon got bored of it.

Since hunting animals became boring, he moved onto humans. That was a whole new experience. He had to pick his targets carefully, and he had to make sure that he didn't get caught in the process.

In the end, that started becoming dull as well. To escape reality, he began reading manga and various fictions. The abilities of the characters were fascinating to him. He wished for powers like theirs, but that was nothing but a dream.

Lumen is a monster and he knew it, but he felt constrained by the world. Then out of nowhere, he got thrust into a world with supernatural powers.

Here in the Tower, where he would have to step over others to climb higher, he felt at home. A peaceful smile formed on his face once he realized that he could finally be himself.

As Lumen was appreciating the gift that he received, he saw someone rushing at him in the distance. A green-skinned, hulking creature was running in his direction with a pure red spear in hand. Around 20m away from him, the creature came to a stop and threw the spear in his direction.

Lumen's natural reaction was to get out of its way and dodge the attack. No normal human would wait to get impaled by a spear. However, he was no longer a normal human. He steeled himself and didn't move from his spot.

After receiving the three Devil Fruits, he instinctively knew how to use them. But just because he knew how to use them, that didn't mean he had the practice to do so.

Lumen transformed his body into light, and the red spear pierced through him. He felt absolutely no pain from the spear going through him.

His transformed state was that of a pure white being, rather than a yellow one. His features were still the same and his clothes transformed alongside him.

Feeling pleased with himself, Lumen decided to thank the creature for helping him test his Devil Fruit powers. "Thank you for your ȧssistance. I will make sure to remember you."

He made a handgun gesture with his hand and fired a light beam at the green-skinned creature. The Hulk wannabe was still unable to comprehend how his spear did no damage to the human before his head got pierced by the laser. With a hole going through his head, the creature fell on the ground.

"Now, let's go and find some Regulars to take care of." Lumen said to himself. Before he could pick a direction to go, he heard a noise from the tall grass on his right.

"Found my next target." Lumen said out loud and aimed his hand towards the creature there.

"Please don't kill me!" A voice pleaded from the tall grass, catching him by surprise.

A small creature no more than a 1.20m tall walked out from the grass. Its head was just as big as its body with three big eyes on it. The dark-brownish creature was holding what appeared to be a long, black needle in his hand.

"Please don't kill me, I could work for you. The Test giver said that we have to reduce the number of Regulars to 200, but he didn't say that we can't team up to do it." One of the creature's eyes opened up like a mouth when it was speaking.

Lumen was surprised hearing the creature speak. He believed that the other Regulars would be humans like him, while the Guardians of the Floors would be weird intelligent creatures. It finally dawned on Lumen that there would be other races partaking the test.

"So the big green guy I just killed was a Regular?" He questioned the small creature.

"Yes." The alien being was momentarily confused by the question, but it responded nonetheless. If the green guy wasn't a Regular than what else could he be.

"Wonderful!" Lumen said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for clarifying that for me." Hearing him, the creature thought he had a chance to survive. But then he saw Lumen point his hand in his direction. It immediately took off running, but his short legs couldn't take him far before it fell on the ground with a hole in his head.

After traveling for a 100m, he had to stop and take a breather. His body was perfectly fine, but his head felt like exploding. Moving at his maximum speed put a huge strain on his mind. The amount of information was too much for his brain to handle.

"This will take some time before I get used to it." He had just received his Devil Fruit and hadn't fully adjusted to it.

Since going at full speed was a no go at the moment, he experimented for a moment. After finding a comfortable speed where his brain wouldn't hurt, he felt pleased with himself. It might not be the speed of light, but he believed this would be enough for now.

With that out of the way, he continued in the direction he initially picked. After traveling for a few minutes he found two people fighting. Both looked human, but one of them had six eyes.

The six-eyed alien was using a large needle while the human had a sword in his hands. Lumen observed the fight for a moment, to see how those in the Tower fought.

Both of them looked to be stronger physically than humans from Earth, but they weren't anything special. He was expecting more from then and wondered how they managed to pass the test from the 1st Floor.

Then again, they did call him an Irregular and maybe they had a different test from him. He still didn't know what's the difference between an Irregular and a Regular.

After a minute or so fighting, the six-eyed alien drove the needle-like weapon through the human's heart. Since there was no point in watching anymore, he shot the alien with a light beam in the head and took care of him.

Lumen picked up the large needle and decided to test it out. He wasn't much of a close-range fighter, but that could change in the future. He picked another direction and continued on his way.

With the needle in his hand, he pierced right through the six-armed alien. Before the green blood of the alien could reach him, he was already a distance away from him.

"This is really fun." Lumen exclaimed while panting from the mental exhaustion of going at light speed. After a brief rest to calm his throbbing head, he continued searching for more Regulars.

This time he found a group of them. Two human-looking men were fighting while two more women were watching on the side. The men had purple skin and were over 2m tall. The women, on the other hand, were no more than 1.7m tall and looked identical to humans. The only difference being that they had green and purple hair.

The two men were nicely lined up for him, so Lumen took aim and hit them both with his light beam. They didn't stand a chance and the laser easily pierce through them.

Seeing the two purple-skinned men be killed by him, the women looked at Lumen in fear. They had tricked the two men to fight each other for their affection and planned to kill the victor. Unfortunately, both men were eliminated by Lumen.

The two women had heard stories of Regulars and Rankers from the upper Floors, that have amazing powers, but they didn't expect to meet someone so dangerous on the 2nd Floor.

Lumen looked at them with a smile and aimed in their direction. Before he could fire his light beam at him, he heard the voice of the Test giver.

"Mic test~! Everyone stay where you are. The 1st Test is over now. The remaining Regulars stop what you are doing and listen carefully!"

"Any Regulars fighting from now on will be eliminated. The 200 Regulars who passed the 1st Test, congratulations to all of you."

"It's a bit of a rush, but a short 2nd Test will be carried out right away. The challenge for the 2nd Test is 'Getting Teammates'."

"There are 200 remaining Regulars here. From those who remain, find two regulars to be your teammates. For your reference, we are giving you a 5-minute time limit."

"Ok, starting now, make a team of three. If you don't make a team in 5 minutes, you are eliminated."

"Oh, and one more thing, to be considered a team, you need to be touching some part of your teammates bodies when the time limit is over. Then, to all of you, good luck!"

After hearing the Test giver, Lumen looked at the two females in disappointment. Both of them did look like beauties and could easily be models on Earth, but Lumen didn't discriminate when killing. There's also the fact that they paled in terms of beauty when compared to Princess Yuri, who he met on the 1st Floor.

He wanted to play around with his Devil Fruit powers a bit more, but the Test had already finished so he had no other choice.

"Well, ladies, it seems we are stuck together." Lumen told the two and started walking in their direction. Seeing him move towards them, both ladies took a step back in fear.

The next moment, Lumen turned into his light form and appeared in between them. He put his hands over their shoulders and brought them closer to him. "So what should I call you two ladies."


In case someone of you had misunderstood me, I would like to clarify that Lumen received a total of 3 Devil Fruits. 1 Logia, 1 Paramecia, and 1 Zoan.

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