Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 30 - Ninth Floor (2)

Princess Yuri stayed with Lumen's group for a bit. Her little niece was a part of that group, so she wanted to see how she is doing.

Anak was surprisingly pleased with being in his team. Yuri was happy to hear that. She remembered how her niece was angry at the world and hated everyone the last time she saw her on the 2nd Floor. This was a pleasant change in her eyes.

Yuri asked his other teammates how they met and what they've been through so far. She was waiting for Lumen and Urek to come back, but things were getting out of hand at this point. She had waited for over four hours, and there were no signs of the two. She was at the limits of her patience.

"Evan, lead me to Urek and Lumen!" Yuri's command, teared up Evan. The Silver Dwarf was always bullied by Urek, and Lumen is the reason he gets bullied by Yuri. He didn't want to see either of those two Irregulars that cause him so much trouble.

"Yes, Princess." Letting out a sigh, he started moving in the direction, he couldn't see clearly. Even though his senses of a Guide couldn't see through the two Irregulars, he was able to pinpoint their location. Evan could easily read the whole 9th Floor, except for a single place that was sticking out like a sore thumb.

With their abilities of Hign Rankers, the two were able to reach the location of the two Irregulars pretty quickly. However, what they saw wasn't quite what they expected.

Bottles of liquor were littered around the place, and it wasn't just any kind of alcohol. They were bottles of Fire Throat, a drink that even High Rankers can't take too much of, and there were over twenty bottles on the ground. Both Lumen and Urek were holding a bottle in their hand while facing each other.

Urek was laughing as he sent a punch in Lumen's direction. He didn't reinforce his attack with Shinsoo, and he didn't need to. His physical strength is through the roof, and even High Rankers won't dare take his punch head-on.

Yet, Lumen didn't even try to dodge the attack. His body turned into a light, and Urek's punch went straight through him.

"Ha! I hit you! Drink!" Urek laughed out, and Lumen drank from his bottle.

"Wait! That didn't hurt me, though. You drink!" Urek's eyes widened, and he sagely noded.

"You're right." The blonde Irregular took a drink.

Now Lumen sent a punch towards Urek, and the blonde man let the attack hit him.

"Drink! I hit you!" Lumen said, and Urek took drank from his bottle.

"But that didn't hurt me! You drink!" Lumen gasped and took a sip from his bottle.

This kind of exchange continued until they both had emptied their bottles. Urek took out two more, handed one to Lumen, and they proceed to do the same thing.

Evan and Yuri looked at each other and wondered. 'What the hell is going on here?!'

Urek was having a lot of fun. He wanted to know what has happened in the outside world since he was tricked into coming to the Tower. That didn't happen since Lumen had absolutely no knowledge about that, but he got to know someone from Earth. The place where those drifter Gods came from.

And there weren't just a dozen or so Gods. No, there were hundreds of them, with a lot of powerhouses amongst them.

Together, all of them were so strong, that every faction and power in the Universe, had to band together to drive them out of that Galaxy. They couldn't kill them, so they had to make a contract with them, to let them roam free around the Universe. The scariest part is that they all came from the same place, yet no one even knew where that is.

The Gods from Earth scared everyone so much that all factions in the Universe made another contract. One that forbids from people entering the Tower. No one wanted to see another incident with over a hundred Gods coming out of nowhere and taking over a Galaxy again.

Urek has heard a lot of stories about them, but he never got to meet one. Now, he got the chance to meet someone from Earth, and he was starting to get scared of that place.

Lumen was adamant he didn't have any special powers before Loki had appeared, and Urek was sure that he is truthful. However, that meant that he had his powers for less than a year, and yet he already has a good grasp on them.

That's another thing that confused him. Urek was born the child of two Gods. That's an extremely rare event since his parents have been together for over a million years, and he is their one and only child.

Since the moment he was born, he had his abilities. Urek had spent years to learn not to crush things with his immense power. He entered the Tower when he was over 200 years old, and he was already a powerhouse. Lumen is 21 years old and has had his powers for less than a year. 'Is everyone from Earth a monster? What the heck?'

Lumen was born as a normal and weak human, and received his powers, right before coming to the Tower. He was starting to believe Loki did end up granting him his powers somehow, but that's just impossible.

Urek thought that maybe Lumen was Loki's child, and he had locked his powers, but that didn't make any sense as well. Why wouldn't he train him from a young age? Why would he wait until now, and sent him to the Tower right after he received his powers?

He wasn't the smartest out there, so he stopped thinking about that. He found someone similar to him, so he embraced the moment. Maybe in the future, Lumen could even help him out with escaping the Tower.

He could always march up to the last Floor and take the challenge, but should he do that, he will face the wrath of all the factions in the Universe. That would cause a lot of trouble for his father, so he was trying to find a way out of the Tower without becoming a God or Immortal.

Yuri and Evan observed the two for some time, but the Princess was starting to get annoyed. They weren't hiding their presence, but the two didn't even turn to look at them. They were just throwing punch after punch while drinking and laughing like idiots.

"Damn it, Urek! Why did you steal my date?" Yuri yelled at Urek and sent a kick his way. He flew away but stood with only a bit of blood flowing down his mouth. Yuri might be one of the strongest people in the Tower when it comes to physical abilities, but Urek is on a completely different level.

"Änd you! I came from the 77th Floor just to go on a date with you. How dare you stand me up!" Yuri turned towards Lumen, prepared to hit him as well, but he was already passed out, sleeping on the ground.

Angered by that, she turned towards Urek. "Look at what you did! Now, I can't even go on my date!" She started punching and kicking him, but Urek laughed it out.

"You could always go on a date with me." He suggested, but Yuri shot him down.

"Fuck that! Who wants to go on a date with you?!" She continued beating him since Lumen was already sleeping.

The next time Lumen opened his eyes, he was sleeping in a bed. Looking around, he was in an unfamiliar room. The last thing he remembered is drinking with Urek and sharing stories. He had no idea how he ended up in this room.

"Well, you are finally up." Turning to where the voice came from, he saw Evan sitting on a chair.

"Where am I? And why are you here?" Lumen questioned the Silver Dwarf. He did remember seeing him when Urek arrived, but he didn't know why he is waiting for him.

Evan let out a sigh. "You better take a bath and get ready for your date."

Confused by his words, Lumen asked him. "Date? What are you talking about?"

"Your date with Princess Yuri! She came here from the 77th Floor just for you. Let me tell you, she is pretty mad at you for standing her up." Evan explained to him. He personally knew how hot-tempered the Princess is.

"Yuri?" Lumen had nearly forgotten about his date with her. It happened the moment he arrived in the Tower, and that whole experience felt like a dream to him.

"When did I stood her up?" He didn't remember such a thing happening. He didn't even remember seeing her after the 1st Floor.

"Yesterday, when you went to drink with Urek," Evan told him with a frown. He wasn't the biggest fan of the two Irregulars.

"What? I didn't even know she is here. How did I stand up her up?" That didn't make sense to him.

"Ha, she doesn't care about that. In her eyes, she came specifically to have her date with you, and you didn't show up. Princess Yuri had never gone a date, and she got stood up on her first one, trust me, she isn't happy about that. You better hurry up and prepare since I already told her you are up." Evan told him with an evil smirk.

Lumen got up from the bed and made his way towards the bathroom when he heard Evan from behind him. "She said you have half an hour at most before she gets really angry."

After getting cleaned up and putting on some clothes, Lumen exited the room. Only to find Yuri standing in front with her arms crossed under her bosom. Dressed in a white buŧŧon-up shirt and a red skirt that didn't even reach her knees, exposing her long legs, she was looking at him with an angry expression.

"You are beautiful, but you would look so much better in a dress." Yuri's response to his compliment was to send a punch towards his face. Thankfully, she didn't reinforce it with Shinsoo, so he was able to avoid it by turning into light.

"You've got guts complimenting me after standing me up yesterday! And what's wrong with my clothes?" Yuri looked down. What she wore is considered formal wear. She thought that's appropriate for a date.

"Nothing's wrong with your clothes. You look good in them. I just think a dress will make you even more beautiful. Keep that in mind for our next date." Lumen winked at her.

"Pah! Who says I will go out with you again. I'm doing it this time because I owe you." She threw another punch at him, but it easily went through him. "Tsch."

"This time, you're going out with me because you owe, while next time you will do it voluntarily. Let's go and see what this Floor has to offer." Lumen winked at her and presented his arm to her.

Yuri looked at him, wondering what is he doing. "Why are you holding your arm like that?"

"When two people go on a date, they usually link their arms." He explained to her.

"Oh, yeah?" She questioned, and he nodded in response. "Yeah."

Yuri linked her arm with his, but she applied force, intending to punish him for standing her up. Without even letting out a sound, Lumen healed whatever damage she caused with his Phoenix flames.

Yuri was surprised seeing the weird white flame. It didn't burn her, nor cause her any pain. It felt pleasant and warm. It also healed his arm in an instant. 'So, besides his light abilities, he also has a weird flame ability that heals him.'

"So, do you have any preferences on where you want to go?" Lumen asked her.

"You haven't even chosen a place for us to go to? Tsch, tsch, tsch. This is my first time going on a date, and I'm already disappointed." Jokingly she laughed out.

"I still haven't explored the Floor, and I didn't even know you will be coming. You could have given me a heads up." Lumen shrugged his shoulders.

"What? You're the one that asked for a date, I thought you would be prepared for it." Yuri teased him

"I was hoping to have it right after the Test on the 1st Floor. You could have told me more about the Tower, but who would have taught that I will be sent to the next Floor immediately. You could have warned me about that, but you didn't say a word." Lumen replied with another shrug.

"I figured since you are going on your 'Grand Adventure', you would know more about the Tower. Guess I gave you too much credit." Yuri responded with a smirk.

The two continued on with their playful banter as they explored what the 9th Floor has to offer.

Without even realizing it, the two had spent the entire day while traveling between shops and restaurants. At one point, they had stopped teasing each other and started sharing stories about themselves.

Yuri was interested in hearing stories about Earth, and the lifestyle of the people there. She was greatly surprised that the people there had no special powers. She thought all off them are monsters like Lumen and Urek, with weird abilities. Turns out, they are all weak humans with no power.

Lumen, on the other hand, got to learn more about Yuri and her time climbing the Tower. She told him how she is a part of the Ha Family, one of the 10 Great Families. How she was chosen to become a Princess of Zahard due to her incredible talents and how she climbed the Tower in only 200 years.

The two had enjoyed talking with each other and had sat on a bench in a park. Without even realizing it, they had spent the entire night sharing stories about themselves. Their date would have continued on even longer, had it not been interrupted by Urek at the end.

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